< マタイの福音書 12 >

1 その頃イエス安息 日に麥 畠をとほり給ひしに、弟子たち飢ゑて穗を摘み、食ひ始めたるを、
During that period of time, on a (Sabbath/Jewish day of rest), Jesus [and we] disciples were walking through some grain fields. And because we were hungry, we began to pick some of the heads of grain and eat them. [The laws of Moses permitted people to do that if they were hungry].
2 パリサイ人 見てイエスに言ふ『視よ、なんぢの弟子は安息 日に爲まじき事をなす』
Some Pharisees saw us [do what they considered to be work]. So they said to Jesus, [accusing him], “Look! Your disciples are doing [work] that is not permitted [in our] laws [PRS] [for us] to do on our day of rest!”
3 彼らに言ひ給ふ『ダビデがその伴へる人々とともに飢ゑしとき、爲しし事を讀まぬか。
[Jesus wanted to show them that the record in the Scriptures indicated that God permitted people to disobey certain religious laws when they needed food]. [So] he said to them, “[It is written] {[Someone wrote]} [in the Scriptures] [RHQ] what [our revered ancestor King] David did when he and the men with him were hungry. You have read about that, ([but you do not think about what it implies!/so why do you not think about what it implies]?) [RHQ]
4 即ち神の家に入りて、祭司のほかは、己もその伴へる人々も食ふまじき供のパンを食へり。
David entered the big tent [where they worshipped] God [and asked for some food. The high priest gave him] the bread that had been {they had} presented [to God]. According to the laws [of Moses], only priests were permitted to eat that bread, but David and the men who were with him ate it. And [God did not consider that what they did was wrong]
5 また安息 日に祭司らは宮の内にて安息 日を犯せども、罪なきことを律法にて讀まぬか。
Also, think about the laws that [Moses wrote] [RHQ]. He said that [even though] the priests, [by working] in the Temple on our Jewish day of rest, are not obeying the Jewish day of rest [laws], they are not guilty. You have surely read that, [but you do not understand what it means].
6 われ汝らに告ぐ、宮より大なる者ここに在り。
Note this: [God allows men to work in] the Temple [on our rest day because that work must be done. But in addition, I] tell you that [I have] more [authority than the authority of] the Temple. So, it is more important for you to obey my teachings than to obey your traditions about our rest day.
7 「われ憐憫を好みて犧牲を好まず」とは、如何なる意かを汝ら知りたらんには、罪なき者を罪せざりしならん。
[You should think about] these words [of God in the Scriptures]: ‘I want you to [act] mercifully toward people, and not [just] offer sacrifices.’ If you understood what that means, you would not condemn [my disciples], who have done no wrong.
8 それ人の子は安息 日の主たるなり』
[And I want you to know that] I, the one who came from heaven, have [the] authority [to determine what is right for my disciples to do on] the days of rest.”
9 イエス此處を去りて、彼らの會堂に入り給ひしに、
After Jesus left there [that day], he went into a building where we Jews worship God.
10 視よ、片手なえたる人あり。人々イエスを訴へんと思ひ、問ひていふ『安息 日に人を醫すことは善きか』
[He saw] a man with a shriveled hand there. [The Pharisees thought that Jesus would be disobeying the tradition about not working on the day of rest if he healed the man, so one of] them asked him, “Does [God] permit [us] to heal [people] on our day of rest?” [They asked that question] so that they might accuse him [if he healed someone] (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day).
11 彼らに、言ひたまふ『汝 等のうち一匹の羊をもてる者あらんに、もし安息 日に穴に陷らば、之を取りあげぬか。
He replied to them, “Would anyone among you who has [only] one sheep that falls into a hole (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day) [just leave it there] [RHQ]? [Certainly not]! You would take hold of it and lift it out right away, [and that would be acceptable work on our day of rest, too]
12 人は羊より優るること如何ばかりぞ。さらば安息 日に善をなすは可し』
[Because] sheep are valuable, [their owners may work on our day of rest in order to rescue them. So, because] people are more valuable than sheep, it is certainly right for us to do something good [by healing another person any day, including] our day of rest!”
