< ヨブ 記 36 >

1 エリフまた言詞を繼て曰く
Elihu also proceeded and sayde,
2 暫らく我に容せ我なんぢに示すこと有ん 尚神のために言ふべき事あればなり
Suffer me a litle, and I will instruct thee: for I haue yet to speake on Gods behalfe.
3 われ廣くわが知識を取り我の造化主に正義を歸せんとす
I will fetche my knowledge afarre off, and will attribute righteousnes vnto my Maker.
4 わが言語は眞實に虚僞ならず 知識の完全き者なんぢの前にあり
For truely my wordes shall not be false, and he that is perfect in knowledge, speaketh with thee.
5 視よ神は權能ある者にましませども何をも藐視めたまはず その了知の能力は大なり
Behold, the mighty God casteth away none that is mighty and valiant of courage.
6 惡しき者を生し存ず 艱難者のために審判を行ひたまふ
He mainteineth not the wicked, but he giueth iudgement to the afflicted.
7 義しき者に目を離さず 位にある王等とともに永遠に坐せしめて之を貴くしたまふ
He withdraweth not his eyes from the righteous, but they are with Kings in ye throne, where he placeth them for euer: thus they are exalted.
8 もし彼ら鏈索に繋がれ 艱難の繩にかかる時は
And if they bee bound in fetters and tyed with the cordes of affliction,
9 彼らの所行と愆尤とを示してその驕れるを知せ
Then will he shewe them their worke and their sinnes, because they haue bene proude.
10 彼らの耳を開きて敎を容れしめ かつ惡を離れて歸れよと彼らに命じたまふ
He openeth also their eare to discipline, and commandeth them that they returne from iniquity.
11 もし彼ら聽したがひて之に事へなば繁昌てその日を送り 樂しくその年を渉らん
If they obey and serue him, they shall end their dayes in prosperity, and their yeres in pleasures.
12 若かれら聽したがはずば刀劍にて亡び 知識を得ずして死なん
But if they wil not obey, they shall passe by the sworde, and perish without knowledge.
13 しかれども心の邪曲なる者等は忿怒を蓄はへ 神に縛しめらるるとも祈ることを爲ず
But the hypocrites of heart increase the wrath: for they call not when he bindeth them.
14 かれらは年わかくして死亡せ 男娼とその生命をひとしうせん
Their soule dyeth in youth, and their life among the whoremongers.
15 神は艱難者を艱難によりて救ひ 之が耳を虐遇によりて開きたまふ
He deliuereth the poore in his affliction, and openeth their eare in trouble.
16 然ば神また汝を狹きところより出して狹からぬ廣き所に移したまふあらん 而して汝の席に陳ぬる物は凡て肥たる物ならん
Euen so woulde he haue taken thee out of the streight place into a broade place and not shut vp beneath: and that which resteth vpon thy table, had bene full of fat.
17 今は惡人の鞫罰なんぢの身に充り 審判と公義となんぢを執ふ
But thou art ful of the iudgement of the wicked, though iudgement and equitie maintaine all things.
18 なんぢ忿怒に誘はれて嘲笑に陷いらざるやう愼しめよ 收贖の大なるが爲に自ら誤るなかれ
For Gods wrath is, least hee should take that away in thine abundance: for no multitude of giftes can deliuer thee.
19 なんぢの號叫なんぢを艱難の中より出さんや 如何に力を盡すとも所益あらじ
Wil he regard thy riches? he regardeth not golde, nor all them that excel in strength.
20 世の人のその處より絶る其夜を慕ふなかれ
Be not carefull in the night, howe he destroyeth the people out of their place.
21 愼しみて惡に傾むくなかれ 汝は艱難よりも寧ろ之を取んとせり
Take thou heede: looke not to iniquitie: for thou hast chosen it rather then affliction.
22 それ神はその權能をもて大なる事を爲したまふ 誰か能く彼のごとくに敎晦を埀んや
Beholde, God exalteth by his power: what teacher is like him?
23 たれか彼のためにその道を定めし者あらんや 誰かなんぢは惡き事をなせりと言ふことを得ん
Who hath appointed to him his way? or who can say, Thou hast done wickedly?
24 なんぢ神の御所爲を讚歎ふることを忘れざれ これ世の人の歌ひ崇むる所なり
Remember that thou magnifie his worke, which men behold.
25 人みな之を仰ぎ觀る 遠き方より人これを視たてまつるなり
All men see it, and men beholde it afarre off.
26 神は大なる者にいまして我儕かれを知たてまつらず その御年の數は計り知るべからず
Beholde, God is excellent, and we knowe him not, neither can the nomber of his yeres bee searched out.
27 かれ水を細にして引あげたまへば霧の中に滴り出て雨となるに
When he restraineth the droppes of water, the rayne powreth down by the vapour thereof,
28 雲これを降せて人々の上に沛然に灌ぐなり
Which raine the cloudes do droppe and let fall abundantly vpon man.
29 たれか能く雲の舒展る所以 またその幕屋の響く所以を了知んや
Who can know the diuisions of ye clouds and the thunders of his tabernacle?
30 視よ彼その光明を自己の周圍に繞らし また海の底をも蔽ひたまひ
Beholde, he spreadeth his light vpon it, and couereth the bottome of the sea.
31 これらをもて民を鞫き また是等をもて食物を豐饒に賜ひ
For thereby hee iudgeth the people, and giueth meate abundantly.
32 電光をもてその兩手を包み その電光に命じて敵を撃しめたまふ
He couereth the light with the clouds, and commandeth them to go against it.
33 その鳴聲かれを顯はし 家畜すらも彼の來ますを知らすなり
His companion sheweth him thereof, and there is anger in rising vp.

< ヨブ 記 36 >