< 箴言 知恵の泉 3 >

1 我が子よわが法を忘るるなかれ 汝の心にわが誡命をまもれ
O son my instruction my may not you forget and commandments my let it keep heart your.
2 さらば此事は汝の日をながくし生命の年を延べ平康をなんぢに加ふべし
For length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you.
3 仁慈と眞實とを汝より離すことなかれ 之を汝の項にむすび これを汝の心の碑にしるせ
Loyalty and faithfulness may not they leave you bind them on necks your write them on [the] tablet of heart your.
4 さらばなんぢ神と人との前に恩寵と好名とを得べし
And find favor and insight good in [the] eyes of God and humankind.
5 汝こころを盡してヱホバに倚賴め おのれの聰明に倚ることなかれ
Trust to Yahweh with all heart your and to own understanding your may not you depend.
6 汝すべての途にてヱホバをみとめよ さらばなんぢの途を直くしたまふべし
In all ways your acknowledge him and he he will make straight paths your.
7 自から看て聰明とする勿れ ヱホバを畏れて惡を離れよ
May not you be wise in own eyes your fear Yahweh and turn aside from evil.
8 これ汝の身に良薬となり汝の骨に滋潤とならん
Healing may it be to navel your and refreshment to bones your.
9 汝の貨財と汝がすべての產物の初生をもてヱホバをあがめよ
Honor Yahweh from wealth your and from [the] first of all produce your.
10 さらば汝の倉庫はみちて餘り 汝の酒醡は新しき酒にて溢れん
So they may be filled storehouses your plenty and new wine wine vats your they will burst open.
11 我子よ汝ヱホバの懲治をかろんずる勿れ その譴責を受くるを厭ふこと勿れ
[the] discipline of Yahweh O son my may not you reject and may not you loath rebuke his.
12 それヱホバはその愛する者をいましめたまふ あたかも父のその愛する子を譴むるが如し
For [the one] whom he loves Yahweh he reproves and like a father a son [whom] he is pleased with.
13 智慧を求め得る人および聰明をうる人は福なり
How blessed! [is] a person [who] he finds wisdom and a person [who] he obtains understanding.
14 そは智慧を獲るは銀を獲るに愈りその利は精金よりも善ければなり
For [is] good profit her more than [the] profit of silver and more than gold gain her.
15 智慧は眞珠よりも尊し 汝の凡ての財貨も之と比ぶるに足らず
[is] precious She (more than jewels *Q(k)*) and all pleasures your not they compare with her.
16 其右の手には長壽あり その左の手には富と尊貴とあり
Length of days [is] in right [hand] her [are] in left [hand] her wealth and honor.
17 その途は樂しき途なり その徑すぢは悉く平康し
Ways her [are] ways of kindness and all pathways her [are] well-being.
18 これは執る者には生命の樹なり これ持ものは福なり
[is] a tree of Life she to [those who] take hold on her and [those who] hold fast to her [are] called blessed.
19 ヱホバ智慧をもて地をさだめ 聰明をもて天を置たまへり
Yahweh by wisdom he founded [the] earth he established [the] heavens by understanding.
20 その知識によりて海洋はわきいで 雲は露をそそぐなり
By knowledge his [the] depths they were split open and clouds they dripped dew.
21 我が子よこれらを汝の眼より離す勿れ 聰明と謹愼とを守れ
O son my may not they depart from eyes your keep sound wisdom and discretion.
22 然ばこれは汝の霊魂の生命となり汝の項の妝飾とならん
So they may be life for self your and grace for neck your.
23 かくて汝やすらかに汝の途をゆかん 又なんぢの足つまづかじ
Then you will walk to security way your and foot your not it will strike.
24 なんぢ臥とき怖るるところあらず 臥ときは酣く睡らん
If you will lie down not you will fear and you will lie down and it will be pleasing sleep your.
25 なんぢ猝然なる恐懼をおそれず 惡者の滅亡きたる時も之を怖るまじ
May not you be afraid from terror suddenly and from [the] devastation of wicked [people] that it will come.
26 そはヱホバは汝の倚賴むものにして汝の足を守りてとらはれしめたまはざるべければなり
For Yahweh he will be confidence your and he will keep foot your from capture.
27 汝の手善をなす力あらば之を爲すべき者に爲さざること勿れ
May not you withhold good from owners its when belongs to [the] power of (hand your *Q(K)*) to do [it].
28 もし汝に物あらば汝の鄰に向ひ 去て復來れ明日われ汝に予へんといふなかれ
May not you say (to neighbor your *Q(K)*) go and come back and tomorrow I will give [it] and there is with you.
29 汝の鄰なんぢの傍に安らかに居らば之にむかひて惡を謀ること勿れ
May not you devise on neighbor your harm and he [is] dwelling to security with you.
30 人もし汝に惡を爲さずば故なく之と爭ふこと勿れ
May not (you contend *Q(k)*) with anyone without cause if not he has dealt out to you evil.
31 暴虐人を羨むことなく そのすべての途を好とすることなかれ
May not you be jealous of a person of violence and may not you choose all ways his.
32 そは邪曲なる者はヱホバに惡まるればなり されど義者はその親き者とせらるべし
For [is] [the] abomination of Yahweh a crooked [person] and [is] with upright [people] intimacy his.
33 ヱホバの呪詛は惡者の家にあり されど義者の室はかれにめぐまる
[the] curse of Yahweh [is] on [the] house of [the] wicked and [the] habitation of righteous [people] he blesses.
34 彼は嘲笑者をあざけり 謙る者に恩惠をあたへたまふ
Though mockers he he mocks (and to humble [people] *Q(K)*) he gives favor.
35 智者は尊榮をえ 愚なる者は羞辱之をとりさるべし
Honor wise [people] they will inherit and fools [is] lifting up shame.

< 箴言 知恵の泉 3 >