13 ここにかの人に言ひ給ふ『なんぢの手を伸べよ』かれ伸べたれば、他の手のごとく癒ゆ。
Then he said to the man, “Stretch out your [withered] hand!” The man stretched it out, and it became normal like the other hand!
14 パリサイ人いでていかにしてかイエスを亡さんと議る。
Then the Pharisees left [the meeting house. They were worried that the people would reject their traditions and would accept Jesus’ teaching instead. So] they met together to plan how they could kill him.
15 イエス之を知りて此處を去りたまふ。多くの人したがひ來りたれば、ことごとく之を醫し、
Because Jesus knew [that the Pharisees were plotting to kill him], he [took us disciples and] went away from there. Crowds, [including many sick people], followed him, [wanting him to heal them], and he healed them all.
16 かつ我を人に知らすなと戒め給へり。
But he told them firmly that they should not tell [other people yet] who he was.
17 これ預言者イザヤによりて云はれたる言の成就せんためなり。曰く、
[By acting humbly like that] he fulfilled what was written by Isaiah the prophet {what Isaiah the prophet wrote} [long ago about the Messiah]. [Isaiah wrote] that God said:
18 『視よ、わが選びたる我が僕、わが心の悦ぶ我が愛しむ者、我わが靈を彼に與へん、彼は異邦人に正義を告げ示さん。
Take note of my servant whom I have chosen, the one whom I love and with whom I am pleased. I will put my Spirit in him, and he will proclaim that [God] will judge the non-Jews justly.
19 彼は爭はず、叫ばず、その聲を大路にて聞く者なからん。
He will not quarrel [with people], neither will he shout. He will not [teach with] a loud voice in the [main] streets.
20 正義をして勝ち遂げしむるまでは、傷へる葦を折ることなく、煙れる亞麻を消すことなからん。
Until he has justly judged [the people who trust in him and] has declared them not guilty, he will not destroy [anyone who is weak like] a smashed stalk [MET], nor will he silence [anyone who is as helpless as] a smoldering [linen] wick [MET, DOU].
21 異邦人も彼の名に望をおかん』
As a result, the non-Jews will confidently expect [that he will do great things for them].
22 ここに惡鬼に憑かれたる盲目の唖者を御許に連れ來りたれば、之を醫して、唖者の物 言ひ見ゆるやうに爲し給ひぬ。
One day when Jesus was at home, [some men] brought to [Jesus] a man [who, because of being] controlled by a demon {a demon controlled him}, was blind and unable to speak. [Jesus] healed him [by expelling the demon]. As a result, the man [began to] talk and [was able to] see.
23 群衆みな驚きて言ふ『これはダビデの子にあらぬか』
All the crowd [who saw it] marveled. They began asking [each other], “Could this man be the [Messiah, the] descendant of [King] David, [whom we have been expecting]?”
24 然るにパリサイ人ききて言ふ『この人、惡鬼の首ベルゼブルによらでは、惡鬼を逐ひ出すことなし』
Because the Pharisees [and the men who taught the Jewish laws] heard [that the people thought that Jesus might be the Messiah because he had expelled the demon], they said, “[It is not God, but] Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons, who enables [this man] to expel demons [from people!]”
25 イエス彼らの思を知りて言ひ給ふ『すべて分れ爭ふ國はほろび、分れ爭ふ町また家はたたず。
But Jesus knew what [the Pharisees] were thinking [and saying]. So, [in order to show them that what they said did not make sense], he said to them, “If [the people in] [MTY] one nation fight against each other, [they] will destroy their nation {their nation will be destroyed}. If [people who live in] the same city or house fight each other, they will certainly not remain [as one group or family].
26 サタンもしサタンを逐ひ出さば、自ら分れ爭ふなり。さらばその國いかで立つべき。
[Similarly], if Satan were expelling his own [demons] [MTY], [it would be as though] he was fighting against himself. (His kingdom would not continue!/How could his kingdom continue?) [RHQ] His rule over them would [certainly] not last!
27 我もしベルゼブルによりて惡鬼を逐ひ出さば、汝らの子は誰によりて之を逐ひ出すか。この故に彼らは汝らの審判 人となるべし。
Furthermore, if [it is true that] Satan enables me to expel demons, is it also true that your disciples [who] expel demons [do so] by [Satan’s] power [RHQ]? [No] So they will show you that you [are not thinking logically].
