< 民数記 4 >
And the Lord spoke to Moses, and Aaron, saying:
2 レビの子孫の中よりコハテの子孫の總數をその宗族に依りその父祖の家にしたがひて計べ
Take the sum of the sons of Caath from the midst of the Levites, by their houses and families.
3 三十歳以上五十歳までにして能く軍団に入り集會の幕屋に働作をなすことを得る者をことごとく數へよ
From thirty years old and upward, to fifty years old, of all that go in to stand and to minister in the tabernacle of the covenant.
4 コハテの子孫が集會の幕屋においてなすべき勤務は至聖物に關る者にして是のごとし
This is the service of the sons of Caath:
5 即ち營を進むる時はアロンとその子等まづ往て障蔽の幕を取おろし之をもて律法の櫃を覆ひ
When the camp is to set forward, Aaron and his sons shall go into the tabernacle of the covenant, and the holy of holies, and shall take down the veil that hangeth before the door, and shall wrap up the ark of the testimony in it,
6 その上に獾の皮の蓋をほどこしまたその上に總靑の布を打かけその杠を差いるべし
And shall cover it again with a cover of violet skins, and shall spread over it a cloth all of violet, and shall put in the bars.
7 また供前のパンの案の上には靑き布を打かけその上に皿匙杓および酒を灌ぐ斝を置きまた常供のパンをその上にあらしめ
They shall wrap up also the table of proposition in a cloth of violet, and shall put with it the censers and little mortars, the cups and bowls to pour out the libations: the leaves shall be always on it:
8 紅の布をその上に打かけ獾の皮の蓋をもてこれを覆ひ而してその杠を差いるべし
And they shall spread over it a cloth of scarlet, which again they shall cover with a covering of violet skins, and shall put in the bars.
9 また靑き布を取て燈臺とその盞その燈鉗その剪燈盤および其に用ふる諸の油の器を覆ひ
They shall take also a cloth of violet wherewith they shall cover the candlestick with the lamps and tongs thereof and the snuffers and all the oil vessels, which are necessary for the dressing of the lamps:
10 獾の皮の蓋の内に燈臺とその諸の器をいれてこれを棹にかくべし
And over all they shall put a cover of violet skins and put in the bars.
11 また金の壇の上に靑き布を打かけ獾の皮の蓋をもて之を蓋ひその杠を差いるべし
And they shall wrap up the golden altar also in a cloth of violet, and shall spread over it a cover of violet skins, and put in the bars.
12 また聖所の役事に用ふる役事の器をことごとく取靑き布に裹み獾の皮の蓋をもてこれを蓋ひて棹にかくべし
All the vessels wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, they shall wrap up in a cloth of violet, and shall spread over it a cover of violet skins, and put in the bars.
They shall cleanse the altar also from the ashes, and shall wrap it up in a purple cloth,
14 その上に役事をなすに用ふる諸の器具すなはち火鼎肉叉火鏟鉢および壇の一切の器具をこれに載せ獾の皮の蓋をその上に打かけ而してその杠を差とほすべし
And shall put it with all the vessels that they use in the ministry thereof, that is to say, firepans, fleshhooks and forks, pothooks and shovels. They shall cover all the vessels of the altar together with a covering of violet skins, and shall put in the bars.
15 營を進むるにあたりてアロンとその子等聖所と聖所の一切の器具を蓋ふことを畢りたらば即ちコハテの子孫いり來りてこれを舁べし然ながら彼等は聖物に捫るべからず恐くは死ん集會の幕屋の中なる是等の物はコハテの子孫の擔ふべき者なり
And when Aaron and his sons have wrapped up the sanctuary and the vessels thereof at the removing of the camp, then shall the sons of Caath enter in to carry the things wrapped up: and they shall not touch the vessels of the sanctuary, lest they die. These are the burdens of the sons of Caath: in the tabernacle of the covenant:
16 祭司アロンの子エレアザルは燈火の油馨しき香常供の素祭および灌膏を司どりまた幕屋の全體とその中なる一切の聖物および其處の諸の器具を司どるべし
And over them shall be Eleazar the son of Aaron the priest, to whose charge pertaineth the oil to dress the lamps, and the sweet incense, and the sacrifice, that is always offered, and the oil of unction, and whatsoever pertaineth to the service of the tabernacle, and of all the vessels that are in the sanctuary.
And the Lord spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying:
18 汝等コハテ人の宗族の者をしてレビ人の中より絶るるに至らしむる勿れ
Destroy not the people of Caath from the midst of the Levites:
19 彼等が至聖物に近く時に生命を保ちて死ることなからん爲に汝等かく之に爲べし即ちアロンとその子等まづ入り彼等をして各箇その役事に就しめその擔ふべき物を取しむべし
But do this to them, that they may live, and not die, by touching the holies of holies. Aaron and his sons shall go in, and they shall appoint every man his work, and shall divide the burdens that every man is to carry.
20 彼等は入て須臾も聖物を觀るべからず恐らくは死ん
Let not others by any curiosity see the things that are in the sanctuary before they be wrapped up, otherwise they shall die.
And the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
22 汝ゲルシヨンの子孫の總數をその父祖の家に依りその宗族に循ひてしらべ
Take the sum of the soils of Gerson also by their houses and families and kindreds.
23 三十歳以上五十歳までにして能く軍團に入り集會の幕屋に動作をなすことを得る者をことごとく數へよ
From thirty Sears old and upward, unto fifty years old. Number them all that go in and minister in the tabernacle of the covenant.
