< 民数記 21 >
1 茲に南の方に住るカナン人アラデ王といふ者イスラエルが間者の道よりして來るといふを聞きイスラエルを攻うちてその中の數人を擄にせり
And Arad the Chananitish king who lived by the wilderness, heard that Israel came by the way of Atharin; and he made war on Israel, and carried off some of them captives.
2 是においてイスラエル誓願をヱホバに立て言ふ汝もしこの民をわが手に付したまはば我その城邑を盡く滅さんと
And Israel vowed a vow to the Lord, and said, If you will deliver this people into my power, I will devote it and its cities [to you].
3 ヱホバすなはちイスラエルの言を聽いれてカナン人を付したまひければ之とその城邑をことごとく滅せり是をもてその處の名をホルマ(殲滅)と呼なしたり
And the Lord listened to the voice of Israel, and delivered the Chananite into his power; and [Israel] devoted him and his cities, and they called the name of that place Anathema.
4 民はホル山より進みゆき紅海の途よりしてエドムを繞り通らんとせしがその途のために民心を苦めたり
And having departed from mount Or by the way [leading] to the Red Sea, they compassed the land of Edom, and the people lost courage by the way.
5 すなはち民神とモーセにむかいて呟きけるは汝等なんぞ我らをエジプトより導きのぼりて曠野に死しめんとするや此には食物も無くまた水も無し我等はこの粗き食物を心に厭ふなりと
And the people spoke against God and against Moses, saying, Why is this? Hast you brought us ought of Egypt to kill us in the wilderness? for there is not bread nor water; and our soul loathes this light bread.
6 是をもてヱバホ火の蛇を民の中に遣して民を咬しめたまひければイスラエルの民の中死る者多かりき
And the Lord sent among the people deadly serpents, and they bit the people, and much people of the children of Israel died.
7 是によりて民モーセにいたりて言けるは我らヱホバと汝にむかひて呟きて罪を獲たり請ふ汝ヱホバに祈りて蛇を我等より取はなさしめよとモーセすなはち民のために祈ければ
And the people came to Moses and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against the Lord, and against you: pray therefore to the Lord, and let him take away the serpent from us.
8 ヱホバ、モーセに言たまひけるは汝蛇を作りてこれを杆の上に載おくべし凡て咬れたる者は之を仰ぎ觀なば生べし
And Moses prayed to the Lord for the people; and the Lord said to Moses, Make you a serpent, and put it on a signal-[staff]; and it shall come to pass that whenever a serpent shall bite a man, every one [so] bitten that looks upon it shall live.
9 モーセすなはち銅をもて一條の蛇をつくり之を杆の上に載おけり凡て蛇に咬れたる者その銅の蛇を仰ぎ觀ば生たり
And Moses made a serpent of brass, and put it upon a signal-[staff]: and it came to pass that whenever a serpent bit a man, and he looked on the brazen serpent, he lived.
And the children of Israel departed, and encamped in Oboth.
11 またオボテより進み往きモアブの東の方に亘るところの曠野においてイヱアバリムに營を張り
And having departed from Oboth, they encamped in Achalgai, on the farther side in the wilderness, which is opposite Moab, toward the east.
And thence they departed, and encamped in the valley of Zared.
13 其處より進みゆきてアルノンの彼旁に營を張りアルノンはアモリの境より出て曠野に流るる者にてモアブとアモリの間にありてモアブの界をなすなり
And they departed thence and encamped on the other side of Arnon in the wilderness, [the country] which extends from the coasts of the Amorites; for Arnon is the borders of Moab, between Moab and the Amorites.
14 故にヱホバの戰爭の記に言るあり云くスパのワヘブ、アルノンの河
Therefore it is said in a book, A war of the Lord has set on fire Zoob, and the brooks of Arnon.
15 河の流即ちアルの邑に落下りモアブの界に倚る者と
And he has appointed brooks to cause Er to dwell [there]; and it lies near to the coasts of Moab.
16 かれら其處よりベエル(井)にいたれりヱホバがモーセにむかひて汝民を集めよ我これに水を與へんと言たまひしはこの井なりき
And thence [they came to] the well; this [is] the well of which the Lord said to Moses, Gather the people, and I will give them water to drink.
17 時にイスラエルこの歌を歌へり云く井の水よ湧あがれ汝等これがために歌へよ
Then Israel sang this song at the well, Begin [to sing] of the well;
18 此井は笏と杖とをもて牧伯等これを掘り民の君長等之を掘りと斯て曠野よりマツタナにいたり
the princes digged it, the kings of the nations in their kingdom, in their lordship sank it in the rock: and [they went] from the well to Manthanain,
19 マツタナよりナハリエルにいたりナハリエルよりバモテにいたり
and from Manthanain to Naaliel, and from Naaliel to Bamoth, and from Bamoth to Janen, which is in the plain of Moab [as seen] from the top of the quarried [rock] that looks toward the wilderness.
