< マタイの福音書 15 >

1 ここにパリサイ人・學者ら、エルサレムより來りてイエスに言ふ、
Then some Pharisees and religious teachers from Jerusalem came to Jesus and asked him,
2 『なにゆゑ汝の弟子は、古への人の言傳を犯すか、食事のときに手を洗はぬなり』
“Why do your disciples break the tradition of our forefathers by not washing their hands before they eat a meal?”
3 答へて言ひ給ふ『なにゆゑ汝らは、また汝らの言傳によりて神の誡命を犯すか。
“Why do you break God's commandment because of your tradition?” Jesus replied.
4 即ち神は「父 母を敬へ」と言ひ「父または母を罵る者は必ず殺さるべし」と言ひたまへり。
“For God said, ‘Honor your father and mother,’ and ‘Those who curse their father or mother should be put to death.’
5 然るに汝らは「誰にても父または母に對ひて、我が負ふ所のものは供物となりたりと言はば、
But you say that if someone tells their father or mother, ‘Whatever you might have expected to get from me is now a gift to God,’ then
6 父または母を敬ふに及ばず」と言ふ。斯くその言傳によりて神の言を空しうす。
they don't have to honor their father. In this way you've annulled God's word for the sake of your tradition.
7 僞善者よ、宜なる哉、イザヤは汝らに就きて能く預言せり。曰く、
You hypocrites! How well Isaiah described you when he prophesied:
8 「この民は口唇にて我を敬ふ、されど其の心は我に遠ざかる。
‘These people say they honor me but in their minds they don't care about me.
9 ただ徒らに我を拜む。人の訓誡を教とし教へて」』
Their worship of me is pointless. What they teach are just man-made requirements.’”
10 かくて群衆を呼び寄せて言ひたまふ『聽きて悟れ。
He called the crowd over and told them, “Listen, and understand this:
11 口に入るものは人を汚さず、されど口より出づるものは、これ人を汚すなり』
it's not what goes into you through your mouth that defiles you. It's what comes out of your mouth that defiles you.”
12 ここに弟子たち御許に來りていふ『御言をききてパリサイ人の躓きたるを知り給ふか』
Then Jesus' disciples came to him and said, “You do realize that the Pharisees were offended by what you said.”
13 答へて言ひ給ふ『わが天の父の植ゑ給はぬものは、みな拔かれん。
“Every plant my heavenly Father didn't plant will be uprooted,” Jesus replied.
14 彼らを捨ておけ、盲人を手引する盲人なり、盲人もし盲人を手引せば、二人とも穴に落ちん』
“Forget about them—they are blind guides. If a blind man leads another blind man, then they'll both fall into a ditch.”
15 ペテロ答へて言ふ『その譬を我らに解き給へ』
Then Peter asked, “Please tell us what you mean by this illustration.”
16 イエス言ひ給ふ『なんぢらも今なほ悟りなきか。
“Haven't you understood this yet?” replied Jesus.
17 凡て口に入るものは腹にゆき、遂に厠に棄てらるる事を悟らぬか。
“Don't you see that whatever goes in through the mouth then passes through the stomach, and then leaves the body as waste?
18 されど口より出づるものは心より出づ、これ人を汚すものなり。
But what comes out through the mouth comes from the mind, and that's what defiles you.
19 それ心より惡しき念いづ、すなはち殺人・姦淫・淫行・竊盜・僞證・誹謗、
For what comes from the mind are evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, and blasphemy
20 これらは人を汚すものなり、されど洗はぬ手にて食する事は人を汚さず』
and those are what defile you. Eating with unwashed hands doesn't defile you.”
21 イエスここを去りてツロとシドンとの地方に往き給ふ。
Jesus left and went to the region of Tyre and Sidon.
