< ヨハネの福音書 15 >

1 我は眞の葡萄の樹、わが父は農夫なり。
I myself am the vine true, and the Father of Mine the vinedresser is.
2 おほよそ我にありて果を結ばぬ枝は、父これを除き、果を結ぶものは、いよいよ果を結ばせん爲に之を潔めたまふ。
Every branch in Me myself not bearing fruit He takes away it, and every one fruit bearing He prunes it that fruit more it may bear.
3 汝らは既に潔し、わが語りたる言に因りてなり。
Already you yourselves clean are because of the word that I have spoken to you.
4 我に居れ、さらば我なんぢらに居らん。枝もし樹に居らずば、自ら果を結ぶこと能はぬごとく、汝らも我に居らずば亦 然り。
do abide in Me myself and I myself and I myself in you. Even as the branch not is able fruit to bear of itself only unless (it shall abide *N(k)O*) in the vine, so neither [are able] you only unless in Me myself (you shall abide. *N(k)O*)
5 我は葡萄の樹、なんぢらは枝なり。人もし我にをり、我また彼にをらば、多くの果を結ぶべし。汝ら我を離るれば、何事をも爲し能はず。
I myself am the vine, you [are] the branches. The [one] abiding in Me myself and I myself and I myself in him, he bears fruit much; For apart from Me not you are able to do no [thing].
6 人もし我に居らずば、枝のごとく外に棄てられて枯る、人々これを集め火に投げ入れて燒くなり。
Only unless someone (shall abide *N(k)O*) in Me myself, he is thrown out like the branch and is dried up, and they gather them and into the fire cast, and it is burned.
7 汝 等もし我に居り、わが言なんぢらに居らば、何にても望に隨ひて求めよ、さらば成らん。
If you shall abide in Me myself and the declarations of Mine in you shall abide, whatever if you shall wish (do yourself ask *N(k)O*) and it will happen to you.
8 なんぢら多くの果を結ばば、わが父は榮光を受け給ふべし、而して汝 等わが弟子とならん。
In this is glorified the Father of Mine, that fruit much you may bear and (you may become *N(k)O*) to Me disciples.
9 父の我を愛し給ひしごとく、我も汝らを愛したり、わが愛に居れ。
even as has loved Me the Father, I myself also I myself also you loved; do abide in the love of Mine.
10 なんぢら若しわが誡命をまもらば、我が愛にをらん、我わが父の誡命を守りて、その愛に居るがごとし。
If the commandments of Mine you shall keep, you will abide in the love of Mine; even as I myself the commandments of the Father of Mine have kept, and I abide of Him in the love.
11 我これらの事を語りたるは、我が喜悦の汝らに在り、かつ汝らの喜悦の滿されん爲なり。
These things I have spoken to you that joy of Mine in you (may be *N(K)O*) and the joy of you may be full.
12 わが誡命は是なり、わが汝らを愛せしごとく互に相 愛せよ。
This is commandment of Mine that you may love one another even as I loved you.
13 人その友のために己の生命を棄つる、之より大なる愛はなし。
Greater than this love no [one] has that one the life of him may lay down for the friends of him.
14 汝 等もし我が命ずる事をおこなはば、我が友なり。
You yourselves friends of Mine are if you shall do (what things *n(o)*) (as much as *K*) I myself command you.
15 今よりのち我なんぢらを僕といはず、僕は主人のなす事を知らざるなり。我なんぢらを友と呼べり、我が父に聽きし凡てのことを汝らに知らせたればなり。
no longer no longer I name you servants, for the servant not knows what is doing his master; You however I have called friends, because all things that I heard from the Father of Mine I have made known to you.
16 汝ら我を選びしにあらず、我なんぢらを選べり。而して汝らの往きて果を結び、且その果の殘らんために、又おほよそ我が名によりて父に求むるものを、父の賜はんために汝らを立てたり。
Not you yourselves Me chose, but I myself chose you and appointed you that you yourselves may go and fruit you may bear, and the fruit of you may remain; so that (which one *NK(o)*) maybe you may ask the Father in the name of Me, He may give you.
17 これらの事を命ずるは、汝らの互に相 愛せん爲なり。
These things I command you that you may love one another.
18 世もし汝らを憎まば、汝 等より先に我を憎みたることを知れ。
If the world you hates, you know that Me myself before you it has hated.
19 汝 等もし世のものならば、世は己がものを愛するならん。汝らは世のものならず、我なんぢらを世より選びたり。この故に世は汝らを憎む。
If of the world you were, the world then would [as its] own was loving [you]; because however of the world not you are, but I myself chose you out of the world, on account of this hates you the world.
20 わが汝らに「僕はその主人より大ならず」と告げし言をおぼえよ。人もし我を責めしならば、汝 等をも責め、わが言を守りしならば、汝らの言をも守らん。
do remember the word that I myself said to you: Not is a servant greater than the master of him. If Me myself they persecuted also you they will persecute; if the word of Mine they kept also yours they will keep.
21 すべて此 等のことを我が名の故に汝らに爲さん、それは我を遣し給ひし者を知らぬに因る。
But these things all they will do (against *no*) (you *N(k)O*) on account of the name of Me, because not they know the [One] having sent Me.
22 われ來りて語らざりしならば、彼ら罪なかりしならん。されど今はその罪いひのがるべき樣なし。
only unless I come and I said to them, sin not they had; now however excuse not they have for the sin of them.
23 我を憎むものは我が父をも憎むなり。
The [one] Me myself hating also the Father of Mine hates.
24 我もし誰もいまだ行はぬ事を彼らの中に行はざりしならば、彼ら罪なかりしならん。されど今ははや我をも我が父をも見たり、また憎みたり。
If the works not I had done among them that no other (did, *N(k)O*) sin not they had; now however both they have seen and have hated both Me myself and the Father of Mine;
25 これは彼らの律法に「ひとびと故なくして我を憎めり」と録したる言の成就せん爲なり。
But [this is] that may be fulfilled the word in the law of them written that They hated Me without cause.’
26 父の許より我が遣さんとする助主、すなはち父より出づる眞理の御靈のきたらんとき、我につきて證せん。
When (now *ko*) may come the Helper whom I myself will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who from the Father goes forth, He will bear witness concerning Me;
27 汝 等もまた初より我とともに在りたれば證するなり。
Also you yourselves now bear witness, because from [the] beginning with Me you are.

< ヨハネの福音書 15 >