< ヨブ 記 39 >
1 なんぢ岩間の山羊が子を產む時をしるや また麀鹿の產に臨むを見しや
“Do you know when mountain goats give birth? Have you watched the doe bear her fawn?
2 なんぢ是等の在胎の月を數へうるや また是等が產む時を知るや
Can you count the months they are pregnant? Do you know the time they give birth?
They crouch down and bring forth their young; they deliver their newborn.
4 またその子は強くなりて野に育ち 出ゆきて再たびその親にかへらず
Their young ones thrive and grow up in the open field; they leave and do not return.
5 誰が野驢馬を放ちて自由にせしや 誰が野驢馬の繋繩を解しや
Who set the wild donkey free? Who released the swift donkey from the harness?
I made the wilderness his home and the salt flats his dwelling.
He scorns the tumult of the city and never hears the shouts of a driver.
He roams the mountains for pasture, searching for any green thing.
9 兕肯て汝に事へ なんぢの飼草槽の傍にとどまらんや
Will the wild ox consent to serve you? Will he stay by your manger at night?
10 なんぢ兕に綱附て阡陌をあるかせ得んや 是あに汝にしたがひて谷に馬鈀を牽んや
Can you hold him to the furrow with a harness? Will he plow the valleys behind you?
11 その力おほいなればとて汝これに恃まんや またなんぢの工事をこれに任せんや
Can you rely on his great strength? Will you leave your hard work to him?
12 なんぢこれにたよりて己が穀物を運びかへらせ之を打禾塲にあつめしめんや
Can you trust him to bring in your grain and gather it to your threshing floor?
13 駝鳥は歡然にその翼を皷ふ 然どもその羽と毛とはあに鶴にしかんや
The wings of the ostrich flap joyfully, but cannot match the pinions and feathers of the stork.
14 是はその卵を土の中に棄おき これを砂の中にて暖たまらしめ
For she leaves her eggs on the ground and lets them warm in the sand.
15 足にてその潰さるべきと 野の獸のこれを踐むべきとを思はず
She forgets that a foot may crush them, or a wild animal may trample them.
16 これはその子に情なくして宛然おのれの子ならざるが如くし その劬勞の空しくなるも繋念ところ無し
She treats her young harshly, as if not her own, with no concern that her labor was in vain.
17 是は神これに智慧を授けず穎悟を與へざるが故なり
For God has deprived her of wisdom; He has not endowed her with understanding.
18 その身をおこして走るにおいては馬をもその騎手をも嘲けるべし
Yet when she proudly spreads her wings, she laughs at the horse and its rider.
19 なんぢ馬に力を與へしや その頸に勇ましき鬣を粧ひしや
Do you give strength to the horse or adorn his neck with a mane?
20 なんぢ之を蝗蟲のごとく飛しむるや その嘶なく聲の響は畏るべし
Do you make him leap like a locust, striking terror with his proud snorting?
He paws in the valley and rejoices in his strength; he charges into battle.
22 懼るることを笑ひて驚ろくところ無く 劍にむかふとも退ぞかず
He laughs at fear, frightened of nothing; he does not turn back from the sword.
A quiver rattles at his side, along with a flashing spear and lance.
24 猛りつ狂ひつ地を一呑にし 喇叭の聲鳴わたるも立どまる事なし
Trembling with excitement, he devours the distance; he cannot stand still when the ram’s horn sounds.
25 喇叭の鳴ごとにハーハーと言ひ遠方より戰鬪を嗅つけ 將帥の大聲および吶喊聲を聞しる
At the blast of the horn, he snorts with fervor. He catches the scent of battle from afar— the shouts of captains and the cry of war.
26 鷹の飛かけり その羽翼を舒て南に向ふは豈なんぢの智慧によるならんや
Does the hawk take flight by your understanding and spread his wings toward the south?
27 鷲の翔のぼり 高き處に巣を營なむは豈なんぢの命令に依んや
Does the eagle soar at your command and make his nest on high?
28 これは岩の上に住所を構へ 岩の尖所または峻險き所に居り
He dwells on a cliff and lodges there; his stronghold is on a rocky crag.
29 其處よりして攫むべき物をうかがふ その目のおよぶところ遠し
From there he spies out food; his eyes see it from afar.
30 その子等もまた血を吸ふ 凡そ殺されし者のあるところには是そこに在り
His young ones feast on blood; and where the slain are, there he is.”