< ルカの福音書 23 >
1 民衆みな起ちて、イエスをピラトの前に曳きゆき、
And all the multitude of them rising up, lead Him to Pilate.
2 訴へ出でて言ふ『われら此の人が、わが國の民を惑し、貢をカイザルに納むるを禁じ、かつ自ら王なるキリストと稱ふるを認めたり』
And they began to accuse Him, saying, We found Him perverting the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, saying that He is Christ, a King.
3 ピラト、イエスに問ひて言ふ『なんぢはユダヤ人の王なるか』答へて言ひ給ふ『なんぢの言ふが如し』
And Pilate asked Him, saying, Art thou the King of the Jews? And responding to him, He said, Thou sayest it.
4 ピラト祭司長らと群衆とに言ふ『われ此の人に愆あるを見ず』
And Pilate said to the chief priests and the multitudes, I find nothing criminal in this man.
5 彼 等ますます言ひ募り『かれはユダヤ全國に教をなして民を騷がし、ガリラヤより始めて、此處に至る』と言ふ。
And they became stronger and stronger, saying, He stirs up the people, teaching throughout all Judea, beginning from Galilee unto this place.
6 ピラト之を聞き、そのガリラヤ人なるかを問ひて、
And Pilate hearing, asked if He is a Galilean man.
7 ヘロデの權下の者なるを知り、ヘロデ此の頃エルサレムに居たれば、イエスをその許に送れり。
And learning that He is from the jurisdiction of Herod, he sent Him up to Herod, being himself in Jerusalem in those days.
8 ヘロデ、イエスを見て甚く喜ぶ。これは彼に就きて聞く所ありたれば、久しく逢はんことを欲し、何をか徴を行ふを見んと望み居たる故なり。
And Herod seeing Jesus, rejoiced exceedingly: for from a long time, wishing to see Him, because He was hearing about Him; and he was hoping to see some miracle wrought by Him.
9 かくて多くの言をもて問ひたれど、イエス何をも答へ給はず。
And he asked Him with many words; and He responded to him nothing.
But the high priest and scribes stood by, accusing Him vehemently.
11 ヘロデその兵卒と共にイエスを侮り、かつ嘲弄し、華美なる衣を著せて、ピラトに返す。
But Herod along with his soldiers having indeed treated Him with contempt, and mocked Him, putting on Him a scarlet robe, sent Him back to Pilate.
12 ヘロデとピラトと前には仇たりしが、此の日たがひに親しくなれり。
And both Herod and Pilate on that day became friends with one another: for they were hitherto in enmity either to other.
13 ピラト、祭司長らと司らと民とを呼び集めて言ふ、
Pilate having called together the chief priests and the rulers and the people,
14 『汝らこの人を民を惑す者として曳き來れり。視よ、われ汝らの前にて訊したれど、其の訴ふる所に就きて、この人に愆あるを見ず。
said to them, You have brought to me this man, as revolutionizing the people: and behold, I, judging Him before you, found nothing in this man criminal of those things which you accuse against Him.
15 ヘロデも亦 然り、彼を我らに返したり。視よ、彼は死に當るべき業を爲さざりき。
But Herod did not: for he sent Him back to us; and behold, nothing worthy of death has been done by Him.
Therefore having scourged Him, I will release Him.
18 民衆ともに叫びて言ふ『この人を除け、我らにバラバを赦せ』
And they unanimously cried out, saying, Take Him away, and release unto us Barabbas:
19 此のバラバは、都に起りし一揆と殺人との故によりて、獄に入れられたる者なり。
who had been cast into prison on account of certain sedition made in the city, and murder.
20 ピラトはイエスを赦さんと欲して、再び彼らに告げたれど、
Then Pilate again called to them, wishing to release Jesus.
21 彼ら叫びて『十字架につけよ、十字架につけよ』と言ふ。
And they continued to shout aloud, saying, Crucify Him, crucify Him.
22 ピラト三度まで『彼は何の惡事を爲ししか、我その死に當るべき業を見ず、故に懲しめて赦さん』と言ふ。
And he spoke to them the third time, For what evil hath He done? I found nothing in Him worthy of death: therefore having scourged Him, I will release Him.
23 されど人々、大聲をあげ迫りて、十字架につけんことを求めたれば、遂にその聲 勝てり。
And they continued to lay on with great voices, demanding that He should be crucified: and the voices of them and the high priests continued to grow stronger.
And Pilate decided that their request should be granted.
25 その求むるままに、かの一揆と殺人との故によりて獄に入れられたる者を赦し、イエスを付して彼らの心の隨ならしめたり。
And released him who on account of sedition and murder had been cast into prison, and delivered up Jesus according to their wish.
26 人々イエスを曳きゆく時、シモンといふクレネ人の田舍より來るを執へ、十字架を負はせてイエスの後に從はしむ。
And when they were leading Him away, taking a certain Simon, a Cyrenean, coming from the country, they placed the cross on him, to carry it after Jesus.
27 民の大なる群と、歎き悲しめる女たちの群と之に從ふ。
And a great multitude of people followed Him, and of women who were both weeping and bewailing Him.
