< ヨエル書 1 >

1 ペトエルの子ヨエルに臨めるヱホバの言
The Lord sent a message through Joel, son of Pethuel.
2 老たる人よ汝ら是を聽け すべて此地に住む者汝ら耳を傾けよ 汝らの世あるは汝らの先祖の世にも是のごとき事ありしや
Listen to this, elders; pay attention, everyone who lives in the land. Has anything ever happened like this before in your experience, or that of your forefathers?
3 汝ら之を子に語り子はまた之をその子に語りその子之を後の代に語りつたへよ
Tell your children about it, and have your children tell it to their children, and their children tell the next generation.
4 噬くらふ蝗虫の遺せる者は群ゐる蝗虫のくらふ所となりその遺せる者はなめつくすおほねむしのくらふ所となりその遺せる者は喫ほろぼす蝗虫の食ふ所となれり
What the cutting locusts left, the swarming locusts have eaten; what the swarming locusts left, the hopping locusts have eaten; what the hopping locusts left, the destroying locusts have eaten.
5 醉る者よ汝ら目を醒して泣け すべて酒をのむ者よ哭きさけべ あたらしき酒なんぢらの口に絶えたればなり
Wake up, you drunks, and weep! Howl you wine-drinkers, because the new wine has been suddenly taken away from your mouth!
6 そはことなる民わが國に攻よすればなり その勢ひ強くその數はかられずその齒は獅子の齒のごとくその牙は牝獅子の牙のごとし
A nation has invaded my land: powerful and too many to count. Their teeth are like lion's teeth, their fangs like those of a lioness.
7 彼等わが葡萄の樹を荒しわが無花果の樹を折りその皮をはぎはだかにして之を棄つ その枝白くなれり
It has ruined my grapevines and destroyed my fig trees, stripping them completely and reducing them to stumps, white and bare.
8 汝ら哀哭かなしめ 貞女その若かりしときの夫のゆゑに麻布を腰にまとひて哀哭かなしむがごとくせよ
Mourn like a bride dressed in sackcloth, mourning the death of her husband-to-be.
9 素祭灌祭ともにヱホバの家に絶えヱホバに事ふる祭司等哀傷をなす
Grain and wine offerings have stopped in the Temple. The priests who minister before the Lord are in mourning.
10 田は荒れ地は哀傷む 是穀物荒はて新しき酒つき油たえんとすればなり
The fields are devastated, the earth mourns; for the grain is ruined, the new wine dries up, the olive oil fails.
11 こむぎ大むぎの故をもて農夫羞ぢよ 葡萄をつくり哭けよ 田の禾稼うせはてたればなり
Be ashamed, farmers, and wail in sorrow, keepers of vineyards, over the wheat and the barley, for the crops from the fields are ruined.
12 葡萄樹は枯れ無花果樹は萎れ石榴椰子林檎および野の諸の樹は凋みたり 是をもて世の人の喜樂かれうせぬ
The vines are shriveled, the fig trees are withered; the pomegranate, the palm, and the apricot trees—all the fruit trees have dried up, and at the same time the people's happiness has also dried up.
13 祭司よ汝ら麻布を腰にまとひてなきかなしめ 祭壇に事ふる者よ汝らなきさけべ 神に事ふる者よなんぢら來り麻布をまとひて夜をすごせ 其は素祭も灌祭も汝らの神の家に入ことあらざればなり
Dress in sackcloth, you priests, and mourn; weep, you who minister before the altar! Go and spend the night in sackcloth, you ministers of my God, for the grain and wine offerings have stopped in the Temple.
14 汝ら斷食を定め集會を設け長老等を集め國の居民をことごとく汝らの神ヱホバの家に集めヱホバにむかひて號呼れよ
Proclaim a fast; call a sacred assembly. Have the elders and all people of the land gather in the Temple, and cry out to your God, to the Lord.
15 ああその日は禍なるかな ヱホバの日近く暴風のごとくに全能者より來らん
What a terrible day! For the day of the Lord is near, it will come as destruction from the Almighty.
16 我らがまのあたりに食物絶えしにあらずや 我らの神の家に歡喜と快樂絶しにあらずや
Haven't we seen our food taken away from us, right before our eyes? There is no joy and happiness in God's Temple.
17 種は土の下に朽ち倉は壞れ廩は圯る そは穀物ほろぼされたればなり
Seeds planted in the ground shrivel up; the storehouses are empty, the barns are torn down because the grain has dried up.
18 いかに畜獸は哀み鳴くや 牛の群は亂れ迷ふ 草なければなり 羊の群もまた死喪ん
The farm animals moan with hunger. The herds of cattle wander everywhere because they can't find grass to eat; the flocks of sheep are suffering.
19 ヱホバよ我なんぢに向ひて呼はらん 荒野の諸の草は火にて燒け野の諸の樹は火熖にてやけつくればなり
To you, Lord, I cry out! For fire has destroyed the pastures in the wilderness; flames have burned up all the orchards.
20 野の獸もまた汝にむかひて呼はらん 其は水の流涸はて荒野の草火にてやけつくればなり
Even the wild animals long for you because the streams have dried up, and fire has destroyed the pastures in the wilderness.

< ヨエル書 1 >