< レビ記 24 >

1 ヱホバまたモーセに告て言たまはく
And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
2 イスラエルの子孫に命じ橄欖を搗て取たる清き油を燈火のために汝に持きたらしめて絶ず燈火をともすべし
Commande the children of Israel that they bring vnto thee pure oyle oliue beaten, for the light, to cause ye lampes to burne continually.
3 またアロンは集會の幕屋において律法の前なる幕の外にて絶ずヱホバの前にその燈火を整ふべし是は汝らが代々ながく守るべき定例なり
Without the vaile of the Testimonie, in the Tabernacle of the Congregation, shall Aaron dresse them, both euen and morning before the Lord alwayes: this shalbe a lawe for euer through your generations.
4 彼すなはちヱホバの前にて純精の燈臺の上にその燈火を絶ず整ふべきなり
He shall dresse the lampes vpon the pure Candlesticke before the Lord perpetually.
5 汝麥粉を取りとれをもて菓子十二を燒べし菓子一箇には其の十分の二をもちふべし
Also thou shalt take fine floure, and bake twelue cakes thereof: two tenth deales shalbe in one cake.
6 而してこれをヱホバの前なる純精の案の上に二累に積み一累に六宛あらしむべし
And thou shalt set them in two rowes, six in a rowe vpon the pure table before the Lord.
7 汝また淨き乳香をその累の上に置きこれをしてそのパンの上にありて記念とならしめヱホバにたてまつりて火祭となすべし
Thou shalt also put pure incense vpon the rowes, that in steade of the bread it may bee for a remembrance, and an offering made by fire to the Lord.
8 安息日ごとに絶ずこれをヱホバの前に供ふべし是はイスラエルの子孫の献ぐべき者にして永遠の契約たるなり
Euery Sabbath hee shall put them in rowes before the Lord euermore, receiuing them of the children of Israel for an euerlasting couenant.
9 これはアロンとその子等に歸す彼等これを聖所に食ふべし是はヱホバの火祭の一にして彼に歸する者にて至聖し是をもて永遠の條例となすべし
And the bread shalbe Aarons and his sonnes, and they shall eate it in the holie place: for it is most holie vnto him of the offrings of the Lord made by fire by a perpetuall ordinance.
10 茲にその父はエジプト人母はイスラエル人なる者ありてイスラエルの子孫の中にいで來れることありしがそのイスラエルの婦の生たる者イスラエルの人と營の中に爭論をなせり
And there went out among the children of Israel the sonne of an Israelitish woman, whose father was an Egyptian: and this sonne of the Israelitish woman, and a man of Israel stroue together in the hoste.
11 時にそのイスラエルの婦の生たる者ヱホバの名を瀆して詛ふことをなしければ人々これをモーセの許にひき來れり(その母はダンの支派のデブリの女子にして名をシロミテと曰ふ)
So the Israelitish womans sonne blasphemed the name of the Lord, and cursed, and they brought him vnto Moses (his mothers name also was Shelomith, the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Dan)
12 人々かれを閉こめおきてヱホバの示諭をかうむるを俟り
And they put him in warde, till he tolde them the minde of the Lord.
13 時にヱホバ、モーセにつげて言たまはく
Then the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
14 かの詛ふことをなせし者を營の外に曳いだし之を聞たる者に皆その手を彼の首に按しめ全會衆をして彼を石にて撃しめよ
Bring the blasphemer without the hoste, and let all that heard him, put their handes vpon his head, and let all the Congregation stone him.
15 汝またイスラエルの子孫に告て言べし凡てその神を詛ふ者はその罰を蒙るべし
And thou shalt speake vnto the children of Israel, saying, Whosoeuer curseth his God, shall beare his sinne.
16 ヱホバの名を瀆す者はかならず誅されん全會衆かならず石をもて之を撃べし外國の人にても自己の國の人にてもヱホバの名を瀆すにおいては誅さるべし
And he that blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shalbe put to death: all the Congregation shall stone him to death: aswell the stranger, as he that is borne in the lande: when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, let him beslaine.
17 人を殺す者はかならず誅さるベし
He also that killeth any man, he shall be put to death.
18 獣畜を殺す者はまた獣畜をもて獣畜を償ふべし
And he that killeth a beast, he shall restore it, beast for beast.
19 人もしその鄰人に傷損をつけなばそのなせし如く自己もせらるべし
Also if a man cause any blemish in his neighbour: as he hath done, so shall it be done to him.
20 即ち挫は挫目は目歯は歯をもて償ふべし人に傷損をつけしごとく自己も然せらるべきなり
Breache for breach, eye for eye, tooth for tooth: such a blemish as he hath made in any, such shalbe repayed to him.
21 獣畜を殺す者は是を償ふべく人を殺す者は誅さるべきなり
And he that killeth a beast shall restore it: but he that killeth a man shall be slaine.
22 外國の人にも自己の國の人にもこの法は同一なり我は汝らの神ヱホバなり
Ye shall haue one lawe: it shalbe aswel for the stranger as for one borne in the countrey: for I am the Lord your God.
23 モーセすなはちイスラエルの子孫にむかひかの營の外にて詛ふことをなせし者を曳いだして石にて撃てと言ければイラスエルの子孫ヱホバのモーセに命じたまひしごとく爲ぬ
Then Moses tolde the children of Israel, and they brought the blasphemer out of the hoste, and stoned him with stones: so the children of Israel did as the Lord had commanded Moses.

< レビ記 24 >