28 されど我もし神の靈によりて惡鬼を逐ひ出さば、神の國は既に汝らに到れるなり。
But because it is God’s Spirit who [enables] me to expel demons, [that proves that the power of] God to rule [people’s lives] has come to you.
29 人まづ強き者を縛らずば、いかで強き者の家に入りて、その家財を奪ふことを得ん、縛りて後その家を奪ふべし。
[I will illustrate why I am able to expel demons]. (A person cannot go into the house of a strong man) [RHQ] [But if he ties up the strong man], then he will be able to steal [the things in that man’s] house.
30 我と偕ならぬ者は我にそむき、我とともに集めぬ者は散すなり。
[No one can be neutral]. Those who do not acknowledge [that the Holy Spirit enables] me [to expel demons] are opposing me, and those who do not gather [people to become] my [disciples] are causing [those people] to [DOU] go away [from me].
31 この故に汝らに告ぐ、人の凡ての罪と瀆とは赦されん、されど御靈を瀆すことは赦されじ。
You [are saying that it is not the Holy Spirit who is enabling me to expel demons]. So I will say this to you: [If] those who offend and slander other people in any way are [then sorry and ask God to forgive them, God] will forgive them. But people who discredit what the Holy Spirit does will not be forgiven {[God] will not forgive [people] who discredit what the Holy Spirit does}.
32 誰にても言をもて人の子に逆ふ者は赦されん、されど言をもて聖 靈に逆ふ者は、この世にても後の世にても赦されじ。 (aiōn g165)
[God is willing to] forgive people who criticize [me], the One who came from heaven. But I [warn you that] those who say evil things about what the Holy Spirit [does] will not be forgiven {[God] will not forgive people who speak evil words about what the Holy Spirit [does]}. They will not be forgiven {[He] will not forgive them} now, and they will never be forgiven {[he] will never forgive them}.” (aiōn g165)
33 或は樹をも善しとし、果をも善しとせよ。或は樹をも惡しとし、果をも惡しとせよ。樹は果によりて知らるるなり。
“Think about this: You can know whether [a person is good and what that person says is good, in the same way that you] can know whether a tree [MET] and the fruit it produces [MET] are good. [You can also know whether a person and what that person says is evil in the same way that you can know] whether a tree [MET] and its fruit [MET] are blighted. You can know whether a tree is good by [seeing] its fruit, and similarly [people can know the evil character of you Pharisees by listening to your accusations against me].
34 蝮の裔よ、なんぢら惡しき者なるに、爭で善きことを言ひ得んや。それ心に滿つるより口に言はるるなり。
[What] you [teach harms people spiritually like poisonous] snakes [harm them physically] [MET]! You are not able to speak good things because you are evil [RHQ]. Evil people [SYN] [like you] speak what comes from all that is in their (inner beings/hearts).
35 善き人は善き倉より善き物をいだし、惡しき人は惡しき倉より惡しき物をいだす。
Good people [speak good things. That is like] taking good things out of buildings where they are stored. But evil people [speak evil things. That is like] taking evil things out of buildings where they are stored.
36 われ汝らに告ぐ、人の語る凡ての虚しき言は、審判の日に糺さるべし。
I tell you that on the day when God judges [MTY], he will make people recall every useless word they have spoken, [and he will judge them accordingly].
37 それは汝の言によりて義とせられ、汝の言によりて罪せらるるなり』
Based on the words that you have spoken, [God] will [either] declare that you are righteous based on the words that you have spoken, or [else] he will condemn you.”
38 ここに或 學者・パリサイ人ら答へて言ふ『師よ、われら汝の徴を見んことを願ふ』
Then some of the Pharisees and men who taught the [Jewish] laws responded [to what Jesus was teaching] by saying to him, “Teacher, we want to see you [perform] a miracle [that would prove to us that God sent you].”
