< ヨブ 記 19 >
Bvt Iob answered, and said,
2 汝ら我心をなやまし 言語をもて我を打くだくこと何時までぞや
Howe long will yee vexe my soule, and torment me with wordes?
3 なんぢら已に十次も我を辱しめ我を惡く待ひてなほ愧るところ無し
Ye haue now ten times reproched me, and are not ashamed: ye are impudent toward mee.
4 假令われ眞に過ちたらんもその過は我の身に止れり
And though I had in deede erred, mine errour remaineth with me.
5 なんぢら眞に我に向ひて誇り我身に羞べき行爲ありと證するならば
But in deede if ye will aduance your selues against me, and rebuke me for my reproche,
6 神われを虐げその網羅をもて我を包みたまへりと知るべし
Know nowe, that God hath ouerthrowen me, and hath compassed me with his net.
7 我虐げらるると叫べども答なく 呼はり求むれども審理なし
Beholde, I crie out of violence, but I haue none answere: I crie, but there is no iudgement.
8 彼わが路の周圍に垣を結めぐらして逾る能はざらしめ 我が行く途に黑暗を蒙むらしめ
Hee hath hedged vp my way that I cannot passe, and he hath set darkenesse in my paths.
Hee hath spoyled mee of mine honour, and taken the crowne away from mine head.
10 四方より我を毀ちて失しめ 我望を樹のごとくに根より拔き
He hath destroyed mee on euery side and I am gone: and he hath remoued mine hope like a tree.
11 我にむかひて震怒を燃し 我を敵の一人と見たまへり
And he hath kindled his wrath against me, and counteth mee as one of his enemies.
12 その軍旅ひとしく進み途を高くして我に攻寄せ わが天幕の周圍に陣を張り
His armies came together, and made their way vpon me, and camped about my tabernacle.
13 彼わが兄弟等をして遠くわれを離れしめたまへり 我を知る人々は全く我に疎くなりぬ
He hath remooued my brethre farre from me, and also mine acquaintance were strangers vnto me.
My neighbours haue forsaken me, and my familiars haue forgotten me.
15 わが家に寄寓る者およびわが婢等は我を見て外人のごとくす 我かれらの前にては異國人のごとし
They that dwel in mine house, and my maydes tooke me for a stranger: for I was a stranger in their sight.
16 われわが僕を喚どもこたへず 我口をもて彼に請はざるを得ざるなり
I called my seruant, but he would not answere, though I prayed him with my mouth.
17 わが氣息はわが妻に厭はれ わが臭氣はわが同胎の子等に嫌はる
My breath was strange vnto my wife, though I prayed her for the childrens sake of mine owne body.
18 童子等さへも我を侮どり 我起あがれば即ち我を嘲ける
The wicked also despised mee, and when I rose, they spake against me.
19 わが親しき友われを惡みわが愛したる人々ひるがへりてわが敵となれり
All my secret friends abhorred me, and they whome I loued, are turned against me.
20 わが骨はわが皮と肉とに貼り 我は僅に齒の皮を全うして逃れしのみ
My bone cleaueth to my skinne and to my flesh, and I haue escaped with the skinne of my teeth.
21 わが友よ汝等われを恤れめ 我を恤れめ 神の手われを撃り
Haue pitie vpon me: haue pitie vpon me, (O yee my friendes) for the hande of God hath touched me.
22 汝らなにとて神のごとくして我を攻め わが肉に饜ことなきや
Why do ye persecute me, as God? and are not satisfied with my flesh?
23 望むらくは我言の書留られんことを 望むらくは我言書に記されんことを
Oh that my wordes were nowe written! oh that they were written euen in a booke,
24 望むらくは鐡の筆と鉛とをもて之を永く磐石に鐫つけおかんことを
And grauen with an yron pen in lead, or in stone for euer!
25 われ知る我を贖ふ者は活く 後の日に彼かならず地の上に立ん
For I am sure, that my Redeemer liueth, and he shall stand the last on the earth.
26 わがこの皮この身の朽はてん後 われ肉を離れて神を見ん
And though after my skin wormes destroy this bodie, yet shall I see God in my flesh.
27 我みづから彼を見たてまつらん 我目かれを見んに識らぬ者のごとくならじ 我が心これを望みて焦る
Whome I my selfe shall see, and mine eyes shall beholde, and none other for me, though my reynes are consumed within me.
28 なんぢら若われら如何に彼を攻んかと言ひ また事の根われに在りと言ば
But yee sayde, Why is hee persecuted? And there was a deepe matter in me.
29 劍を懼れよ 忿怒は劍の罰をきたらす 斯なんぢら遂に審判のあるを知ん
Be ye afraide of the sworde: for the sworde will be auenged of wickednesse, that yee may knowe that there is a iudgement.