< 士師記 4 >

1 エホデの死たるのちイスラエルの子孫復ヱホバの目前に惡を行しかば
And the children of Israel continued to do evil against the Lord; and Aod was dead.
2 ヱホバ、ハゾルにて世を治むるカナンの王ヤビンの手に之を賣たまふヤビンの軍勢の長はシセラといふ彼異邦人のハロセテに住居り
And the Lord sold the children of Israel into the hand of Jabin king of Chanaan, who ruled in Asor; and the chief of his host was Sisara, and he dwelt in Arisoth of the Gentiles.
3 鐵の戰車九百輌を有居て二十年の間イスラエルの子孫を甚だしく虐げしかばイスラエルの子孫ヱホバに呼はれり
And the children of Israel cried to the Lord, because he had nine hundred chariots of iron; and he mightily oppressed Israel twenty years.
4 當時ラピドテの妻なる預言者デボラ、イスラエルの士師なりき
And Debbora, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, —she judged Israel at that time.
5 彼エフライムの山のラマとベテルの間に在るデボラの棕櫚の樹の下に坐せりイスラエルの子孫はその許に上りて審判を受く
And she sat under the palm-tree of Debbora between Rama and Baethel in mount Ephraim; and the children of Israel went up to her for judgment.
6 デボラ人をつかはしてケデシ、ナフタリよりアビノアムの子バラクを招きこれにいひけるはイスラエルの神ヱホバ汝に斯く命じたまふにあらずやいはく汝ナフタリの子孫とゼブルンの子孫とを一萬人ひきゐゆきてタボル山におもむけ
And Debbora sent and called Barac the son of Abineem out of Cades Nephthali, and she said to him, Has not the Lord God of Israel commanded thee? and thou shalt depart to mount Thabor, and shalt take with thyself ten thousand men of the sons of Nephthali and of the sons of Zabulon.
7 我ヤビンの軍勢の長シセラおよびその戰車とその群衆とをキシオン河に引き寄せて汝のもとに至らせ之を汝の手に付すべし
And I will bring to thee to the torrent of Kison Sisara the captain of the host of Jabin, and his chariots, and his multitude, and I will deliver them into thine hands.
8 バラク之にいひけるは汝もし我とともにゆかば我往べし然ど汝もし我とともに行ずば我行ざるべし
And Barac said to her, If thou wilt go with me, I will go; and if thou wilt not go, I will not go; for I know not the day on which the Lord prospers his messenger with me.
9 デボラいひけるは我かならず汝とともに往くべし然ど汝は今往くところの途にては榮譽を得ることなからんヱホバ婦人の手にシセラを賣りたまふべければなりとデボラすなはち起ちてバラクと共にケデシに往けり
And she said, I will surely go with thee; but know that thy honour shall not attend on the expedition on which thou goest, for the Lord shall sell Sisara into the hands of a women: and Debbora arose, and went with Barac out of Cades.
10 バラク、ゼブルンとナフタリをケデシに招き一萬人を從へて上るデボラもまた之とともに上れり
And Barac called Zabulon and Nephthali out of Cades, and there went up at his feet ten thousand men, and Debbora went up with him.
11 ここにケニ人ヘベルといふ者あり彼はモーセの外舅ホバブの裔なるがケニを離れてケデシの邊なるザアナイムの橡の樹のかたはらにその天幕を張り居たり
And Chaber the Kenite had removed from Caina, from the sons of Jobab the father-in-law of Moses, and pitched his tent by the oak of the covetous ones, which is near Kedes.
12 衆アビノアムの子バラクがタボル山に上れるよしをシセラに告げたりければ
And it was told Sisara that Barac the son of Abineem was gone up to mount Thabor.
13 シセラそのすべての戰車すなはち鐵の戰車九百輌およびおのれとともに在るすべての民を異邦人のハロセテよりキシオン河に招き集へたり
And Sisara summoned all his chariots, nine hundred chariots of iron and all the people with him, from Arisoth of the Gentiles to the brook of Kison.
