< ヨブ 記 24 >
1 なにゆゑに全能者時期を定めおきたまはざるや 何故に彼を知る者その日を見ざるや
Wherefore, since from the Almighty times are not hid, have, his knowing ones, no vision of his days?
Boundaries, men move back, flocks, they seize and consume;
The ass of the fatherless, they drive off, they take in pledge the ox of the widow;
4 貧しき者を路より推退け 世の受難者をして盡く身を匿さしむ
They turn aside the needy out of the way, at once, are the humbled of the land made to hide themselves.
5 視よ彼らは荒野にをる野驢馬のごとく出て業を爲て食を求め 野原よりその子等のために食物を得
Lo! [as] wild asses in the wilderness, they go forth with their work, eager seekers for prey, the waste plain, yieldeth them food for their young;
6 圃にて惡き者の麥を刈り またその葡萄の遺餘を摘む
In the field—a man’s fodder, they cut down, and, the vineyard of the lawless, they strip of its late berries;
7 かれらは衣服なく裸にして夜を明し 覆ふて寒氣を禦ぐべき物なし
Ill-clad, they are left to lodge without clothing, and have no covering in the cold;
With the sweeping rain of the mountains, are they wet, and, through having no shelter, they embrace a rock.
9 孤子を母の懷より奪ふ者あり 貧しき者の身につける物を取て質となす者あり
Men tear, from the breast, the fatherless, and, over the poor, they take a pledge;
Naked, they go about without clothing, and, famished, they carry the sheaves;
11 人の垣の内にて油を搾め また渇きつつ酒醡を踐む
Between their walls, are they exposed to the sun, Wine-presses, they tread, and yet are thirsty;
12 邑の中より人々の呻吟たちのぼり 傷けられたる者の叫喚おこる 然れども神はその怪事を省みたまはず
Out of the city—out of the houses, they make outcry. and, the soul of the wounded, calleth for help, and, GOD, doth not regard it as foolish.
13 また光明に背く者あり 光の道を知ず 光の路に止らず
They, have become rebels against the light, —they are not acquainted with the ways thereof, neither abide they in the paths thereof.
14 人を殺す者昧爽に興いで 受難者や貧しき者を殺し 夜は盜賊のごとくす
With the light, riseth the murderer, He slayeth the poor and needy, And, in the night, he becometh like a thief.
15 姦淫する者は我を見る目はなからんと言てその目に昏暮をうかがひ待ち而してその面に覆ふ物を當つ
And, the eye of the adulterer, watcheth for the evening twilight, saying, Not an eye will see me! A covering for the face, he putteth on;
16 また夜分家を穿つ者あり 彼等は晝は閉こもり居て光明を知らず
He breaketh, in the dark, into houses, —By day, they lock themselves in, They know not the light;
17 彼らには晨は死の蔭のごとし 是死の蔭の怖ろしきを知ばなり
For, in the case of all such, morning to them is the death-shade, For, to be recognised, is a death-shade terror.
18 彼は水の面に疾ながるる物の如し その產業は世の中に詛はる その身重ねて葡萄圃の路に向はず
Swift is he on the face of the waters, Speedily vanished their share in the land, He turneth not to the way of the vineyards.
19 亢旱および炎熱は雪水を直に乾涸す 陰府が罪を犯せし者におけるも亦かくのごとし (Sheol )
Drought and heat, steal away snow water, Hades, them who have sinned. (Sheol )
20 これを宿せし腹これを忘れ 蛆これを好みて食ふ 彼は最早世におぼえらるること無く その惡は樹を折るが如くに折る
Maternal love shall forget him, the worm shall find him sweet, No more shall he be remembered, but perversity shall be shivered like a tree.
21 是すなはち孕まず產ざりし婦人をなやまし 寡婦を憐れまざる者なり
He oppresseth the barren who beareth not, and, to the widow, he doeth not good;
22 神はその權能をもて強き人々を保存へさせたまふ 彼らは生命あらじと思ふ時にも復興る
Yea he draggeth along the mighty by his strength, He riseth up, and none hath assurance of life;
23 神かれらに安泰を賜へば彼らは安らかなり 而してその目をもて彼らの道を見そなはしたまふ
It is given him to be secure, and confident, yet, his eyes, are upon their ways.
24 かれらは旺盛になり暫時が間に無なり卑くなりて一切の人のごとくに沒し麥の穗のごとくに斷る
They are exalted a little, and are not, Yea having been laid low, like all men, are they gathered, Even as the top of an ear of corn, do they hang down.
25 すでに是のごとくなれば誰か我の謬まれるを示してわが言語を空しくすることを得ん
But, if not, who then can convict me of falsehood? or make of no account my words?