< ルカの福音書 3 >
1 テベリオ・カイザル在位の十 五 年、ポンテオ・ピラトはユダヤの總督、ヘロデはガリラヤ分封の國守、その兄弟ピリポはイツリヤ及びテラコニテの地の分封の國守、ルサニヤはアビレネ分封の國守たり、
Now, in the fifteenth year of the supremacy of Tiberius Caesar, —Pontius Pilate being governor of Judaea, and Herod being tetrarch of Galilee, and, Philip his brother, tetrarch of Ituraea and the country of Trachonitis, and Lysanius, tetrarch of Abylene, —
2 アンナスとカヤパとは大 祭司たりしとき、神の言、荒野にてザカリヤの子ヨハネに臨む。
in the High-priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, came a word of God unto John the son, of Zechariah, in rue desert;
3 かくてヨルダン河の邊なる四方の地にゆき、罪の赦を得さする悔改のバプテスマを宣傳ふ。
and he came into all the country about the Jordan, proclaiming an immersion of repentance into remission of sins:
4 預言者イザヤの言の書に『荒野に呼はる者の聲す。「主の道を備へ、その路すじを直くせよ。
as it is written in the book of the discourses of Isaiah the prophet: A voice of one crying aloud! In the desert, prepare ye the way of the Lord, straight, be making his paths;
5 諸の谷は埋められ、諸の山と岡とは平げられ、曲りたるは直く、嶮しきは坦かなる路となり、
Every chasm, shall be filled up, and, every mountain and hill, be made low; and the, crooked, places shall become, straight, and the, rugged, places, smooth ways; —
And all flesh shall see the salvation of God.
7 さてヨハネ、バプテスマを受けんとて出できたる群衆にいふ『蝮の裔よ、誰が汝らに、來らんとする御怒を避くべき事を示したるぞ。
He was saying, therefore, unto the multitudes who were going forth to be immersed by him—Broods of vipers! who suggested to you, to flee from the coming wrath?
8 さらば悔改に相應しき果を結べ。なんぢら「我らの父にアブラハムあり」と心のうちに言ひ始むな。我なんぢらに告ぐ、神はよく此らの石よりアブラハムの子 等を起し得給ふなり。
Bring forth, therefore, fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to be saying within yourselves, As our father, we have, Abraham; for, I say unto you—God is able, out of these stones, to raise up children unto Abraham.
9 斧ははや樹の根に置かる。されば凡て善き果を結ばぬ樹は、伐られて火に投げ入れらるべし』
And, already, even the axe, unto the root of the trees is being laid; every tree, therefore, not bringing forth [good] fruit, is to be hewn down, and, into fire, to be cast.
10 群衆ヨハネに問ひて言ふ『さらば我ら何を爲すべきか』
And the multitude began to question him saying—What, then, shall we do?
11 答へて言ふ『二つの下衣をもつ者は、有たぬ者に分け與へよ。食物を有つ者もまた然せよ』
And, answering, he said unto them—He that hath two tunics, let him share with him that hath none, and, he that hath food, in like manner, let him be doing.
12 取税人もバプテスマを受けんとて來りて言ふ『師よ、我ら何を爲すべきか』
And there came, even tax-collectors, to be immersed; and they said unto him—Teacher! what, shall we, do?
13 答へて言ふ『定りたるものの外、なにをも促るな』
And, he, said unto them, Nothing more than what is appointed you, exact ye.
14 兵卒もまた問ひて言ふ『我らは何を爲すべきか』答へて言ふ『人を劫かし、また誣ひ訴ふな、己が給料をもて足れりとせよ』
Then were questioning him, soldiers also, saying—What shall, even we, do? And he said unto them—Molest ye, no one, neither accuse falsely; and be content with your supplies.
