< ヨハネの福音書 18 >

1 此 等のことを言ひ終へて、イエス弟子たちと偕にケデロンの小川の彼方に出でたまふ。彼処に園あり、イエス弟子たちとともども入り給ふ。
Having said these things, Jesus, went out, with his disciples, across the winter-torrent of the Kedron, where was a garden, —into which he entered, he, and his disciples.
2 ここは弟子たちと屡々あつまり給ふ處なれば、イエスを賣るユダもこの處を知れり。
Now, Judas also, who was delivering him up, knew the place: because, oft, had Jesus been gathered there, with his disciples.
3 かくてユダは一組の兵隊と祭司長・パリサイ人 等よりの下役どもとを受けて、炬火・燈火・武器を携へて此處にきたる。
Judas, therefore, receiving the band, and officers, from among the High-priests and [from among] the Pharisees, cometh thither, with lights and torches and weapons.
4 イエス己に臨まんとする事をことごとく知り、進みいでて彼らに言ひたまふ『誰を尋ぬるか』
Jesus, therefore, knowing all the things coming upon him, went forth, and saith unto them—Whom, seek ye?
5 答ふ『ナザレのイエスを』イエス言ひたまふ『我はそれなり』イエスを賣るユダも彼らと共に立てり。
They answered him—Jesus, the Nazarene. He saith unto them—I, am he. Now Judas also, who was delivering him up, was standing with them.
6 『我はそれなり』と言ひ給ひし時、かれら後退して地に倒れたり。
When, therefore, he said unto them, I, am he, they went backwards, and fell to the ground.
7 ここに再び『たれを尋ぬるか』と問ひ給へば『ナザレのイエスを』と言ふ。
Again, therefore, he questioned them—Whom, seek ye? And, they, said—Jesus, the Nazarene.
8 イエス答へ給ふ『われは夫なりと既に告げたり、我を尋ぬるならば此の人々の去るを容せ』
Jesus answered—I told you, I, am he. If, then, ye seek me, let these go their way: —
9 これさきに『なんぢの我に賜ひし者の中より、われ一人をも失はず』と言ひ給ひし言の成就せん爲なり。
that the word might be fulfilled which he had said—As touching them whom thou hast given me, I lost from among them, not so much as one.
10 シモン・ペテロ劍をもちたるが、之を拔き大 祭司の僕を撃ちて、その右の耳を斬り落す、僕の名はマルコスと云ふ。
Simon Peter, therefore, having a sword, drew it, and smote the High-priest’s servant, and cut off his right ear. Now the name of the servant was Malchus.
11 イエス、ペテロに言ひたまふ『劍を鞘に收めよ、父の我に賜ひたる酒杯は、われ飮まざらんや』
Jesus, therefore, said unto Peter—Thrust the sword into its sheath: —The cup which the Father hath given me, shall I in anywise not drink it?
12 ここにかの兵隊・千卒長・ユダヤ人の下役ども、イエスを捕へて縛り、
The band, therefore, and the captain, and the officers of the Jews, apprehended Jesus, and bound him,
13 先づアンナスの許に曳き往く、アンナスはその年の大 祭司なるカヤパの舅なり。
and led him unto Annas, first; for he was father-in-law of Caiaphas, who was the High-priest of that year.
14 カヤパはさきにユダヤ人に、一人、民のために死ぬるは益なる事を勸めし者なり。
Now Caiaphas was he that gave counsel unto the Jews, that it was profitable for, one man, to die in behalf of the people.
15 シモン・ペテロ及び他の一人の弟子、イエスに從ふ。この弟子は大 祭司に知られたる者なれば、イエスと共に大 祭司の庭に入りしが、
And Simon Peter was following with Jesus, also another disciple. But, that disciple, was known unto the High-priest, and entered in, with Jesus, into the court of the High-priest;
16 ペテロは門の外に立てり。ここに大 祭司に知られたる彼の弟子いでて、門を守る女に物 言ひてペテロを連れ入れしに、
whereas, Peter, remained standing at the door outside. The other disciple, therefore, that was known of the High-priest, went out, and spake unto the portress, and brought in Peter.
17 門を守る婢女、ペテロに言ふ『なんぢも彼の人の弟子の一人なるか』かれ言ふ『然らず』
The female servant, therefore, the portress, saith unto Peter—Art, thou also, from among the disciples of this man? He, saith—I am not!
18 時 寒くして僕・下役ども炭火を熾し、その傍らに立ちて煖まり居りしに、ペテロも共に立ちて煖まりゐたり。
Now the servants and the officers were standing by, having made, a coal fire, because it was cold, —and were warming themselves; and Peter also was with them, standing and warming himself.
19 ここに大 祭司、イエスにその弟子とその教とにつきて問ひたれば、
The High-priest, therefore, questioned Jesus concerning his disciples, and concerning his teaching.
20 イエス答へ給ふ『われ公然に世に語れり、凡てのユダヤ人の相 集ふ會堂と宮とにて常に教へ、密には何をも語りし事なし。
Jesus answered him—I, openly, have spoken, unto the world, —I, ever, taught, in synagogue, and in the temple, where all the Jews gather together; and, in secret, spake nothing:
21 何ゆゑ我に問ふか、我が語れることは聽きたる人々に問へ。視よ、彼らは我が言ひしことを知るなり』
Why questionest thou me? question them who have heard, what I spake unto them. See! these, know what, I, said.
