< エレミヤ書 52 >
1 ゼデキヤは位に即きしとき二十一歳なりしがヱルサレムに於て十一年世ををさめたりその母の名はハムタルといひてリブナのヱレミヤの女なり
Zedekiah was twenty-one when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem for eleven years. His mother's name was Hamutal, daughter of Jeremiah She came from Libnah.
2 ゼデキヤはヱホヤキムが凡てなしたる如くヱホバの目の前に惡をなせり
He did evil in the Lord's sight, just as Jehoiakim had done.
3 すなはちヱホバ、ヱルサレムとユダとを怒りて之をその前より棄てはなちたまふ/是に於てゼデキヤ、バビロンの王に叛けり
All this happened in Jerusalem and Judah, because of the Lord's anger, until he eventually banished them from his presence. Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon.
4 ゼデキヤの世の九年十月十日にバビロンの王ネブカデネザルその軍勢をひきゐてヱルサレムに攻めきたり之に向ひて陣をはり四周に戌樓を建て之を攻めたり
In the ninth year of Zedekiah's reign, on the tenth day of the tenth month, Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, attacked Jerusalem with his entire army. He set up camp around the city and built siege ramps against the walls.
5 かくこの邑攻圍まれてゼデキヤ王の十一年にまでおよびしが
The city remained under siege until the eleventh year of King Zedekiah.
6 その四月九日にいたりて城邑のうち饑ること甚だしくなり其地の民食物をえざりき
By the ninth day of the fourth month, the famine in the city was so bad that the people had nothing left to eat.
7 是をもて城邑つひに打破られたれば兵卒は皆逃て夜の中に王の園の邊なる二個の石垣の間の門より城邑をぬけいで平地の途に循ひておちゆけり時にカルデヤ人は城邑を圍みをる
Then the city wall was broken through, and all the soldiers ran away, escaping at night through the gate between the two walls by the king's garden, even though the Babylonians had the city surrounded. They went in the direction of the Arabah,
8 茲にカルデヤ人の軍勢王を追ひゆきヱリコの平地にてゼデキヤに追付けるにその軍勢みな彼を離れて散りしかば
but the Babylonian army chased after the king and caught up with him on the plains of Jericho. His whole army had scattered and left him.
9 カルデヤ人王を執へて之をハマテの地のリブラにをるバビロンの王の所に曳きゆきければ王彼の罪をさだめたり
They captured the king and took him to the king of Babylon at Riblah, where he sentenced him.
10 バビロンの王すなはちゼデキヤの子等をその目の前に殺さしめユダの牧伯等を悉くリブラに殺さしめ
The king of Babylon slaughtered Zedekiah's sons while he watched, and also killed the officials of Judah there at Riblah.
11 またゼデキヤの目を抉さしめたり斯てバビロンの王かれを銅索に繋ぎてバビロンに携へゆきその死る日まで獄に置けり
Then he gouged out Zedekiah's eyes, and bound him in bronze shackles. The king of Babylon took him to Babylon and imprisoned him there until the day he died.
12 バビロン王ネブカデネザルの世の十九年の五月十日バビロンの王の前につかふる侍衞の長ネブザラダン、ヱルサレムにきたり
On the tenth day of the fifth month, in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, an officer of the king of Babylon, entered Jerusalem.
13 ヱホバの室と王の室を燒き火をもてヱルサレムのすべての室と大なる諸の室を燒けり
He burned down the Lord's Temple, the royal palace, and all the large buildings of Jerusalem.
14 また侍衞の長と偕にありしカルデヤ人の軍勢ヱルサレムの四周の石垣を悉く毀てり
The whole Babylonian army under the commander of the guard knocked down all the walls around Jerusalem.
15 侍衞の長ネブザラダンすなはち民のうちの貧乏者城邑の中に餘れる者およびバビロンの王に降りし人と民の餘れる者を擄へ移せり
Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, deported some of the poor people and those who were left in the city, even those who had gone over to the side of the king of Babylon, as well as the rest of the craftsmen.
16 但し侍衞の長ネブザラダンその地のある貧者を遺して葡萄を耕る者となし農夫となせり
But Nebuzaradan allowed others of the poor people who were left in the country to stay and take care of the vineyards and the fields.
17 カルデヤ人またヱホバの室の銅の柱と洗盥の臺と銅の海を碎きてその銅を悉くバビロンに運び
The Babylonians broke into pieces the bronze pillars, the movable carts, and the bronze Sea that belonged to the Lord's Temple, and they took all the bronze to Babylon.
