< ヨブ 記 21 >
2 請ふ汝等わが言を謹んで聽き 之をもて汝らの慰藉に代よ
“Listen carefully to my words; let this be your consolation to me.
3 先われに容して言しめよ 我が言る後なんぢ嘲るも可し
Bear with me while I speak; then, after I have spoken, you may go on mocking.
4 わが怨言は世の人の上につきて起れる者ならんや 我なんぞ氣をいらだつ可らざらんや
Is my complaint against a man? Then why should I not be impatient?
Look at me and be appalled; put your hand over your mouth.
6 われ思ひまはせば畏しくなりて身體しきりに戰慄く
When I remember, terror takes hold, and my body trembles in horror.
Why do the wicked live on, growing old and increasing in power?
8 その子等はその周圍にありてその前に堅く立ち その子孫もその目の前に堅く立べし
Their descendants are established around them, and their offspring before their eyes.
9 またその家は平安にして畏懼なく 神の杖その上に臨まじ
Their homes are safe from fear; no rod of punishment from God is upon them.
10 その牡牛は種を與へて過らず その牝牛は子を產てそこなふ事なし
Their bulls breed without fail; their cows bear calves and do not miscarry.
11 彼等はその少き者等を外に出すこと群のごとし その子等は舞をどる
They send forth their little ones like a flock; their children skip about,
singing to the tambourine and lyre and making merry at the sound of the flute.
13 その日を幸福に暮し まばたくまに陰府にくだる (Sheol )
They spend their days in prosperity and go down to Sheol in peace. (Sheol )
14 然はあれども彼等は神に言らく我らを離れ賜へ 我らは汝の道をしることを好まず
Yet they say to God: ‘Leave us alone! For we have no desire to know Your ways.
15 全能者は何者なれば我らこれに事ふべき 我儕これに祈るとも何の益を得んやと
Who is the Almighty, that we should serve Him, and what would we gain if we pray to Him?’
16 視よ彼らの福祿は彼らの力に由にあらざるなり 惡人の希圖は我の與する所にあらず
Still, their prosperity is not in their own hands, so I stay far from the counsel of the wicked.
17 惡人のその燈火を滅るる事幾度ありしか その滅亡のこれに臨む事 神の怒りて之に艱苦を蒙らせたまふ事幾度有しか
How often is the lamp of the wicked put out? Does disaster come upon them? Does God, in His anger, apportion destruction?
18 かれら風の前の藁の如く 暴風に吹さらるる籾殼の如くなること幾度有しか
Are they like straw before the wind, like chaff swept away by a storm?
19 神かれの愆を積たくはへてその子孫に報いたまふか 之を彼自己の身に報い知しむるに如ず
It is said that God lays up one’s punishment for his children. Let God repay the man himself, so he will know it.
20 かれをして自らその滅亡を目に視させ かつ全能者の震怒を飮しめよ
Let his eyes see his own destruction; let him drink for himself the wrath of the Almighty.
21 その月の數すでに盡るに於ては何ぞその後の家に關はる所あらん
For what does he care about his household after him, when the number of his months has run out?
22 神は天にある者等をさへ審判たまふなれば誰か能これに知識を敎へんや
Can anyone teach knowledge to God, since He judges those on high?
23 或人は繁榮を極め全く平穩にかつ安康にして死に
One man dies full of vigor, completely secure and at ease.
His body is well nourished, and his bones are rich with marrow.
25 また或人は心を苦しめて死し 終に福祉をあぢはふる事なし
Yet another man dies in the bitterness of his soul, having never tasted prosperity.
But together they lie down in the dust, and worms cover them both.
27 我まことに汝らの思念を知り 汝らが我を攻撃んとするの計略を知る
Behold, I know your thoughts full well, the schemes by which you would wrong me.
28 なんぢらは言ふ王侯の家は何に在る 惡人の住所は何にあると
For you say, ‘Where now is the nobleman’s house, and where are the tents in which the wicked dwell?’
29 汝らは路往く人々に詢ざりしや 彼等の證據を曉らざるや
Have you never asked those who travel the roads? Do you not accept their reports?
30 すなはち滅亡の日に惡人遺され 烈しき怒の日に惡人たづさへ出さる
Indeed, the evil man is spared from the day of calamity, delivered from the day of wrath.
31 誰か能かれに打向ひて彼の行爲を指示さんや 誰か能彼の爲たる所を彼に報ゆることを爲ん
Who denounces his behavior to his face? Who repays him for what he has done?
32 彼は舁れて墓に到り 塚の上にて守護ることを爲す
He is carried to the grave, and watch is kept over his tomb.
33 谷の土塊も彼には快し 一切の人その後に從ふ 其前に行る者も數へがたし
The clods of the valley are sweet to him; everyone follows behind him, and those before him are without number.
34 旣に是の如くなるに汝等なんぞ徒に我を慰さめんとするや 汝らの答ふる所はただ虚僞のみ
So how can you comfort me with empty words? For your answers remain full of falsehood.”