< 士師記 14 >
1 サムソン、テムナテに下り、ペリシテ人の女にてテムナテに住る一人の婦を見
And Samson goeth down to Timnath, and seeth a woman in Timnath of the daughters of the Philistines,
2 歸り上りておのが父母に語ていひけるは我ペリシテ人の女にてテムナテに住るひとりの婦を見たりされば今之をめとりてわが妻とせよと
and cometh up and declareth to his father, and to his mother, and saith, 'A woman I have seen in Timnath, of the daughters of the Philistines; and now, take her for me for a wife.'
3 その父母之にいひけるは汝ゆきて割禮を受けざるペリシテ人のうちより妻を迎んとするは汝が兄弟等の女のうちもしくはわがすべての民のうちに婦女無が故なるかとしかるにサムソン父にむかひ彼婦わがこころに適へば之をわがために娶れと言り
And his father saith to him — also his mother, 'Is there not among the daughters of thy brethren, and among all my people, a woman, that thou art going to take a woman from the uncircumcised Philistines?' and Samson saith unto his father, 'Take her for me, for she is right in mine eyes.'
4 その父母はこの事のヱホバより出しなるを知ざりきサムソンはペリシテ人を攻んと釁をうかがひしなりそは其のころペリシテ人イスラエルを轄め居たればなり
And his father and his mother have not known that from Jehovah it [is], that a meeting he is seeking of the Philistines; and at that time the Philistines are ruling over Israel.
5 サムソン父母とともにテムナテに下りてテムナテの葡萄園にいたるに稚き獅子咆哮りて彼に向ひしが
And Samson goeth down — also his father and his mother, to Timnath, and they come unto the vineyards of Timnath, and lo, a lion's whelp roareth at meeting him,
6 ヱホバの靈彼にのぞみたれば山羊羔を裂がごとくに之を裂たりしが手には何の武器も持ざりきされどサムソンはその爲せしことを父にも母にも告ずしてありぬ
and the Spirit of Jehovah prospereth over him, and he rendeth it as the rending of a kid, and there is nothing in his hand, and he hath not declared to his father and to his mother that which he hath done.
7 サムソンつひに下りて婦とうちかたらひしが婦その心にかなへり
And he goeth down and speaketh to the woman, and she is right in the eyes of Samson;
8 かくて日を經て後サムソンかれを娶らんとて立かへりしが身を轉して彼の獅子の屍を見るに獅子の體に蜂の群と蜜とありければ
and he turneth back after [some] days to take her, and turneth aside to see the carcase of the lion, and lo, a company of bees [are] in the body of the lion — and honey.
9 すなはちその蜜を手にとりて歩みつつ食ひ父母の許にいたりて之を與へけるに彼ら之を食へりされど獅子の體よりその蜜を取來れることをば彼らにかたらざりき
And he taketh it down on to his hands, and goeth on, going and eating; and he goeth unto his father, and unto his mother, and giveth to them, and they eat, and he hath not declared to them that from the body of the lion he took down the honey.
10 斯て其の父下りて婦のもとに至りしかばサムソン少年の習例にしたがひてそこに饗宴をまうけたるに
And his father goeth down unto the woman, and Samson maketh there a banquet, for so the young men do;
11 サムソンを見て三十人の者をつれ來りて之が伴侶とならしむ
and it cometh to pass when they see him, that they take thirty companions, and they are with him.
12 サムソンかれらにいひけるは我汝らにひとつの隱語をかけん汝ら七日の筵宴の内に之を解てあきらかに之を我に告なば我汝らに裏衣三十と衣三十襲をあたふべし
And Samson saith to them, 'Let me, I pray you, put forth to you a riddle; if ye certainly declare it to me [in] the seven days of the banquet, and have found [it] out, then I have given to you thirty linen shirts, and thirty changes of garments;
13 然どもし之をわれに告得ずば汝ら我に裏衣三十と衣三十襲を與ふべしと彼等之にいひけるは汝の隱語をかけて我らに聽しめよ
and if ye are not able to declare [it] to me, then ye have given to me thirty linen shirts, and thirty changes of garments.' And they say to him, 'Put forth thy riddle, and we hear it!'
14 サムソン之にいひけるは食ふ者より食物出で強き者より甘き物出でたりと彼ら三日の中に之を解ことあたはざりしかば
And he saith to them: 'Out of the eater came forth meat, And out of the strong came forth sweetness;' and they were not able to declare the riddle [in] three days.
15 第七日にいたりてサムソンの妻にいひけるは汝の夫を説すすめて隱語を我らに明さしめよ然せずば火をもて汝と汝の父の家を焚ん汝らはわれらの物をとらんとてわれらを招けるなるか然るにあらずやと
And it cometh to pass, on the seventh day, that they say to Samson's wife, 'Entice thy husband, that he declare to us the riddle, lest we burn thee and the house of thy father with fire; to possess us have ye called for us? is it not?'
16 是においてサムソンの妻サムソンのまへに泣ていひけるは汝はわれを惡む而巳われを愛せざるなり汝わが民の子孫に隱語をかけて之をわれに説あかさずとサムソン之にいふ我これをわが父や母にも説あかさざればいかで汝に説あかすべけんやと
And Samson's wife weepeth for it, and saith, 'Thou hast only hated me, and hast not loved me; the riddle thou hast put forth to the sons of my people — and to me thou hast not declared it;' and he saith to her, 'Lo, to my father and to my mother I have not declared [it] — and to thee I declare [it]!'
17 婦七日の筵宴のあひだ彼のまへに泣き居りしが第七日に至りてサムソンつひに之を彼に説あかせり其は太く強たればなり婦すなはち隱語をおのが民の子孫に明せり
And she weepeth for it the seven days [in] which their banquet hath been, and it cometh to pass on the seventh day that he declareth [it] to her, for she hath distressed him; and she declareth the riddle to the sons of her people.
18 是において第七日に及びて日の沒るまへに邑の人々サムソンにいひけるは何ものか蜜よりあまからん何ものか獅子より強からんとサムソン之にいひけるは汝らわが牝犢をもて耕さざりしならばわが隱語を解得ざるなりと
And the men of the city say to him on the seventh day, before the sun goeth in: — 'What [is] sweeter than honey? And what stronger than a lion?' And he saith to them: 'Unless ye had ploughed with my heifer, Ye had not found out my riddle.'
19 茲にヱホバの靈サムソンに臨みしかばサムソン、アシケロンに下りてかしこの者三十人を殺しその物を奪ひ彼の隱語を解し者等にその衣服を與へはげしく怒りて其父の家にかへり上れり
And the Spirit of Jehovah prospereth over him, and he goeth down to Ashkelon, and smiteth of them thirty men, and taketh their armour, and giveth the changes to those declaring the riddle; and his anger burneth, and he goeth up to the house of his father;
20 サムソンの妻はサムソンの友となり居たるその伴侶の妻となりぬ
and Samson's wife becometh his companion's, who [is] his friend.