< 詩篇 129 >
1 今イスラエルはいふべし彼等はしばしば我をわかきときより惱めたり
A SONG OF THE ASCENTS. Often they distressed me from my youth, Pray, let Israel say:
2 かれらはしばしば我をわかきときより惱めたり されどわれに勝ことを得ざりき
Often they distressed me from my youth, Yet they have not prevailed over me.
3 耕すものはわが背をたがへしてその畎をながくせり
Plowers have plowed over my back, They have made their furrows long.
YHWH [is] righteous, He has cut apart cords of the wicked.
5 シオンをにくむ者はみな恥をおびてしりぞかせらるべし
All hating Zion [are] confounded and turn backward.
They are as grass of the roofs, That withers before it was drawn out,
7 これを刈るものはその手にみたず 之をつかぬるものはその束ふところに盈ざるなり
That has not filled the hand of a reaper, And the bosom of a binder of sheaves.
8 かたはらを過るものはヱホバの惠なんぢの上にあれといはず われらヱホバの名によりてなんぢらを祝すといはず
And the passers by have not said, “The blessing of YHWH [is] on you, We blessed you in the Name of YHWH!”