15 民、待ち望みゐたれば、みな心の中にヨハネをキリストならんかと論ぜしに、
Now, as the people were in expectation, and all were deliberating in their hearts, concerning John, —whether by any means, he, might be, the Christ,
16 ヨハネ凡ての人に答へて言ふ『我は水にて汝らにバプテスマを施す、されど我よりも能力ある者きたらん、我はその鞋の紐を解くにも足らず。彼は聖 靈と火とにて汝らにバプテスマを施さん。
John answered, saying unto all—I, indeed, in water, am immersing you, but he that is mightier than I, cometh, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to unloose, —he, will immerse you in Holy Spirit and fire:
17 手には箕を持ちたまふ。禾場をきよめ、麥を倉に納めんとてなり。而して殼は消えぬ火にて焚きつくさん』
whose fan is in his hand, to clear out his threshing-floor, and to gather the wheat into his granary; but, the chaff, will he burn up with fire unquenchable.
18 ヨハネこの他なほ、さまざまの勸をなして、民に福音を宣傳ふ。
So then indeed, as to many things and various, he exhorted, and continued telling his glad-message unto the people.
19 然るに國守ヘロデ、その兄弟の妻ヘロデヤの事につき、又その行ひたる凡ての惡しき事につきて、ヨハネに責められたれば、
But, Herod the tetrarch, being reproved by him concerning Herodias, the wife of his brother, and concerning all the wicked things Herod had done,
20 更に復 一つの惡しき事を加へて、ヨハネを獄に閉ぢこめたり。
added this also unto all, —he locked up John in prison.
21 民みなバプテスマを受けし時、イエスもバプテスマを受けて祈りゐ給へば、天ひらけ、
Now it came to pass, when one and all the people were immersed, Jesus also, having been immersed, and being at prayer, heaven was opened;
22 聖 靈、形をなして鴿のごとく其の上に降り、かつ天より聲あり、曰く『なんぢは我が愛しむ子なり、我なんぢを悦ぶ』
and the Holy Spirit descended, in bodily appearance, as a dove, upon him, —and, a voice out of heaven, came—Thou, art my Son, the Beloved, in thee, I delight.
23 イエスの、教を宣べ始め給ひしは、年おほよそ三十の時なりき。人にはヨセフの子と思はれ給へり。ヨセフの父はヘリ、
And, Jesus himself, was, when he began, about thirty years of age, being the son, as was supposed—of Joseph, of Heli:
24 その先はマタテ、レビ、メルキ、ヤンナイ、ヨセフ、
of Matthat, of Levi, of Melchi, —of Jannai, of Joseph:
25 マタテヤ、アモス、ナホム、エスリ、ナンガイ、
of Mattathias, of Amos, of Nahum, —of Esli, of Naggai:
of Maath, of Mattathias, of Semein, —of Josech, of Joda:
27 ヨハナン、レサ、ゾロバベル、サラテル、ネリ、
of Joanan, of Rhesa, of Zerubbabel, —of Salathiel, of Neri:
of Melchi, of Addi, of Cosam, —of Elmadam, of Er:
of Jesus, of Eliezer, of Jorim, —of Matthat, of Levi:
30 シメオン、ユダ、ヨセフ、ヨナム、エリヤキム、
of Symeon, of Judas, of Joseph, —of Jonam, of Eliakim:
of Melea, of Menna, of Mattatha, —of Natham, of David:
of Jesse, of Obed, of Boaz, —of Salmon, of Nashon:
33 アミナダブ、アデミン、アルニ、エスロン、パレス、ユダ、
of Amminadab, of Arni, of Hezron, —of Perez, of Judah:
of Jacob, of Isaac, of Abraham, —of Terah, of Nahor:
of Serug, of Reu, of Peleg, —of Eber, of Shelah:
36 カイナン、アルパクサデ、セム、ノア、ラメク、
of Cainan, of Arphaxad, of Shem, —of Noah, of Lamech:
37 メトセラ、エノク、ヤレデ、マハラレル、カイナン、
of Methuselah, of Enoch, of Jared, —of Mahalaleel, of Cainan:
38 エノス、セツ、アダムに至る。アダムは神の子なり。
of Enos, of Seth, —of Adam; of God.