< ヨシュア記 2 >

1 茲にヌンの子ヨシユア、シツテムより潜かに二人の間者を發し之にいひけるは往てかの地およびヱリコを窺ひ探れ乃ち彼ら往て妓婦ラハブと名づくる者の家に入て其處に寝けるが
And Joshua son of Nun silently sends two men, spies, from Shittim, saying, “Go, see the land—and Jericho”; and they go and come into the house of a woman, a harlot, and her name [is] Rahab, and they lie down there.
2 或人ヱリコの王に告て觀よイスラエルの子孫の者この地を探らんとて今宵ここに入きたれりといふ
And it is told to the king of Jericho, saying, “Behold, men have come in here tonight, from the sons of Israel, to search the land.”
3 是に於てヱリコの王ラハブに言つかはしけるは汝にきたりて汝の家に入し人を曳いだせ彼らは此全國を探らんとて來れるなり
And the king of Jericho sends to Rahab, saying, “Bring out the men who are coming to you, who have come into your house, for they have come to search the entirety of the land.”
4 婦人かのふたりの人を將て之を匿し而して言ふ實にその人々はわが許に來れり然れども我その何處よりか知ざりしが
And the woman takes the two men, and hides them, and says thus: “The men came to me, and I have not known where they [are] from;
5 黄昏どき門を閉るころに出されり我その人々の何處へ往しかを知ず急ぎその後を追へ然ば之に追及んと
and it comes to pass—the gate is to [be] shut—in the dark, and the men have gone out; I have not known to where the men have gone; pursue, hurry after them, for you overtake them”;
6 その實は婦すでにかれらを領て屋葢に升り屋葢の上に列べおきたる麻のなかに之をかくししなり
and she has caused them to go up on the roof, and hides them with the flax wood, which is arranged for her on the roof.
7 かくてその人々彼らの後を追ひヨルダンの路をゆきて渡場に赴むけり、かれらの後を追ふ者出るや直に門を閉しぬ
And the men have pursued after them the way of the Jordan, by the fords, and they have shut the gate afterward when the pursuers have gone out after them.
8 二人のもの未だ寝ずラハブ屋背に上りて彼らのもとに來り
And before they lie down, she has gone up to them on the roof,
9 これに言けるはヱホバこの地を汝らに賜へり我らは甚く汝らを懼る此地の民盡く汝らの前に消亡ん我この事を知る
and she says to the men, “I have known that YHWH has given the land to you, and that your terror has fallen on us, and that all the inhabitants of the land have melted at your presence.
10 其は汝らがエジプトより出來し時ヱホバなんぢらの前にて紅海の水を乾たまひし事および汝らがヨルダンの彼旁にありしアモリ人の二箇の王シホンとオグとになししこと即ちことごとく之を滅ぼしたりし事を我ら聞たればなり
For we have heard how YHWH dried up the waters of the Red Sea at your presence, in your going out of Egypt, and that which you have done to the two kings of the Amorite who [are] beyond the Jordan; to Sihon and to Og whom you devoted.
11 我ら之を聞や心怯けなんぢらの故によりて人の魂きえうせたり汝らの神ヱホバは上の天にも下の地にも神たるなり
And we hear, and our heart melts, and there has not stood anymore spirit in [any] man from your presence, for He, your God YHWH, [is] God in the heavens above and on the earth below.
12 然ば請ふ我すでに汝らに恩を施したれば汝らも今ヱホバを指て我父の家に恩をほどこさんことを誓ひて我に眞實の記號を與へよ
And now, please swear to me by YHWH—because I have done kindness with you—that you have done, even you, kindness with the house of my father, and have given a true token to me,
13 又わが父母兄弟姉妹および凡て彼らに屬る者をながらへしめ我らの生命を拯ひて死を免かれしめんことを誓へよ
and have kept alive my father, and my mother, and my brothers, and my sisters, and all that they have, and have delivered our souls from death.”
14 二人のものこれに言けるは汝ら若しわれらの此事を洩すことなくば我らの生命汝らに代りて死ん又ヱホバわれらに此地を與へたまふ時には我らなんぢに恩を施し眞實を盡さん
And the men say to her, “Our soul to die for yours; if you do not declare this—our matter, then it has been, in YHWH’s giving this land to us, that we have done kindness and truth with you.”
15 是においてラハブ繩をもて彼らを窓より縋おろせり是は其家邑の石垣の上にありてかれ石垣の上に住しによる
And she causes them to go down by a rope through the window, for her house [is] in the side of the wall, and she [is] dwelling in the wall;
16 ラハブかれらに言けるは恐らくは追者なんぢに遇ん汝ら山に往て三日が間そこに隱れをり追者の還るを待て後去ゆくべし
and she says to them, “Go to the mountain, lest the pursuers come on you; and you have been hidden there three days until the turning back of the pursuers, and afterward you go on your way.”
17 二人のものかれに言けるは汝が我らに誓しし此誓につきては我ら罪を獲じ
And the men say to her, “We are acquitted of this, your oath, which you have caused us to swear:
18 我らが此地に打いらん時は汝我らを縋おろしたりし窓に此一條の赤き紐を結つけ且つ汝の父母兄弟および汝の父の家の眷族を悉く汝の家に聚むべし
behold, we are coming into the land, bind this line of scarlet thread to the window by which you have caused us to go down, and gather your father, and your mother, and your brothers, and all the house of your father to you, to the house;
19 凡て汝の家の門を出て街衢に來る者はその血自身の首に歸すべし我らは罪なし然どもし汝とともに家にをる者に手をくはふることをせばその血は我らの首に歸すべし
and it has been, anyone who goes out from the doors of your house outside, his blood [is] on his head, and we are innocent; and anyone who is with you in the house, his blood [is] on our head, if a hand is on him;
20 將た汝もし我らのこの事を洩さば汝が我らに誓せたる誓に我らあづかることなし
and if you declare this—our matter, then we have been acquitted from your oath which you have caused us to swear.”
21 ラハブいひけるはなんぢらの言のごとくすべしと斯てかれらを出し去しめて赤き紐を窓に結べり
And she says, “According to your words, so it [is]”; and she sends them away, and they go; and she binds the scarlet line to the window.
22 かれら往て山にいり追來るもののかへるを待て三日が間そこに居れりおひ來れるもの徧ねく彼らを途に尋ねしかども終に獲ざりき
And they go, and come to the mountain, and abide there three days until the pursuers have turned back; and the pursuers seek in all the way, and have not found.
23 而してかの二箇の人は山を下り河を濟りて歸りヌンの子ヨシユアに詣りて其有し事等をつぶさに陳ぶ
And the two men turn back, and come down from the hill, and pass over, and come to Joshua son of Nun, and recount to him all that has come on them;
24 またヨシユアにいふ誠にヱホバこの國をことごとく我らの手に付したまへりこの國の民は皆我らの前に消うせんと
and they say to Joshua, “Surely YHWH has given all the land into our hand; and also, all the inhabitants of the land have melted at our presence.”

< ヨシュア記 2 >