39 答へて言ひたまふ『邪曲にして不義なる代は徴を求む、されど預言者ヨナの徴のほかに徴は與へられじ。
Then Jesus said to them, “[You] people [have already seen me perform miracles], but you are evil, and you do not faithfully worship God [MET]! You want [me to perform] a miracle [that would prove to you that God sent me], but [God will enable] you to see only one miracle. It will be [like] what happened to Jonah the prophet [MET].
40 即ち「ヨナが三日 三夜、大魚の腹の中に在りし」ごとく、人の子も三日 三夜、地の中に在るべきなり。
Jonah was in the stomach of a huge fish for three days and nights [before God caused him to live again]. Similarly, for three days and nights I, the one who came from heaven, will be in a place [where dead people are, and then God will cause me to live again].
41 ニネベの人、審判のとき今の代の人とともに立ちて之が罪を定めん、彼らはヨナの宣ぶる言によりて悔改めたり。視よ、ヨナよりも勝るもの此處に在り。
When [God] judges [all people], the people who lived in Nineveh will stand [in front of him] with [you] people who [have seen me perform miracles]. The [people of Nineveh turned from their sinful ways as a result of hearing what] Jonah preached. [Jonah was important, but I], who am more important than Jonah, [have come and preached to you, but you have not turned from your sinful ways. So] when [God] judges [all people, he] will condemn you.
42 南の女王、審判のとき今の代の人とともに起きて之が罪を定めん、彼はソロモンの智慧を聽かんとて地の極より來れり。視よ、ソロモンよりも勝る者ここに在り。
The queen from [Sheba, South of Israel, who lived long ago, came from a distant region in order to listen to King Solomon teach] many wise things. But now [I], [a man] who [is much] greater [and wiser] than Solomon, am here, [but you have not listened to what I have told you]. So at the time when [God] judges [all people], the queen from [Sheba will stand in front of him, along] with you people, and will condemn you.”
43 穢れし靈、人を出づるときは、水なき處を巡りて休を求む、而して得ず。
“[Sometimes] when an evil spirit leaves a person, it wanders around in desolate areas, seeking [someone in whom it can] rest. If it does not find anyone,
44 乃ち「わが出でし家に歸らん」といひ、歸りて、その家の空きて掃き淨められ、飾られたるを見、
it says [to itself], ‘I will return to the person [MET] in whom I used to live.’ So it goes back [and finds that the Spirit of God is not in control of that] person’s [life. The person’s life is like] a house that has been swept clean and everything put in order [MET], [but it is] empty.
45 遂に往きて己より惡しき他の七つの靈を連れきたり、共に入りて此處に住む。されば其の人の後の状は前よりも惡しくなるなり。邪曲なる此の代もまた斯くの如くならん』
Then [this evil spirit] goes and gets seven other spirits that are [even] more evil, and they [all] enter [that person] and [begin] living there. [So, although] that person’s condition [was bad] before, it becomes much worse. That is what [you] wicked people who [have heard me teach] will experience.”
46 イエスなほ群衆にかたり居給ふとき、視よ、その母と兄弟たちと、彼に物 言はんとて外に立つ。
While Jesus was still speaking to the crowds, his mother and his [younger] brothers [arrived]. They stood outside [the house], wanting to speak with him.
47 或 人イエスに言ふ『視よ、なんぢの母と兄弟たちと、汝に物 言はんとて外に立てり』
Someone said to him, “Your mother and your [younger] brothers are standing outside [the house], wanting to talk to you.”
48 イエス告げし者に答へて言ひたまふ『わが母とは誰ぞ、わが兄弟とは誰ぞ』
Then Jesus said to the person who told him [that], “([I will tell you something about] my mother and brothers [MET].[/Do you know] who I [consider to be like] my mother and my brothers?)” [MET, RHQ]
49 かくて手をのべ、弟子たちを指して言ひたまふ『視よ、これは我が母、わが兄弟なり。
He then pointed toward [us] disciples and said, “These are ones [whom I love as much as I love] my mother and my brothers [MET].
50 誰にても天にいます我が父の御意をおこなふ者は、即ち我が兄弟、わが姉妹、わが母なり』
Those who do what [God] my Father [who is] in heaven wants, are [as dear to me] [MET] [as] my brother, my sister, or my mother.”

< マタイの福音書 12 >