14 デボラ、バラクにいひけるは起よ是ヱホバがシセラを汝の手に付したまふ日なりヱホバ汝に先き立ちて出でたまひしにあらずやとバラクすなはち一萬人をしたがへてタボル山より下る
And Debbora said to Barac, Rise up, for this [is] the day on which the Lord has delivered Sisara into thy hand, for the Lord shall go forth before thee: and Barac went down from mount Thabor, and ten thousand men after him.
15 ヱホバ刃をもてシセラとその諸の戰車およびその全軍をバラクの前に打敗りたまひたればシセラ戰車より飛び下り徒歩になりて遁れ走れり
And the Lord discomfited Sisara, and all his chariots, and all his army, with the edge of the sword before Barac: and Sisara descended from off his chariot, and fled on his feet.
16 バラク戰車と軍勢とを追ひ撃て異邦人のハロセテに至れりシセラの軍勢は悉く刃にたふれて殘れるもの一人もなかりしが
And Barac pursued after the chariots and after the army, into Arisoth of the Gentiles; and the whole army of Sisara fell by the edge of the sword, there was not one left.
17 シセラは徒歩にて奔りケニ人ヘベルの妻ヤエルの天幕に來れり是はハゾルの王ヤビンとケニ人ヘベルの家とは互ひに睦じかりしゆゑなり
And Sisara fled on his feet to the tent of Jael the wife of Chaber the Kenite his friend: for there was peace between Jabin king of Asor and the house of Chaber the Kenite.
18 ヤエル出來りてシセラを迎へ之にいひけるは來れわが主よ入り來れ怖るるなかれとシセラその天幕に入たればヤエル被をもてこれを覆へり
And Jael went, out to meet Sisara, and said to him, Turn aside, my lord, turn aside to me, fear not: and he turned aside to her into the tent; and she covered him with a mantle.
19 シセラ之にいひけるはねがはくは少しの水をわれに飮ませよ我渇けりとヤエルすなはち乳嚢を啓きて之に飮ませまた之を覆へり
And Sisara said to her, Give me, I pray thee, a little water to drink, for I am thirsty: and she opened a bottle of milk, and gave him to drink, and covered him.
20 シセラまた之にいひけるは天幕の門邊に立て居れもし人來り汝にとふて誰かここに居るやといはば否と答ふべしと
And Sisara said to her, Stand now by the door of the tent, and it shall come to pass if any man come to thee, and ask of thee, and say, Is there [any] man here? then thou shalt say, There is not.
21 彼疲れて熟睡せしかばヘベルの妻ヤエル天幕の釘子を取り手に鎚を携へてそのかたはらに忍び寄り鬢のあたりに釘子をうちこみて地に刺し通したればシセラすなはち死たり
And Jael the wife of Chaber took a pin of the tent, and took a hammer in her hand, and went secretly to him, and fastened the pin in his temple, and it went through to the earth, and he fainted away, and darkness fell upon him and he died.
22 バラク、シセラを追ひ來りしときヤエル之を出むかへていひけるは來れ我汝の索るところの人を示さんとかれそのところに入て見にシセラ鬢のあたりに釘子うたれて死たふれをる
And, behold, Barac [was] pursuing Sisara: and Jael went out to meet him, and he said to him, Come, and I will shew thee the man whom thou seekest: and he went in to her; and, behold, Sisara was fallen dead, and the pin [was] in his temple.
23 その日に神カナンの王ヤビンをイスラエルの子孫のまへに打敗りたまへり
So God routed Jabin king of Chanaan in that day before the children of Israel.
24 かくてイスラエルの子孫の手ますます強くなりてカナンの王ヤビンに勝ちつひにカナンの王ヤビンを亡ぼすに至れり
And the hand of the children of Israel prevailed more and more against Jabin king of Chanaan, until they utterly destroyed Jabin king of Chanaan.

< 士師記 4 >