18 また鍋と火鑪と燭剪と鉢と匙およびすべて用ふるところの銅器を取れり
They also took all the pots, shovels, lamp snuffers, sprinkling bowls, and all the other bronze items used in the Temple service.
19 侍衞の長もまた洗盥と火盤と鉢と鍋と燭臺と匙と斝など凡て金銀にて作れる者を取り
The commander of the guard removed the basins, censers, sprinkling bowls, pots, lampstands, dishes and bowls, anything that was made of pure gold or silver.
20 またソロモン王がヱホバの室に造りしところの二つの柱と一の海と臺の下なる十二の銅の牛を取れりこのもろもろの銅の重は稱る可らず
The amount of bronze that came from the two columns, the Sea, the twelve bronze bulls under it, and the movable carts, which Solomon had made for the Lord's Temple, all of this weighed more than could be measured.
21 この柱は高さ十八キユビトなり又紐をもてその周圍を測るに十二キユビトあり指四本の厚にして空なり
Each column was eighteen cubits tall and twelve cubits around. They were hollow with walls four fingers thick.
22 その上に銅の頂ありその頂の高さは五キユビトその周圍は銅の網子と石榴にて飾れり他の柱とその石榴も之におなじ
The bronze capital on top of one column was five cubits high, with a network of bronze pomegranates around it. The second column was the same, and also had a decorative network.
23 その四方に九十六の石榴あり網子の上なるすべての石榴の數は百なり
There were ninety-six bronze pomegranates around each column. Above the network were a total of one hundred pomegranates.
24 侍衞の長は祭司の長セラヤと第二の祭司ゼパニヤと三人の門守を執へ
The commander of the guard took as prisoners Seraiah, the chief priest, Zephaniah the priest, second in rank, and the three Temple doorkeepers.
25 また兵卒を督る一人の寺人と王の前にはべるもののうち城邑にて遇しところの者七人とその地の民を募る軍勢の長なる書記と城邑の中にて遇しところの六十人の者を邑よりとらへされり
From those left in the city he took the officer in charge of the soldiers, and seven of the king's advisors. He also took the secretary to the army commander who was in charge of calling up the people for military service, and sixty other men who were present in the city.
26 侍衞の長ネブザラダンこれらを執へてリブラに居るバビロンの王の許にいたれり
Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, took them and brought them before the king of Babylon at Riblah.
27 バビロンの王ハマテの地のリブラにこれを撃ち殺せりかくユダはおのれの地よりとらへ移されたり
The king of Babylon had them executed at Riblah in the land of Hamath. So the people of Judah had to leave their land.
28 ネブカデネザルがとらへ移せし民は左の如し第七年にユダ人三千二十三人
This is a record of the number of people Nebuchadnezzar took into exile. In the seventh year of his reign he took 3,023 Judeans.
29 またネブカデネザルその十八年にヱルサレムより八百三十二人をとらへ移せり
In his eighteenth year Nebuchadnezzar took another 832 from Jerusalem.
30 ネブカデネザルの二十三年に侍衞の長ネブザラダン、ユダ人七百四十五人をとらへ移したり其總ての數は四千六百人なりき
In his twenty-third year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign, Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guard, took another 745 Judeans, making a total of 4,600.
31 ユダの王ヱホヤキンがとらへ移されたる後三十七年の十二月二十五日バビロンの王エビルメロダクその治世の一年にユダの王ヱホヤキンを獄よりいだしてその首をあげしめ
In the year Evil-merodach became king of Babylon, he released Jehoiachin, king of Judah, from prison. This happened on the twenty-fifth day of the twelfth month of the thirty-seventh year of the exile of Jehoiachin, king of Judah.
32 善言をもて彼を慰めその位をバビロンに偕に居るところの王等の位よりもたかくし
The king of Babylon treated him well him and gave him a position of honor higher than the other kings there with him in Babylon.
33 其獄の衣服を易へしむヱホヤキンは一生の間つねに王の前に食せり
So Jehoiachin was able to remove his prison clothes, and he ate frequently at the king's table for the rest of his life.
34 かれ其死る日まで一生の間たえず日々の分をバビロンの王よりたまはりて其食物となせり
The king provided Jehoiachin with a daily allowance for the rest of his life until he died.