< レビ記 3 >

1 人もし酬恩祭の犠牲を献るに當りて牛をとりて之を献るならば牝牡にかかはらずその全き者をヱホバの前に供ふべし
And if his offering is given for a peace-offering; if he gives of the herd, male or female, let him give it without any mark on it, before the Lord.
2 すなはちその禮物の首に手を按き集會の幕屋の門にこれを宰るべし而してアロンの子等なる祭司等その血を壇の周圍に灌ぐべし
And he is to put his hand on the head of his offering and put it to death at the door of the Tent of meeting; and Aaron's sons, the priests, are to put some of the blood on and round the altar.
3 彼はまたその酬恩祭の犠牲の中よりして火祭をヱホバに献べし即ち臓腑を裹むところの脂と臓腑の上の一切の脂
And he is to give of the peace-offering, as an offering made by fire to the Lord; the fat covering the inside parts and all the fat on the inside parts,
4 および二箇の腎とその上の脂の腰の兩傍にある者ならびに肝の上の網膜の腎の上に達る者を取べし
And the two kidneys, and the fat on them, which is by the top part of the legs, and the fat joining the liver and the kidneys, he is to take away;
5 而してアロンの子等壇の上において火の上なる薪の上の燔祭の上にこれを焚べし是すなはち火祭にしてヱホバに馨しき香たるなり
That it may be burned by Aaron's sons on the altar, on the burned offering which is on the wood on the fire: it is an offering made by fire of a sweet smell to the Lord.
6 もしまたヱホバに酬恩祭の犠牲を献るにあたりて羊をその禮物となすならば牝牡にかかはらず其全き者を供ふべし
And if what he gives for a peace-offering to the Lord is of the flock, let him give a male or female, without any mark on it.
7 若また羔羊をその禮物となすならば之をヱホバの前に牽來り
If his offering is a lamb, then let it be placed before the Lord:
8 その禮物の首に手を按きこれを集會の幕屋の前に宰るべし而してアロンの子等その血を壇の四圍にそそぐべし
And he is to put his hand on the head of his offering and put it to death before the Tent of meeting; and Aaron's sons are to put some of its blood on and round the altar.
9 彼その酬恩祭の犠牲の中よりして火祭をヱホバに献べし即ちその脂をとりその尾を脊骨より全く斷きりまた臓腑を裹ところの脂と臓腑の上の一切の脂
And of the peace-offering, let him give an offering made by fire to the Lord; the fat of it, all the fat tail, he is to take away near the backbone; and the fat covering the inside parts and all the fat on the inside parts,
10 および兩箇の腎とその上の脂の腰の兩傍にある者ならびに肝の上の網膜の腎の上に達る者をとるべし
And the two kidneys, with the fat on them, which is by the top part of the legs, and the fat joining the liver and the kidneys, he is to take away;
11 祭司はこれを壇の上に焚べし是は火祭にしてヱホバにたてまつる食物なり
That it may be burned by the priest on the altar; it is the food of the offering made by fire to the Lord.
12 もし山羊を禮物となすならばこれをヱホバの前に牽來り
And if his offering is a goat, then let it be placed before the Lord,
13 其の首に手を按きこれを集會の幕屋の前に宰るべし而してアロンの子等その血を壇の四圍に灌ぐべし
And let him put his hand on the head of it and put it to death before the Tent of meeting; and the sons of Aaron are to put some of its blood on and round the altar.
14 彼またその中よりして禮物をとりヱホバに火祭をささぐべしすなはち臓腑を裹むところの脂と臓腑の上のすべての脂
And of it let him make his offering, an offering made by fire to the Lord; the fat covering the inside parts and all the fat on the inside parts,
15 および兩箇の腎とその上の脂と腰の兩傍にある者ならびに肝の上の網膜の腎の上に達る者をとるべし
And the two kidneys, with the fat on them, which is by the top part of the legs, and the fat joining the liver and the kidneys, let him take away;
16 祭司はこれを壇の上に焚べし是は火祭として奉つる食物にして馨しき香たるなり脂はみなヱホバに歸すべし
That it may be burned by the priest on the altar; it is the food of the offering made by fire for a sweet smell: all the fat is the Lord's.
17 汝等は脂と血を食ふべからず是は汝らがその一切の住處において代々永く守るべき例なり
Let it be an order for ever, through all your generations, in all your houses, that you are not to take fat or blood for food.

< レビ記 3 >