< 詩篇 109 >
TO THE OVERSEER. A PSALM OF DAVID. O God of my praise, do not be silent,
2 かれらは惡の口とあざむきの口とをあけて我にむかひ いつはりの舌をもて我にかたり
For the mouth of wickedness, and the mouth of deceit, They have opened against me, They have spoken with me—A tongue of falsehood, and words of hatred!
3 うらみの言をもて我をかこみ ゆゑなく我をせめて闘ふことあればなり
They have surrounded me about, And they fight me without cause.
4 われ愛するにかれら反りてわが敵となる われただ祈るなり
For my love they oppose me, and I—prayer!
5 かれらは惡をもてわが善にむくい恨をもてわが愛にむくいたり
And they set against me evil for good, And hatred for my love.
6 ねがはくは彼のうへに惡人をたてその右方に敵をたたしめたまへ
Appoint the wicked over him, And an adversary stands at his right hand.
7 かれが鞫かるるときはその罪をあらはにせられ又そのいのりは罪となり
In his being judged, he goes forth wicked, And his prayer is for sin.
His days are few, another takes his oversight,
9 その子輩はみなしごとなり その妻はやもめとなり
His sons are fatherless, and his wife a widow.
10 その子輩はさすらひて乞丐 そのあれたる處よりいできたりて食をもとむべし
And his sons wander continually, Indeed, they have begged, And have sought out of their dry places.
11 彼のもてるすべてのものは債主にうばはれ かれの勤勞は外人にかすめらるべし
An exactor lays a snare for all that he has, And strangers spoil his labor.
12 かれに惠をあたふる人ひとりだになく かれの孤子をあはれむ者もなく
He has none to extend kindness, Nor is there one showing favor to his orphans.
His posterity is for cutting off, Their name is blotted out in another generation.
14 その父等のよこしまはヱホバのみこころに記され その母のつみはきえざるべし
The iniquity of his fathers Is remembered to YHWH, And the sin of his mother is not blotted out.
15 かれらは恒にヱホバの前におかれ その名は地より斷るべし
They are continually before YHWH, And He cuts off their memorial from earth.
16 かかる人はあはれみを施すことをおもはず反りて貧しきもの乏しきもの心のいためる者をころさんとして攻たりき
Because that he has not remembered to do kindness, And pursues the poor man and needy, And the struck of heart—to slay,
17 かかる人は詛ふことをこのむ この故にのろひ己にいたる惠むことをたのしまず この故にめぐみ己にとほざかれり
And he loves reviling, and it meets him, And he has not delighted in blessing, And it is far from him.
18 かかる人はころものごとくに詛をきる この故にのろひ水のごとくにおのれの衷にいり油のごとくにおのれの骨にいれり
And he puts on reviling as his robe, And it comes in as water into his midst, And as oil into his bones.
19 ねがはくは詛をおのれのきたる衣のごとく帶のごとくなして恒にみづから纏はんことを
It is to him as apparel—he covers himself, And he girds it on for a continual girdle.
20 これらの事はわが敵とわが霊魂にさからひて惡言をいふ者とにヱホバのあたへたまふ報なり
This [is] the wage of my accusers from YHWH, And of those speaking evil against my soul.
21 されど主ヱホバよなんぢの名のゆゑをもて我をかへりみたまへ なんぢの憐憫はいとふかし ねがはくは我をたすけたまへ
And You, O Lord YHWH, Deal with me for Your Name’s sake, Because Your kindness [is] good, deliver me.
22 われは貧しくして乏し わが心うちにて傷をうく
For I [am] poor and needy, And my heart has been pierced in my midst.
23 わがゆく状はゆふ日の影のごとく また蝗のごとく吹さらるるなり
I have gone as a shadow when it is stretched out, I have been driven away as a locust.
24 わが膝は斷食によりてよろめき わが肉はやせおとろふ
My knees have been feeble from fasting, And my flesh has failed of fatness.
25 われは彼等にそしらるる者となれり かれら我をみるときは首をふる
And I have been a reproach to them, They see me, they shake their head.
26 わが神ヱホバよねがはくは我をたすけその憐憫にしたがひて我をすくひたまへ
Help me, O YHWH my God, Save me, according to Your kindness.
27 ヱホバよこれらは皆なんぢの手よりいで 汝のなしたまへることなるを彼等にしらしめたまへ
And they know that this [is] Your hand, You, O YHWH, You have done it.
28 かれらは詛へども汝はめぐみたまふ かれらの立ときは恥かしめらるれどもなんぢの僕はよろこばん
They revile, and You bless, They have risen, and are ashamed, And Your servant rejoices.
29 わがもろもろの敵はあなどりを衣おのが恥を外袍のごとくにまとふべし
My accusers put on blushing, and are covered, Their shame [is] as an upper robe.
30 われはわが口をもて大にヱホバに謝し おほくの人のなかにて讃まつらむ
I thank YHWH greatly with my mouth, And I praise Him in the midst of many,
31 ヱホバはまづしきものの右にたちてその霊魂を罪せんとする者より之をすくひたまへり
For He stands at the right hand of the needy, To save from those judging his soul.