< ヨブ 記 12 >
2 なんぢら而已まことに人なり 智慧は汝らと共に死ん
“You really think you're special people, don't you? Obviously when you die, wisdom will die with you!
3 我もなんぢらと同じく心あり 我はなんぢらの下に立ず 誰か汝らの言し如き事を知ざらんや
But I too have insights, and you're no better than me. Doesn't everyone know the things you've said?
4 我は神に龥はりて聽るる者なるに今その友に嘲けらるる者となれり 嗚呼正しくかつ完たき人あざけらる
But my friends laugh at me because I called on God and he answered me: the innocent man who does right has become an object of derision.
5 安逸なる者は思ふ 輕侮は不幸なる者に附そひ足のよろめく者を俟と
People who are comfortable have contempt for those who are in trouble, ready to push over those who are already slipping.
6 掠奪ふ者の天幕は繁榮え 神を怒らせ自己の手に神を携ふる者は安泰なり
Robbers live in peace, and those who make God angry live in safety, trusting their own strength as their ‘god.’
7 今請ふ獸に問へ然ば汝に敎へん 天空の鳥に問へ然ばなんぢに語らん
But if you ask the animals they will teach you, the birds in the sky will tell you;
8 地に言へ然ばなんぢに敎へん 海の魚もまた汝に述べし
ask the earth and it will teach you, and the fishes in the sea will tell you.
9 誰かこの一切の者に依てヱホバの手のこれを作りしなるを知ざらんや
Which of all these doesn't know that the Lord has done this?
10 一切の生物の生氣および一切の人の靈魂ともに彼の手の中にあり
He gives life to every living thing, life to all humankind.
11 耳は説話を辨へざらんや その状あたかも口の食物を味ふがごとし
The ear distinguishes words just like the palate distinguishes foods.
12 老たる者の中には智慧あり 壽長者の中には穎悟あり
Wisdom to distinguish belongs to the old, and the ability to rightly discriminate belongs to those with long experience.
God has wisdom and power, counsel and understanding belong to him.
14 視よ彼毀てば再び建ること能はず 彼人を閉こむれば開き出すことを得ず
If he tears something down, nobody can rebuild it. If he imprisons someone, nobody can free them.
15 視よ彼水を止むれば則ち涸れ 水を出せば則ち地を滅ぼす
If God holds back the waters, everything dries up; if he releases the waters, the earth floods.
16 權能と穎悟は彼に在り 惑はさるる者も惑はす者も共に彼に屬す
He is mighty and victorious; both deceivers and those deceived are subject to him.
17 彼は議士を裸體にして擄へゆき 審判人をして愚なる者とならしめ
He leads counselors away stripped of their wisdom, he makes judges into fools.
He removes the chains of office from kings and makes them wear loincloths.
19 祭司等を裸體にして擄へゆき 權力ある者を滅ぼし
He leads priests away stripped of their religious garments, he overthrows the powerful.
20 言爽なる者の言語を取除き 老たる者の了知を奪ひ
He takes away the advice of trusted advisors, he removes the discernment of the elders.
21 侯伯たる者等に恥辱を蒙らせ 強き者の帶を解き
He pours scorn upon princes and takes away power from the strong.
22 暗中より隱れたる事等を顯し 死の蔭を光明に出し
He reveals what is hidden in darkness, and brings into the light the shadow of death.
23 國々を大にしまた之を滅ぼし 國々を廣くしまた之を舊に歸し
He makes nations great and he destroys them; he expands nations and ruins them.
24 地の民の長たる者等の了知を奪ひ これを路なき荒野に吟行はしむ
He removes the understanding of rulers and makes them wander in the wilderness.
25 彼らは光明なき暗にたどる 彼また彼らを醉る人のごとくによろめかしむ
They grope around in the dark without a light. He makes them stagger like drunk people.