28 イエス振反りて女たちに言ひ給ふ『エルサレムの娘よ、わが爲に泣くな、ただ己がため、己が子のために泣け。
And Jesus turning to them said, Daughters of Jerusalem, weep not for me, but weep for yourselves, and your children.
29 視よ「石婦、兒 産まぬ腹、哺ませぬ乳は幸福なり」と言ふ日きたらん。
Because behold, the days are coming, in which they will say, Blessed are the barren, and the wombs that did not bring forth, and the breasts that did not nurse.
30 その時ひとびと「山に向ひて我らの上に倒れよ、岡に向ひて我らを掩へ」と言ひ出でん。
Then they will begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Hide us.
31 もし青 樹に斯く爲さば、枯樹は如何にせられん』
Because if they do these things in the green tree, what may be done in the dry?
32 また他に二人の惡人をも、死罪に行はんとてイエスと共に曳きゆく。
And two malefactors were also led away with Him, to be executed.
33 髑髏といふ處に到りて、イエスを十字架につけ、また惡人の一人をその右、一人をその左に十字架につく。
And when they came to the place called Calvary. There they crucified Him, and the malefactors, one on the right and one on the left.
34 かくてイエス言ひたまふ『父よ、彼らを赦し給へ、その爲す所を知らざればなり』彼らイエスの衣を分ちて鬮取にせり、
And Jesus said, Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing. And dividing His garments, they were casting the lots.
35 民は立ちて見ゐたり。司たちも嘲りて言ふ『かれは他人を救へり、もし神の選び給ひしキリストならば、己をも救へかし』
The people stood looking: and the rulers were even mocking with themselves, saying, He saved others; let Him save Himself, if He is the Christ, the elect of God.
36 兵卒どもも嘲弄しつつ、近よりて酸き葡萄酒をさし出して言ふ、
And the soldiers were also mocking, coming and bringing the vinegar to Him,
and saying, If thou art the King of the Jews, save thyself.
38 又イエスの上には『これはユダヤ人の王なり』との罪標あり。
And the superscription was also over Him: THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.
39 十字架に懸けられたる惡人の一人、イエスを譏りて言ふ『なんぢはキリストならずや、己と我らとを救へ』
And one of the malefactors having been hung up, continued to blaspheme Him, saying, If thou art the Christ, save thyself and us.
40 他の者これに答へ禁めて言ふ『なんぢ同じく罪に定められながら、神を畏れぬか。
But the other one responding, rebuked him saying, Do you not fear God, because you are in the same condemnation?
41 我らは爲しし事の報を受くるなれば當然なり。されど此の人は何の不 善をも爲さざりき』
and we indeed justly; for we are receiving the deservings of the things we did: but this one has done nothing amiss.
42 また言ふ『イエスよ、御國に入り給ふとき、我を憶えたまえ』
And he said to Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou mayest come in thy kingdom.
43 イエス言ひ給ふ『われ誠に汝に告ぐ、今日なんぢは我と偕にパラダイスに在るべし』
And Jesus said to him, Truly I say unto thee, This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise.
44 晝の十二 時ごろ、日、光をうしなひ、地のうへ徧く暗くなりて、三時に及び、
And it was about the sixth hour, and there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour.
And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the middle.
46 イエス大聲に呼はりて言ひたまふ『父よ、わが靈を御手にゆだぬ』斯く言ひて息 絶えたまふ。
And calling with a loud voice, Jesus said, Father, into thy hands I commit my spirit. And having said this, He expired.
47 百卒長この有りし事を見て、神を崇めて言ふ『實にこの人は義人なりき』
And the centurion seeing that which took place, glorified God, saying, Surely this was a righteous man.
48 これを見んとて集りたる群衆も、ありし事どもを見て、みな胸を打ちつつ歸れり。
And all the multitudes being present at that scene, seeing those things which took place, were going away beating their breasts.
49 凡てイエスの相識の者およびガリラヤより從ひ來れる女たちも、遙に立ちて此 等のことを見たり。
And all His acquaintances stood a great way off and the women who having followed along with Him from Galilee, seeing these things.
And behold, there was a man by name Joseph, being a councilor, a good and righteous man,
51 ――この人はかの評議と仕業とに與せざりき――ユダヤの町なるアリマタヤの者にて、神の國を待ちのぞめり。
(for he was not consenting unto their counsel and deed), from Arimathea, a city of the Jews, who also himself was looking for the kingdom of God.
52 此の人ピラトの許にゆき、イエスの屍體を乞ひ、
He having come to Pilate, begged the body of Jesus.
53 これを取りおろし、亞麻 布にて包み、巖に鑿りたる未だ人を葬りし事なき墓に納めたり。
And having taken it down, he wrapped it in linen, and placed it in a hewn sepulcher, where no one ever was laid.
54 この日は準備 日なり、かつ安息 日 近づきぬ。
And it was Preparation day, and the Sabbath was drawing nigh.
55 ガリラヤよりイエスと共に來りし女たち後に從ひ、その墓と屍體の納められたる樣とを見、
And the women, who had come along with him out of Galilee, having followed down, saw the sepulcher, and where His body was placed.
56 歸りて香料と香 油とを備ふ。かくて誡命に遵ひて、安息 日を休みたり。
And having returned, they prepared aromatics and myrrh: and they kept the Sabbath according to the commandment.