< 哀歌 2 >
1 ああヱホバ震怒をおこし 黑雲をもてシオンの女を蔽ひたまひ イスラエルの榮光を天より地におとし その震怒の日に己の足凳を心にとめたまはざりき
How hath the Lord darkened the daughter of Zion in his wrath! and hath cast downe from heauen vnto the earth the beautie of Israel, and remembred not his footestoole in the day of his wrath!
2 主ヤコブのすべての住居を呑つくしてあはれまず 震怒によりてユダの女の保砦を毀ち これを地にたふし その國とその牧伯等を辱かしめ
The Lord hath destroyed al the habitations of Iaakob, and not spared: he hath throwen downe in his wrath ye strong holds of the daughter of Iudah: he hath cast the downe to ye ground: he hath polluted the kingdome and the princes thereof.
3 烈しき震怒をもてイスラエルのすべての角を絶ち 敵の前にて己の右の手をひきちぢめ 四面を焚きつくす燃る火のごとくヤコブを焚き
Hee hath cut off in his fierce wrath all the horne of Israel: he hath drawen backe his right hand from before the enemie, and there was kindled in Iaakob like a flame of fire, which deuoured rounde about.
4 敵のごとく弓を張り 仇のごとく右の手を挺て立ち 凡て目に喜こばしきものを滅し シオンの女の幕屋に火のごとくその怒をそそぎたまへり
He hath bent his bowe like an enemie: his right hand was stretched vp as an aduersarie, and slewe al that was pleasant to the eye in the tabernacle of the daughter of Zion: he powred out his wrath like fire.
5 主敵のごとくに成たまひてイスラエルを呑ほろぼし その諸の殿を呑ほろぼし そのもろもろの保砦をこぼち ユダの女の上に憂愁と悲哀を増くはへ
The Lord was as an enemie: he hath deuoured Israel, and consumed all his palaces: hee hath destroyed his strong holdes, and hath increased in the daughter of Iudah lamentation and mourning.
6 園のごとく己の幕屋を荒し その集會の所をほろぼしたまへり ヱホバ節會と安息日とをシオンに忘れしめ 烈しき怒によりて王と祭司とをいやしめ棄たまへり
For hee hath destroyed his Tabernacle, as a garden, hee hath destroyed his Congregation: the Lord hath caused the feastes and Sabbathes to bee forgotten in Zion, and hath despised in the indignation of his wrath the King and the Priest.
7 主その祭壇を忌棄て その聖所を嫌ひ憎みて その諸の殿の石垣を敵の手にわたしたまへり 彼らは節會の日のごとくヱホバの室にて聲をたつ
The Lord hath forsaken his altar: he hath abhorred his Sanctuarie: he hath giue into the hand of the enemie the walles of her palaces: they haue made a noyse in the House of the Lord, as in the day of solemnitie.
8 ヱホバ、シオンの女の石垣を毀たんと思ひさだめ 繩を張り こぼち進みてその手をひかず 壕と石垣とをして哀しましめたまふ 是らは共に憂ふ
The Lord hath determined to destroy the wall of the daughter of Zion: hee stretched out a lyne: hee hath not withdrawen his hande from destroying: therefore hee made the rampart and the wall to lament: they were destroyed together.
9 その門は地に埋もれ ヱホバその關木をこぼちくだき その王ともろもろの牧伯は律法なき國人の中にあり その預言者はヱホバより異象を蒙らず
Her gates are sunke to the grounde: he hath destroyed and broken her barres: her King and her princes are among the Gentiles: the Lawe is no more, neither can her Prophets receiue any vision from the Lord.
10 シオンの女の長老等は地に坐りて默し 首に灰をかむり 身に麻をまとふ ヱルサレムの處女は首を地に低る
The Elders of the daughter of Zion sit vpon the grounde, and keepe silence: they haue cast vp dust vpon their heades: they haue girded them selues with sackecloth: the virgines of Ierusalem hang downe their heades to the ground.
11 わが目は涙の爲に潰れんとし わが膓は沸かへり わが肝は地に塗る わが民の女ほろぼされ 幼少ものや乳哺子は疲れはてて邑の街衢に氣息たへなんとすればなり
Mine eyes doe saile with teares: my bowels swell: my liuer is powred vpon the earth, for the destruction of the daughter of my people, because the children and sucklings swoone in the streetes of the citie.
