< ヨブ 記 20 >

1 ナアマ人ゾパルこたへて曰く
Then Zophar the Naamathite replied:
2 これに因てわれ答をなすの思念を起し心しきりに之がために急る
“So my anxious thoughts compel me to answer, because of the turmoil within me.
3 我を辱しむる警語を我聞ざるを得ず 然しながらわが了知の性われをして答ふることを得せしむ
I have heard a rebuke that insults me, and my understanding prompts a reply.
4 なんぢ知ずや古昔より地に人の置れしより以來
Do you not know that from antiquity, since man was placed on the earth,
5 惡き人の勝誇は暫時にして邪曲なる者の歡樂は時の間のみ
the triumph of the wicked has been brief and the joy of the godless momentary?
6 その高天に逹しその首雲に及ぶとも
Though his arrogance reaches the heavens, and his head touches the clouds,
7 終には己の糞のごとくに永く亡絶べし 彼を見識る者は言ん彼は何處にありやと
he will perish forever, like his own dung; those who had seen him will ask, ‘Where is he?’
8 彼は夢の如く過さりて復見るべからず 夜の幻のごとく追はらはれん
He will fly away like a dream, never to be found; he will be chased away like a vision in the night.
9 彼を見たる目かさねてかれを見ることあらず 彼の住たる處も再びかれを見ること無らん
The eye that saw him will see him no more, and his place will no longer behold him.
10 その子等は貧しき者に寛待を求めん 彼もまたその取し貨財を手づから償さん
His sons will seek the favor of the poor, for his own hands must return his wealth.
11 その骨に少壯氣勢充り 然れどもその氣勢もまた塵の中に彼とおなじく臥ん
The youthful vigor that fills his bones will lie down with him in the dust.
12 かれ惡を口に甘しとして舌の底に藏め
Though evil is sweet in his mouth and he conceals it under his tongue,
13 愛みて捨ず 之を口の中に含みをる
though he cannot bear to let it go and keeps it in his mouth,
14 然どその食物膓の中にて變り 腹の内にて蝮の毒とならん
yet in his stomach his food sours into the venom of cobras within him.
15 かれ貨財を呑たれども復之を吐いださん 神これを彼の腹より推いだしたまふべし
He swallows wealth but vomits it out; God will force it from his stomach.
16 かれは蝮の毒を吸ひ 虺の舌に殺されん
He will suck the poison of cobras; the fangs of a viper will kill him.
17 かれは蜂蜜と牛酪の湧て流るる河川を視ざらん
He will not enjoy the streams, the rivers flowing with honey and cream.
18 その勞苦て獲たる物は之を償して自ら食はず 又それを求めたる所有よりは快樂を得じ
He must return the fruit of his labor without consuming it; he cannot enjoy the profits of his trading.
19 是は彼貧しき者を虐遇げて之を棄たればなり 假令家を奪ひとるとも之を改め作ることを得ざらん
For he has oppressed and forsaken the poor; he has seized houses he did not build.
20 かれはその腹に飽ことを知ざるが故に自己の深く喜ぶ物をも保つこと能はじ
Because his appetite is never satisfied, he cannot escape with his treasure.
21 かれが遺して食はざる物とては一も無し 是によりてその福祉は永く保たじ
Nothing is left for him to consume; thus his prosperity will not endure.
22 その繁榮の眞盛において彼は艱難に迫られ 乏しき者すべて手をこれが上に置ん
In the midst of his plenty, he will be distressed; the full force of misery will come upon him.
23 かれ腹を充さんとすれば神烈しき震怒をその上に下し その食する時にこれをその上に降したまふ
When he has filled his stomach, God will vent His fury upon him, raining it down on him as he eats.
24 かれ鐡の器を避れば銅の弓これを射透す
Though he flees from an iron weapon, a bronze-tipped arrow will pierce him.
25 是に於て之をその身より拔ば閃く鏃その膽より出きたりて畏懼これに臨む
It is drawn out of his back, the gleaming point from his liver. Terrors come over him.
26 各種の黑暗これが寳物ををほろぼすために蓄へらる 又人の吹おこせしに非る火かれを焚き その天幕に遺りをる者をも焚ん
Total darkness is reserved for his treasures. A fire unfanned will consume him and devour what is left in his tent.
27 天かれの罪を顯はし 地興りて彼を攻ん
The heavens will expose his iniquity, and the earth will rise up against him.
28 その家の儲蓄は亡て神の震怒の日に流れ去ん
The possessions of his house will be removed, flowing away on the day of God’s wrath.
29 是すなはち惡き人が神より受る分 神のこれに定めたまへる數なり
This is the wicked man’s portion from God, the inheritance God has appointed him.”

< ヨブ 記 20 >