This is the office of the family of the Gersonites:
25 即ち彼等は幕屋の幕と集會の天幕およびその頂蓋とその上なる貛の皮の蓋ならびに集會の天幕の入口の幔を擔ひ
To carry the curtains of the tabernacle and the roof of the covenant, the other covering, and the violet covering over all, and the hanging that hangeth in the entry of the tabernacle of the covenant,
26 庭の幕および幕屋と壇の周圍なる庭の門の入口の幔とその繩ならびにそれに用ふる諸の器具と其がために造る一切の物を擔ふべし斯動作べきなり
The curtains of the court, and the veil in the entry that is before the tabernacle. All things that pertain to the altar, the cords and the vessels of the ministry,
27 ゲルシヨンの子孫の一切の役事すなはちその擔ふところと働くところはアロンとその子等の命に循ふべきなり汝等は彼等にその擔ふべき物を割交してこれを守らしむべし
The sons of Gerson shall carry, by the commandment of Aaron and his sons: and each man shall know to what burden he must be assigned.
28 ゲルシヨンの子孫の宗族が集會の幕屋において爲べき動作は是のごとし彼等の守る所は祭司アロンの子イタマルこれを監督るべし
This is the service of the family of the Gersonites in the tabernacle of the covenant, and they shall be under the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
29 メラリの子孫もまた汝これをその宗族に依りその父祖の家に循ひて計べ
Thou shalt reckon up the sons of Merari also by the families and houses of their fathers,
30 三十歳以上五十歳までにして能く軍團に入り集會の幕屋において勤務をなすことを得る者を盡く數へよ
From thirty years old and upward, unto fifty years old, all that go in to the office of their ministry, and to the service of the covenant of the testimony.
31 彼等が集會の幕屋において爲べき一切の役事すなはちその擔ひ守るべき物は是のごとし幕屋の板その横木その柱その座
These are their burdens: They shall carry the boards of the tabernacle and the bars thereof, the pillars and their sockets,
32 庭の四周の柱その座その釘その繩およびこれがために用ふる一切の器具なり彼等が擔ひ守るべき器具は汝等その名を按べて之を數ふべし
The pillars also of the court round about, with their sockets and pins and cords. They shall receive by account all the vessels and furniture, and so shall carry them.
33 是すなはちメラリの子孫の族がなすべき役事にして彼等は祭司アロンの子イタマルの監督をうけて集會の幕屋において此すべての役事を爲べきなり
This is the office of the family of the Merarites, and their ministry in the tabernacle of the covenant: and they shall be under the hand of Ithamar the son of Aaron the priest.
34 是においてモーセとアロンおよび會衆の牧伯等コハテの子孫をその宗族に依りその父祖の家にしたがひてしらべ
So Moses and Aaron and the princes of the synagogue reckoned up the sons of Caath, by their kindreds and the houses of their fathers,
35 三十歳以上五十歳までにして能く軍團に入り集會の幕屋において勤務をなすことを得る者を盡く數へたるに
From thirty years old and upward, unto fifty years old, all that go in to the ministry of the tabernacle of the covenant:
36 その宗族にしたがひて數へられし者二千七百五十人ありき
And they were found two thousand seven hundred and fifty.
37 是すなはちコハテ人の族の數へられし者にして皆集會の幕屋に於て役事をなすことを得る者なりモーセとアロン、ヱホバがモーセによりて命じたまひし所にしたがひて之を數へたり
This is the number of the people of Caath that go in to the tabernacle of the covenant: these did Moses and Aaron number according to the word of the Lord by the hand of Moses.
38 またゲルシヨンの子孫をその宗族に依りその父祖の家に循ひて計べ
The sons of Gerson also were numbered by the kindreds and houses of their fathers,
39 三十歳以上五十歳までにして能く軍團に入り集會の幕屋において勤務をなすことを得る者を數へたるに
From thirty years old and upward, unto fifty years old, all that go in to minister in the tabernacle of the covenant:
40 その宗族に依りその父祖の家に循ひて數へられし者二千六百三十人ありき
And they were found two thousand six hundred and thirty.
41 是すなはちゲルシヨンの子孫の族の數へられし者にして皆集會の幕屋において勤務をなすことを得る者なりモーセとアロン、ヱホバの命にしたがひて之を數へたり
This is the people of the Gersonites, whom Moses and Aaron numbered according to the word of the Lord.
42 またメラリの子孫の族をその宗族に依りその父祖の家に循ひて計べ
The sons of Merari also were numbered by the kindreds and houses of their fathers,
43 三十歳以上五十歳までにして能く軍團に入り集會の幕屋において勤務をなすことを得る者を數へたるに
From thirty years old and upward, unto fifty years old, all that go in to fulfill the rites of the tabernacle of the covenant:
44 その宗族にしたがひて數へられし者三千二百人ありき
And they were found three thousand two hundred.
45 是すなはちメラリの子孫の族の數へられし者なりモーセとアロン、ヱホバのモーセによりて命じたまひし所にしたがひて之を數へたり
This is the number of the sons of Merari, whom Moses and Aaron reckoned up according to the commandment of the Lord by the hand of Moses.
46 モーセとアロンおよびイスラエルの牧伯等レビ人をその宗族に依りその父祖の家にしたがひてしらべ
All that were reckoned up of the Levites, and whom Moses and Aaron and the princes of Israel took by name, by the kindreds and houses of their fathers,
47 三十歳以上五十歳までにして能く來りて集會の幕屋の役事を爲し且これを擔ふ業を爲す者を數へたるに
From thirty years old and upward, until fifty years old, that go into the ministry of the tabernacle, and to carry the burdens,
48 その數へられしものの數都合八千五百八十人なりき
Were in all eight thousand five hundred and eighty.
49 ヱホバの命にしたがひてモーセかれらを數へ彼等をして各人その役事に就しめかつその擔ふ所をうけもたしめたりヱホバの命にしたがひて數へたるところ是のごとし
Moses reckoned them up according to the word of the Lord, every one according to their office and burdens, as the Lord had commanded him.