< レビ記 21 >
1 ヱホバ、モーセに告て言たまはくアロンの子等なる祭司等に告てこれに言へ民の中の死人のために身を汚す者あるべからず
And the Lord said vnto Moses, Speake vnto the Priestes the sonnes of Aaron, and say vnto them, Let none be defiled by the dead among his people,
2 但しその骨肉の親のためすなはちその母のため父のため男子のため女子のため兄弟のため
But by his kinseman that is neere vnto him: to wit, by his mother, or by his father, or by his sonne, or by his daughter, or by his brother,
3 またその姉妹の處女にして未だ夫あらざる者のためには身を汚すも宜し
Or by his sister a maid, that is neere vnto him, which hath not had a husband: for her he may lament.
4 祭司はその民の中の長者なれば身を汚して褻たる者となるべからず
He shall not lament for the Prince among his people, to pollute him selfe.
5 彼等は髮をそりて頭に毛なき所をつくるべからずその鬚の兩傍を損ずべからずまたその身に傷つくべからず
They shall not make balde partes vpon their head, nor shaue off the locks of their beard, nor make any cuttings in their flesh.
6 その神に對て聖あるべくまたその神の名をけがすべからず彼等はヱホバの火祭すなはち其神の食物を献ぐる者なれば聖あるべきなり
They shalbe holy vnto their God, and not pollute the name of their God: for the sacrifices of the Lord made by fire, and the bread of their God they doe offer: therefore they shalbe holie.
7 彼等は妓女または汚れたる女を妻に娶るべからずまた夫に出されたる女を娶るべからず其はその身ヱホバにむかひて聖ければなり
They shall not take to wife an whore, or one polluted, neither shall they marrie a woman diuorced from her husband: for such one is holy vnto his God.
8 汝かれをもて聖者とすべし彼は汝の神ヱホバの食物を献ぐる者なればなり汝すなはちこれをもて聖者となすべし其は我ヱホバ汝らを聖別る者聖ければなり
Thou shalt sanctifie him therefore, for he offereth the bread of thy God: he shall be holy vnto thee: for I the Lord, which sanctifie you, am holy.
9 祭司の女たる者淫行をなしてその身を汚さば是その父を汚すなり火をもてこれを燒べし
If a Priestes daughter fall to play the whore, she polluteth her father: therefore shall she be burnt with fire.
10 その兄弟の中灌膏を首にそそがれ職に任ぜられて祭司の長となれる者はその頭をあらはすべからずまたその衣服を裂べからず
Also ye hie Priest among his brethren, (vpon whose head the anointing oyle was powred, and hath consecrated his hand to put on the garments) shall not vncouer his head, nor rent his clothes,
11 死人の所に往べからずまたその父のためにも母のためにも身を汚すべからず
Neither shall he goe to any dead bodie, nor make him selfe vncleane by his father or by his mother,
12 また聖所より出べからずその神の聖所を褻すべからず其はその神の任職の灌膏首にあればなり我はヱホバなり
Neither shall he goe out of the Sanctuarie, nor pollute the holy place of his God: for the crowne of the anoynting oyle of his God is vpon him: I am the Lord.
Also he shall take a maide vnto his wife:
14 寡婦休れたる婦または汚れたる婦妓女等は娶るべからず惟自己の民の中の處女を妻にめとるべし
But a widowe, or a diuorced woman, or a polluted, or an harlot, these shall he not marrie, but shall take a maide of his owne people to wife:
15 その民の中に自己の子孫を汚すべからずヱホバこれを聖別ればなり
Neyther shall he defile his seede among his people: for I am the Lord which sanctifie him.
And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
17 アロンに告て言へ凡そ汝の歴代の子孫の中身に疵ある者は進みよりてその神ヱホバの食物を献ぐる事を爲べからず
Speake vnto Aaron, and say, Whosoeuer of thy seede in their generations hath any blemishes, shall not prease to offer the bread of his God:
18 凡て疵ある人は進みよるべからずすなはち瞽者跛者および鼻の缺たる者成餘るところ身にある者
For whosoeuer hath any blemish, shall not come neere: as a man blinde or lame, or that hath a flat nose, or that hath any misshapen member,
Or a man that hath a broken foote, or a broken hande,
20 傴僂者侏儒目に雲膜ある者疥ある者癬ある者外腎の壞れたる者等は進みよるべからず
Or is crooke backt, or bleare eyed, or hath a blemish in his eye, or be skiruie, or skabbed, or haue his stones broken.
21 凡そ祭司アロンの子孫の中身に疵ある者は進みよりてヱホバの火祭を献ぐべからず彼は身に疵あるなれば進みよりてヱホバの食物を献ぐべからざるなり
None of the seede of Aaron the Priest that hath a blemish, shall come neere to offer the sacrifices of the Lord made by fire, hauing a blemish: he shall not prease to offer the bread of his God.
The bread of his God, euen of the most holie, and of the holy shall he eate:
23 然ど障蔽の幕に至べからずまた祭壇に近よるべからず其は身に疵あればなり斯かれわが聖所を汚すべからず其は我ヱホバこれを聖別ればなり
But he shall not goe in vnto the vaile, nor come neere the altar, because hee hath a blemish, least he pollute my Sanctuaries: for I am the Lord that sanctifie them.
24 モーセすなはちアロンとその子等およびイスラエルの一切の子孫にこれを告たり
Thus spake Moses vnto Aaron, and to his sonnes, and to all the children of Israel.