< 詩篇 110 >

1 ヱホバわが主にのたまふ 我なんぢの仇をなんぢの承足とするまではわが右にざすべし
A psalm of David. Yahweh says to my master, “Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.”
2 ヱホバはなんぢのちからの杖をシオンよりつきいださしめたまはん 汝はもろもろの仇のなかに王となるべし
Yahweh will hold out the scepter of your strength from Zion; rule among your enemies.
3 なんぢのいきほひの日になんぢの民は聖なるうるはしき衣をつけ 心よりよろこびて己をささげん なんぢは朝の胎よりいづる壯きものの露をもてり
Your people will follow you in holy garments of their own free will on the day of your power; from the womb of the dawn your youth will be to you like the dew.
4 ヱホバ誓をたてて聖意をかへさせたまふことなし 汝はメルキセデクの状にひとしくとこしへに祭司たり
Yahweh has sworn, and will not change: “You are a priest forever, after the manner of Melchizedek.”
5 主はなんぢの右にありてそのいかりの日に王等をうちたまへり
The Lord is at your right hand. He will kill kings on the day of his anger.
6 主はもろもろの國のなかにて審判をおこなひたまはん 此處にも彼處にも屍をみたしめ 寛濶なる地をすぶる首領をうちたまへり
He will judge the nations; he will fill the battlegrounds with dead bodies; he will kill the leaders in many countries.
7 かれ道のほとりの川より汲てのみ斯てかうべを擧ん
He will drink of the brook along the road, and then he will lift his head up high after victory.

< 詩篇 110 >