< 民数記 27 >
1 茲にヨセフの子マナセの族の中なるヘペルの子ゼロペハデの女子等きたれりヘペルはギレアデの子ギレアデはマキルの子マキルはマナセの子なりその女子等の名はマアラ、ノア、ホグラ、ミルカ、テルザといふ
And daughters of Zelophehad son of Hepher, son of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh, of the families of Manasseh son of Joseph, draw near—and these [are] the names of his daughters: Mahlah, Noah, and Hoglah, and Milcah, and Tirzah—
2 彼ら集會の幕屋の門にてモーセと祭司エレアザルと牧伯等と全會衆の前に立ち言けるは
and stand before Moses, and before Eleazar the priest, and before the princes, and all the congregation, at the opening of the Tent of Meeting, saying,
3 我等の父は曠野に死り彼はかのコラに與して集りてヱホバに逆ひし者等の中に加はらず自己の罪に死り然るに男子なし
“Our father died in the wilderness, and he was not in the midst of the congregation who were gathered together against YHWH in the congregation of Korah, but he died for his own sin, and had no sons;
4 我らの父の名なんぞその男子あらざるがためにその族の中より削らるることある可んや我らの父の兄弟の中において我らにも產業を與へよと
why is the name of our father withdrawn from the midst of his family because he has no son? Give a possession to us in the midst of the brothers of our father”;
and Moses brings their cause near before YHWH.
And YHWH speaks to Moses, saying,
7 ゼロペハデの女子等の言ところは道理なり汝かならず彼らの父の兄弟の中において彼らに產業を與へて獲さすべし即ちその父の產業をこれに歸せしむべし
“The daughters of Zelophehad are speaking correctly; you certainly give to them a possession of an inheritance in the midst of their father’s brothers, and have caused the inheritance of their father to pass over to them.
8 汝イスラエルの子孫に告て言べし人もし男子なくして死ばその產業をこれが女子に歸せしむべし
And you speak to the sons of Israel, saying, When a man dies and has no son, then you have caused his inheritance to pass over to his daughter;
9 もしまた女子もあらざる時はその產業をその兄弟に與ふべし
and if he has no daughter, then you have given his inheritance to his brothers;
10 もし兄弟あらざる時はその產業をその父の兄弟に與ふべし
and if he has no brothers, then you have given his inheritance to his father’s brothers;
11 もしまたその父に兄弟あらざる時はその親戚の最も近き者にその產業を與へて獲さすべしヱホバのモーセに命ぜしごとくイスラエルの子孫は永く之をもて律法の例とすべし
and if his father has no brothers, then you have given his inheritance to his relation who is near to him of his family, and he has possessed it”; and it has been to the sons of Israel for a statute of judgment, as YHWH has commanded Moses.
12 茲にヱホバ、モーセに言たまはく汝このアバリム山にのぼり我イスラエルの子孫に與へし地を觀よ
And YHWH says to Moses, “Go up to this Mount Abarim, and see the land which I have given to the sons of Israel;
13 汝これを觀なばアロンの旣に加はりしごとく汝もその民に加はるべし
and you have seen it, and you have been gathered to your people, also you, as your brother Aaron has been gathered,
14 是チンの曠野において會衆の爭論をなせる砌に汝らわが命に悸りかの水の側にて我の聖き事をかれらの目のまへに顯すことを爲ざりしが故なり是すなはちチンの曠野のカデシにあるメリバの水なり
because you provoked My mouth in the wilderness of Zin, in the strife of the congregation—to sanctify Me at the waters before their eyes”; they [are] the waters of Meribah, in Kadesh, in the wilderness of Zin.
And Moses speaks to YHWH, saying,
16 ヱホバ一切の血肉ある者の生命の神よ願くはこの會衆の上に一人を立て
“YHWH, God of the spirits of all flesh, appoint a man over the congregation,
17 之をして彼等の前に出かれらの前に入り彼らを導き出し彼らを導き入る者とならしめヱホバの會衆をして牧者なき羊のごとくならざらしめたまへ
who goes out before them, and who comes in before them, and who takes them out, and who brings them in, and the congregation of YHWH is not as sheep which have no shepherd.”
18 ヱホバ、モーセに言たまはくヌンの子ヨシユアといふ霊のやどれる人を取り汝の手をその上に按き
And YHWH says to Moses, “Take Joshua son of Nun to yourself, a man in whom [is] the Spirit, and you have laid your hand on him,
19 これを祭司エレアザルと全會衆の前に立せて彼らの前にて之に命ずる事をなすべし
and have caused him to stand before Eleazar the priest and before all the congregation, and have charged him before their eyes,
20 汝これに自己の尊榮を分ち與ヘイスラエルの子孫の全會衆をしてこれに順がはしむべし
and have put of your splendor on him, so that all the congregation of the sons of Israel listens.
21 彼は祭司エレアザルの前に立べしエレアザルはウリムをもて彼のためにヱホバの前に問ことを爲べしヨシユアとイスラエルの子孫すなはちその全會衆はエレアザルの言にしたがひて出でエレアザルの言にしたがひて入べし
And he stands before Eleazar the priest, and he has inquired before YHWH for him by the judgment of the Lights; at his word they go out, and at his word they come in, he and all the sons of Israel with him—even all the congregation.”
22 是においてモーセはヱホバの己に命じたまへるごとく爲しヨシユアを取て之を祭司エレアザルと全會衆の前に立せ
And Moses does as YHWH has commanded him, and takes Joshua and causes him to stand before Eleazar the priest and before all the congregation,
23 その手をこれが上に按き之に命ずることを爲しヱホバのモーセをもて命じたまへる如くなせり
and lays his hands on him and charges him, as YHWH has spoken by the hand of Moses.