20 バモテよりモアブの野にある谷に往き曠野に對するピスガの嶺にいたれり
And Moses sent ambassadors to Seon king of the Amorites, with peaceful words, saying,
21 かくてイスラエル使者をアモリ人の王シホンに遣して言しめけるは
We will pass through your land, we will go by the road; we will not turn aside to the field or to the vineyard.
22 我をして汝の國を通過しめよ我等は田畝にも葡萄園にも入じまた井の水をも飮じ我らは汝の境を出るまでは唯王の道を通りて行んのみと
We will not drink water out of your well; we will go by the king's highway, until we have past your boundaries.
23 然るにシホンはイスラエルに自己の境の中を通る事を容さざりき而してシホンその民をことごとく集め曠野にいでてイスラエルを攻んとしヤハヅに來りてイスラエルと戰ひけるが
And Seon did not allow Israel to pass through his borders, and Seon gathered all his people, and went out to set the battle in array against Israel into the wilderness; and he came to Jassa, and set the battle in array against Israel.
24 イスラエル刄をもて之を撃やぶりその地をアルノンよりヤボクまで奪ひ取りアンモンの子孫にまで至れりアンモンの子孫の境界は堅固なりき
And Israel struck him with the slaughter of the sword, and they became possessors of his land, from Arnon to Jaboc, as far as the children of Amman, for Jazer is the borders of the children of Amman.
25 イスラエルかくその城邑を盡く取り而してイスラエルはアモリ人の諸の城邑に住みヘシボンとそれに附る諸の村々に居る
And Israel took all their cities, and Israel lived in all the cities of the Amorites, in Esebon, and in all cities belonging to it.
26 ヘシボンはアモリ人の王シホンの都城なりシホンは曾てモアブの前の王と戰ひてかれの地をアルノンまで盡くその手より奪ひ取しなり
For Esebon is the city of Seon king of the Amorites; and he before fought against the king of Moab, and they took all his land, from Aroer to Arnon.
27 故に歌をもて云るあり曰く汝らヘシボンに來れシホンの城邑を築き建よ
Therefore say they who deal in dark speeches, Come to Esebon, that the city of Seon may be built and prepared.
28 ヘシボンより火出でシホンの都城より熖いでてモアブのアルを焚つくしアルノンの邊の高處を占る君王等を滅ぼせり
For a fire has gone forth from Esebon, a flame from the city of Seon, and has consumed as far as Moab, and devoured the pillars of Arnon.
29 モアブよ汝は禍なる哉ケモシの民よ汝は滅ぼさるその男子は逃奔りその女子はアモリ人の王シホンに擄らるるなり
Woe to you, Moab; you are lost, you people of Chamos: their sons are sold for preservation, and their daughters are captives to Seon king of the Amorites.
30 我等は彼らを撃たふしヘシボンを滅ぼしてデボンに及び之を荒してまたノパに及びメデバにいたる
And their seed shall perish [from] Esebon to Daebon; and their women have yet farther kindled a fire against Moab.
31 斯イスラエルの子孫はアモリ人の地に住たりしが
And Israel lived in all the cities of the Amorites.
32 モーセまた人を遣はしてヤゼルを窺はしめ遂にその村々を取て其處にをりしアモリ人を逐出し
And Moses sent to spy out Jazer; and they took it, and its villages, and cast out the Amorite that lived there.
33 轉てバシヤンの路に上り往きけるにバシヤンの王オグその民を盡く率ゐて出で之を迎へてエデレイに戰はんとす
And having returned, they went up the road thhebraismat leads to Basan; and Og the king of Basan went forth to meet them, and all his people to war to Edrain.
34 ヱホバ、モーセに言たまひけるは彼を懼るる勿れ我かれとその民とその地を盡く汝の手に付す汝ヘシボンに住をりしアモリ人の王シホンに爲たるごとくに彼にも爲べしと
And the Lord said to Moses, Fear him not; for I have delivered him and all his people, and all his land, into your hands; and you shall do to him as you did to Seon king of the Amorites, who lived in Esebon.
35 是において彼とその子とその民をことごとく撃ころし一人も生存る者なきに至らしめて之が地を奪ひたり
And he struck him and his sons, and all his people, until he left none of his to be taken alive; and they inherited his land.