12 かれらは疵を負る者の如く邑のちまたにて氣息たえなんとし 母の懐にその靈魂をそそがんとし 母にむかひて言ふ 穀物と酒とはいづくにあるやと
They haue sayd to their mothers, Where is bread and drinke? when they swooned as the wounded in the streetes of the citie, and whe they gaue vp the ghost in their mothers bosome.
13 ヱルサレムの女よ 我なにをもて汝にあかしし 何をもて汝にならべんや シオンの處女よ われ何をもて汝になぞらへて汝をなぐさめんや 汝のやぶれは海のごとく大なり 嗟たれか能く汝を醫さんや
What thing shall I take to witnesse for thee? what thing shall I compare to thee, O daughter Ierusalem? what shall I liken to thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgine daughter Zion? for thy breach is great like ye sea: who can heale thee?
14 なんぢの預言者は虚しき事と愚なることとなんぢに預言し かつて汝の不義をあらはしてその俘囚をまぬかれしめんとはせざりき その預言するところは唯むなしき重荷および追放たるる根本となるべき事のみ
Thy Prophets haue looked out vayne, and foolish things for thee, and they haue not discouered thine iniquitie, to turne away thy captiuitie, but haue looked out for thee false prophesies, and causes of banishment.
15 すべて往來の人なんぢにむかひて手を拍ち ヱルサレムの女にむかひて嘲りわらひ かつ頭をふりて言ふ 美麗の極全地の欣喜ととなへたりし邑は是なるかと
All that passe by the way, clap their hands at thee: they hisse and wagge their head vpon the daughter Ierusalem, saying, Is this the citie that men call, The perfection of beautie, and the ioye of the whole earth?
16 なんぢのもろもろの敵はなんぢに對ひて口を開け あざけり笑ひて切齒をなす 斯て言ふわれら之を呑つくしたり 是われらが望みたりし日なり 我ら已に之にあへり 我らすでに之を見たりと
All thine enemies haue opened their mouth against thee: they hisse and gnashe the teeth, saying, Let vs deuoure it: certainely this is the day that we looked for: we haue founde and seene it.
17 ヱホバはその定めたまへることを成し いにしへより其命じたまひし言を果したまへり ヱホバはほろぼして憐れまず 敵をして汝にかちほこらしめ汝の仇の角をたかくしたまへり
The Lord hath done that which he had purposed: he hath fulfilled his worde that he had determined of old time: he hath throwen downe, and not spared: hee hath caused thine enemie to reioyce ouer thee, and set vp the horne of thine aduersaries.
18 かれらの心は主にむかひて呼はれり シオンの女の墻垣よ なんぢ夜も晝も河の如く涙をながせ みづから安んずることをせず 汝の瞳子を休むることなかれ
Their heart cryed vnto the Lord, O wall of the daughter Zion, let teares runne downe like a riuer, day and night: take thee no rest, neither let the apple of thine eye cease.
19 なんぢ夜の初更に起いでて呼さけべ 主の御前に汝の心を水のごとく灌げ 街衢のほとりに饑たふるるなんぢの幼兒の生命のために主にむかひて兩手をあげよ
Arise, cry in the night: in the beginning of the watches powre out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift vp thine handes towarde him for the life of thy yong children, that faint for hunger in the corners of all the streetes.
20 ヱホバよ視たまへ 汝これを誰におこなひしか 願はくは顧みたまへ 婦人おのが實なるその懷き育てし孩兒を食ふべけんや 祭司預言者等主の聖所において殺さるべけんや
Beholde, O Lord, and consider to whome thou hast done thus: shall the women eate their fruite, and children of a spanne long? shall the Priest and the Prophet be slaine in the Sanctuarie of the Lord?
21 をさなきも老たるも街衢にて地に臥し わが處女も若き男も刄にかかりて斃れたり なんぢはその震怒の日にこれを殺し これを屠りて恤れみたまはざりき
The yong and the olde lie on the ground in the streetes: my virgins and my yong men are fallen by the sworde: thou hast slaine them in the day of thy wrath: thou hast killed and not spared.
22 なんぢ節會の日のごとくわが懼るるところの者を四方より呼あつめたまへり ヱホバの震怒の日には遁れたる者なく又のこりたる者なかりき わが懷き育てし者はみなわが敵のためにほろぼされたり
Thou hast called as in a solemne daye my terrours rounde about, so that in the day of the Lordes wrath none escaped nor remained: those that I haue nourished and brought vp, hath mine enemie consumed.