< 箴言 知恵の泉 27 >

1 なんぢ明日のことを誇るなかれ そは一日の生ずるところの如何なるを知ざればなり
Don't boast about what you're going to do tomorrow, because you don't know what the day may bring.
2 汝おのれの口をもて自ら讃むることなく人をして己を讃めしめよ 自己の口唇をもてせず 他人をして己をほめしめよ
Let others praise you, not you yourself; someone else, not you personally.
3 石は重く沙は軽からず 然ど愚なる者の怒はこの二よりも重し
Stone may be heavy, and sand may weigh a lot, but the annoyance caused by stupid people is the biggest burden of all.
4 忿怒は猛く憤恨は烈し されど嫉妬の前には誰か立ことをを得ん
Fury may be fierce and cruel, anger may be a destructive flood, but who can withstand jealousy?
5 明白に譴むるに秘に愛するに愈る
Open criticism is better than hidden love.
6 愛する者の傷つくるは眞實よりし 敵の接吻するは偽詐よりするなり
A friend's honest comments may hurt you, but an enemy's kisses are over the top.
7 飽るものは蜂の蜜をも踐つく されど饑たる者には苦き物さへもすべて甘し
If you're full up, you can't face honey; but if you're starving, even bitter food tastes sweet.
8 その家を離れてさまよふ人は その巣を離れてさまよふ鳥のごとし
Having to leave home is like a bird having to leave its nest.
9 膏と香とは人の心をよろこばすなり 心よりして勸言を與ふる友の美しきもまた斯のごとし
Perfume and scented oils make you feel happy, but good advice from a friend is even better.
10 なんぢの友と汝の父の友とを棄るなかれ なんぢ患難にあふ日に兄弟の家にいることなかれ 親しき隣は疏き兄弟に愈れり
Don't give up on your friends or your family's friends. Don't go to a relative's house when you've got trouble. A friend nearby is more useful than a relative far away.
11 わが子よ智慧を得てわが心を悦ばせよ 然ば我をそしる者に我こたふることを得ん
My son, make me happy by being wise, so I can respond to anyone who criticizes me.
12 賢者は禍害を見てみづから避け 拙者はすすみて罰をうく
If you're sensible you see danger coming and get out of the way; but stupid people just keep going and suffer the consequences.
13 人の保證をなす者よりは先その衣をとれ 他人の保證をなす者をば固くとらへよ
If someone guarantees a stranger's debt with their cloak, be sure to take it! Make sure you have whatever is pledged to an immoral woman!
14 晨はやく起て大聲にその鄰を祝すれば却て呪詛と見なされん
If when you get up every morning you shout a loud hello to your neighbors, they will see that as a curse!
15 相爭ふ婦は雨ふる日に絶ずある雨漏のごとし
An argumentative wife is as irritating as constant dripping on a rainy day.
16 これを制ふるものは風をおさふるがごとく 右の手に膏をつかむがごとし
Trying to stop her is like trying to make the wind stop or trying to hold olive oil in your hand.
17 鐵は鐵をとぐ 斯のごとくその友の面を研なり
An iron blade is sharpened with an iron tool, and one person's mind is sharpened by another's.
18 無花果の樹をまもる者はその果をくらふ 主を貴ぶものは譽を得
Those who care for a fig tree eat its fruit, and those who care for their master are rewarded.
19 水に照せば面と面と相肖るがごとく 人の心は人の心に似たり
Just as water reflects your face, your mind reflects who you really are.
20 陰府と沈淪とは飽ことなく 人の目もまた飽ことなし (Sheol h7585)
In the same way that the grave and destruction are never satisfied, human desire is never satisfied. (Sheol h7585)
21 坩堝によりて銀をためし鑢によりて金をためし その讃らるる所によりて人をためす
Just as a crucible tests silver, and a furnace tests gold, people are tested by the praise they receive.
22 なんぢ愚なる者を臼にいれ杵をもて麥と偕にこれを搗ともその愚は去らざるなり
Even if you ground stupid people in a mortar, crushing them like grain with the pestle, you can't get rid of stupidity from them.
23 なんぢの羊の情况をよく知り なんぢの群に心を留めよ
You should know the condition of your flocks really well and take good care of your herds,
24 富は永く保つものにあらず いかで位は世々にたもたん
for wealth doesn't last forever—is a crown passed down through all generations?
25 艸枯れ苗いで山の蔬菜あつめらる
Once the hay is cut, and the new growth begins, and fodder from the mountains is gathered,
26 羔羊はなんぢの衣服を出し 牝羊は田圃を買ふ價となり
and the lambs have provided you wool to make clothing, and the sale of goats have paid for a field,
27 牝羊の乳はおほくして汝となんぢの家人の糧となり汝の女をやしなふにたる
there'll be enough milk from your goats to feed you, your family, and your servant girls.

< 箴言 知恵の泉 27 >