< マタイの福音書 7 >
Judge not, that ye be not judged; —
2 己がさばく審判にて己もさばかれ、己がはかる量にて己も量らるべし。
For, with what judgment ye judge, shall ye be judged, —and, with what measure ye mete, shall it be measured unto you.
3 何ゆゑ兄弟の目にある塵を見て、おのが目にある梁木を認めぬか。
Why, moreover, beholdest thou the mote, in the eye of thy brother, —while, the beam in thine own eye, thou dost not consider?
4 視よ、おのが目に梁木のあるに、いかで兄弟にむかひて、汝の目より塵をとり除かせよと言ひ得んや。
Or how wilt thou say unto thy brother, Let me cast the mote out of thine eye, —when lo! a beam, is in thine own eye?
5 僞善者よ、まづ己が目より梁木をとり除け、さらば明かに見えて、兄弟の目より塵を取りのぞき得ん。
Hypocrite! cast first, out of thine own eye, the beam, —and, then, shalt thou see clearly to cast the mote, out of the eye of thy brother.
6 聖なる物を犬に與ふな。また眞珠を豚の前に投ぐな。恐らくは足にて蹈みつけ、向き返りて汝らを噛みやぶらん。
Do not give what is holy unto dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, —lest once they trample, them, down with their feet, and, turning, tear, you.
7 求めよ、さらば與へられん。尋ねよ、さらば見出さん。門を叩け、さらば開かれん。
Be asking, and it shall be given you, Be seeking, and ye shall find, —Be knocking, and it shall be opened unto you.
8 すべて求むる者は得、たづぬる者は見いだし、門をたたく者は開かるるなり。
For, whosoever asketh, receiveth, and, he that seeketh, findeth, —and, to him that knocketh, shall it be opened.
9 汝 等のうち、誰かその子パンを求めんに石を與へ、
Or what man, from among yourselves, whom his son shall ask for a loaf, —a stone, will give him?
Or, a fish also, shall ask, —a serpent, will give him?
11 さらば、汝ら惡しき者ながら、善き賜物をその子らに與ふるを知る。まして天にいます汝らの父は、求むる者に善き物を賜はざらんや。
If then, ye, being, evil, know how, good gifts, to be giving unto your children, how much more, will, your Father who is in the heavens, give good things to them that ask, him?
12 さらば凡て人に爲られんと思ふことは、人にも亦その如くせよ。これは律法なり、預言者なり。
Whatsoever things, therefore, ye would, that men be doing unto you, so, be, ye also, doing, unto them, —for, this, is the law and the prophets.
13 狹き門より入れ、滅にいたる門は大きく、その路は廣く、之より入る者おほし。
Enter ye in at, the narrow gate; because broad and roomy is the way that leadeth unto destruction, —and, many, are they who enter thereby:
14 生命にいたる門は狹く、その路は細く、之を見 出す者すくなし。
Because, narrow, is the gate, and, confined, the way, that leadeth unto life, —and, few, are they who find, it.
15 僞 預言者に心せよ、羊の扮裝して來れども、内は奪ひ掠むる豺狼なり。
Beware of false prophets, who come unto you in clothing of sheep, —while, within, they are ravening wolves.
16 その果によりて彼らを知るべし。茨より葡萄を、薊より無花果をとる者あらんや。
By their fruits, shall ye find, them, out, —unless perhaps men gather—from thorns, grapes! or, from thistles, figs!
17 斯く、すべて善き樹は善き果をむすび、惡しき樹は惡しき果をむすぶ。
So, every good tree, fine fruit, produceth, —whereas, the worthless tree, evil fruit, produceth:
18 善き樹は惡しき果を結ぶこと能はず、惡しき樹はよき果を結ぶこと能はず。
It is, impossible, for a, good tree, to be bearing, evil fruit, neither doth, a worthless tree, produce, fine fruit.
19 すべて善き果を結ばぬ樹は、伐られて火に投げ入れらる。
Every tree that beareth not fine fruit, is hewn down, and, into fire, is cast.
After all then, by their fruits, shall ye find, them, out.
21 我に對ひて主よ主よといふ者、ことごとくは天國に入らず、ただ天にいます我が父の御意をおこなふ者のみ、之に入るべし。
Not every one that saith unto me, Lord! Lord! shall enter into the kingdom of the heavens, —but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in the heavens.
22 その日おほくの者われに對ひて「主よ、主よ、我らは汝の名によりて預言し、汝の名によりて惡鬼を逐ひいだし、汝の名によりて多くの能力ある業を爲ししにあらずや」と言はん。
Many, will say unto me, in, that, day, Lord! Lord! did we not, in thy name, prophesy, and, in thy name, cast, demons, out, —and, in thy name, many works of power, perform?
23 その時われ明白に告げん「われ斷えて汝らを知らず、不法をなす者よ、我を離れされ」と。
And, then, will I confess unto them, Never, have I acknowledged you, —Depart from me, ye workers of lawlessness!
24 さらば凡て我がこれらの言をききて行ふ者を、磐の上に家をたてたる慧き人に擬へん。
Every one, therefore, who heareth [these] my words, and doeth them, shall be likened to a prudent man, who built his house upon the rock;
25 雨ふり流みなぎり、風ふきてその家をうてど倒れず、これ磐の上に建てられたる故なり。
And the rain descended, and the streams came, and the winds blew, and rushed against that house, and it fell not; for it had been founded upon the rock.
26 すべて我がこれらの言をききて行はぬ者を、沙の上に家を建てたる愚なる人に擬へん。
And every one who heareth these my words, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, who built his house upon the sand;
27 雨ふり流みなぎり、風ふきて其の家をうてば、倒れてその顛倒はなはだし』
And the rain descended, and the streams came, and the winds blew, and dashed against that house, and it fell; and, the fall thereof, was, great.
28 イエスこれらの言を語りをへ給へるとき、群衆その教に驚きたり。
And it came to pass, when Jesus ended these words, with astonishment were the multitudes being struck at his teaching;
29 それは學者らの如くならず、權威ある者のごとく教へ給へる故なり。
for he was teaching them as one having, authority, and not as their Scribes.