22 かく言ひ給ふとき、傍らに立つ下役の一人、手掌にてイエスを打ちて言ふ『かくも大 祭司に答ふるか』
And, when, these things, he had said, one of the officers who was standing by, gave a smart blow to Jesus, saying—Thus, answerest thou, the High-priest?
23 イエス答へ給ふ『わが語りし言もし惡しくば、その惡しき故を證せよ。善くば何とて打つぞ』
Jesus answered him—If, with abuse, I spake, bear witness of the abuse: but, if with respect, why, smitest thou me?
24 ここにアンナス、イエスを縛りたるままにて、大 祭司カヤパの許に送れり。
Annas therefore sent him forth, bound, unto Caiaphas the High-priest.
25 シモン・ペテロ立ちて煖まり居たるに、人々いふ『なんぢも彼が弟子の一人なるか』否みて言ふ『然らず』
Now Simon Peter was standing and warming himself. They said, therefore, unto him—Art, thou also, from among his disciples? He, denied, and said—I am not!
26 大 祭司の僕の一人にて、ペテロに耳を斬り落されし者の親族なるが言ふ『われ汝が園にて彼と偕なるを見しならずや』
Saith one from among the servants of the High-priest, being, kinsman, of him whose ear Peter cut off, —Did not, I, see thee, in the garden with him?
27 ペテロまた否む折しも鷄 鳴きぬ。
Again, therefore, Peter denied. And, straightway, a cock crew.
28 かくて人々イエスをカヤパの許より官邸にひきゆく、時は夜明なり。彼ら過越の食をなさんために、汚穢を受けじとて己らは官邸に入らず。
So they lead Jesus from Caiaphas unto the judgment-hall. Now it was early; and, they themselves, entered not into the judgment-hall, that they might not be defiled, but might eat the passover.
29 ここにピラト彼らの前に出でゆきて言ふ『この人に對して如何なる訴訟をなすか』
Pilate, therefore, went forth outside unto them, and saith, —What accusation bring ye against this man?
30 答へて言ふ『もし惡をなしたる者ならずば汝に付さじ』
They answered and said unto him—If this one had not been doing, mischief, unto thee, had we not delivered him up.
31 ピラト言ふ『なんぢら彼を引取り、おのが律法に循ひて審け』ユダヤ人いふ『我らに人を殺す權威なし』
Pilate, therefore, said unto them—Ye, take him, and, according to your law, judge ye him. The Jews said unto him—Unto us, it is not allowed, to kill anyone!—
32 これイエス、己が如何なる死にて死ぬるかを示して、言ひ給ひし御言の成就せん爲なり。
that, the word of Jesus, might be fulfilled, which he spake, signifying, by what manner of death, he was about to die.
33 ここにピラトまた官邸に入り、イエスを呼び出して言ふ『なんぢはユダヤ人の王なるか』
Pilate, therefore, entered again into the judgment-hall; and addressed Jesus, and said unto him—Art, thou, the king of the Jews?
34 イエス答へ給ふ『これは汝おのれより言ふか、將わが事を人の汝に告げたるか』
Jesus answered—Of thyself, art, thou, this thing saying; or did, others, tell thee concerning me?
35 ピラト答ふ『我はユダヤ人ならんや、汝の國人・祭司長ら汝を我に付したり、汝なにを爲ししぞ』
Pilate answered—Am, I, a Jew? Thine own nation, and the High-priests, delivered thee up, unto me! What, hast thou done?
36 イエス答へ給ふ『わが國はこの世のものならず、若し我が國この世のものならば、我が僕ら我をユダヤ人に付さじと戰ひしならん。然れど我が國は此の世よりのものならず』
Jesus answered—My kingdom, is not of this world: If, of this world, had been my kingdom, mine own officers, would have been striving, that I should not be delivered up unto the Jews: but, now, my kingdom, is not from hence.
37 ここにピラト言ふ『されば汝は王なるか』イエス答へ給ふ『われの王たることは汝の言へるごとし。我は之がために生れ、之がために世に來れり、即ち眞理につきて證せん爲なり。凡て眞理に屬する者は我が聲をきく』
Pilate, therefore, said unto him—And yet, thou, art, not a king? Jesus answered—Thou, sayest, that, a king, I am: I, for this, have been born, and, for this, have come into the world, —that I may bear witness unto the truth: Every one who is of the truth, hearkeneth unto my voice.
38 ピラト言ふ『眞理とは何ぞ』かく言ひて再びユダヤ人の前に出でて言ふ『我この人に何の罪あるをも見ず。
Pilate saith unto him—What, is truth? And, this saying, again, went he out to the Jews, and saith unto them, —I, find in him, not a single fault.
39 過越のとき我なんぢらに一人の囚人を赦す例あり、されば汝らユダヤ人の王をわが赦さんことを望むか』
Howbeit ye have, a custom, that, some one, I should release unto you, during the passover: —Are ye minded, then, that I release unto you the king of the Jews?
40 彼らまた叫びて『この人ならず、バラバを』と言ふ、バラバは強盜なり。
So they cried aloud again, saying—Not this man, but Barabbas! Now, Barabbas, was, a robber.

< ヨハネの福音書 18 >