22 視よ、カナンの女その邊より出できたり、叫びて『主よ、ダビデの子よ、我を憫み給へ、わが娘、惡鬼につかれて甚く苦しむ』と言ふ。
A Canaanite woman from that area came, shouting out, “Lord, son of David! Please have mercy on me, because my daughter is suffering badly because she's possessed by a demon!”
23 されどイエス一言も答へ給はず。弟子たち來り請ひて言ふ『女を歸したまへ、我らの後より叫ぶなり』
But Jesus didn't reply at all. His disciples came to him and told him, “Tell her to stop following us. All her shouting is really annoying!”
24 答へて言ひたまふ『我はイスラエルの家の失せたる羊のほかに遣されず』
“I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,” Jesus said to the woman.
25 女きたり拜して言ふ『主よ、我を助けたまへ』
But the woman came and kneeled before him, and said, “Lord, please help me!”
26 答へて言ひたまふ『子供のパンをとりて小狗に投げ與ふるは善からず』
“It's not right to take the children's food and throw it to the dogs,” Jesus told her.
27 女いふ『然り、主よ、小狗も主人の食卓よりおつる食屑を食ふなり』
“Yes, Lord, but even dogs are allowed to eat crumbs that fall from their master's table,” she replied.
28 ここにイエス答へて言ひたまふ『をんなよ、汝の信仰は大なるかな、願のごとく汝になれ』娘この時より癒えたり。
“You have great trust in me,” Jesus answered. “Your wish is granted!” And her daughter was healed immediately.
29 イエス此處を去り、ガリラヤの海邊にいたり、而して山に登り、そこに坐し給ふ。
Jesus returned, passing by the Sea of Galilee. He went into the mountains nearby where he sat down.
30 大なる群衆、跛者・不具・盲人・唖者および他の多くの者を連れ來りて、イエスの足下に置きたれば、醫し給へり。
Huge crowds came to him, bringing those who were lame, blind, crippled, dumb, and many others who were sick. They laid them on the ground at his feet, and he healed them.
31 群衆は、唖者の物いひ、不具の癒え、跛者の歩み、盲人の見えたるを見て之を怪しみ、イスラエルの神を崇めたり。
The crowd was astounded at what they saw happen: the deaf could speak, the crippled were healed, the lame could walk, and the blind could see. They praised the God of Israel.
32 イエス弟子たちを召して言ひ給ふ『われ此の群衆をあはれむ、既に三日われと偕にをりて食ふべき物なし。飢ゑたるままにて歸らしむるを好まず、恐らくは途にて疲れ果てん』
Jesus called his disciples over and told them, “I feel really sorry for all these people, because they've been with me now for three days, and they have nothing to eat. I don't want to send them away hungry, in case they faint on their way home.”
33 弟子たち言ふ『この寂しき地にて、斯く大なる群衆を飽かしむべき多くのパンを、何處より得べき』
“Where could we find enough bread here in this desert to feed such a huge crowd?” the disciples responded.
34 イエス言ひ給ふ『パン幾つあるか』彼らいふ『七つ、また小き魚すこしあり』
“How many loaves of bread do you have?” Jesus asked. “Seven, and a few small fish,” they replied.
35 イエス群衆に命じて地に坐せしめ、
Jesus told the crowd to sit down on the ground.
36 七つのパンと魚とを取り、謝して之をさき弟子たちに與へ給へば、弟子たちこれを群衆に與ふ。
He took the seven loaves and the fish, and after blessing the food he broke it into pieces and gave it to the disciples, and the disciples gave it to the crowds.
37 凡ての人くらひて飽き、裂きたる餘を拾ひしに、七つの籃に滿ちたり。
Everybody ate until they were full, and then they collected the leftovers, filling seven baskets.
38 食ひし者は、女と子供とを除きて四千 人なりき。
Four thousand men ate the food, not counting women and children.
39 イエス群衆をかへし、舟に乘りてマガダンの地方に往き給へり。
Then he sent the crowds away, got into a boat, and went to the Magadan region.

< マタイの福音書 15 >