< エレミヤ書 42 >
1 茲に軍勢の長たちおよびカレヤの子ヨハナンとホシャヤの子ヱザニヤ並に民の至微者より至大者にいたるまで
Then all the army commanders, together with Johanan son of Kareah, Jezaniah son of Hoshaiah, and everyone from the least to the most important came to
2 皆預言者ヱレミヤの許に來りて言けるは汝の前に我らの求の受納られんことを願ふ請ふ我ら遺れる者の爲に汝の神ヱホバに祈れ(今汝の目に見がごとく我らは衆多の中の遺れる者にして寡なり)
Jeremiah the prophet and said, “Please listen to our request.
3 さらば汝の神ヱホバ我らの行むべき途となすべき事を示したまはん
Pray to the Lord your God for all of us. As you can see there's only a few of us left compared to how many there were before. In your prayer please ask the Lord your God to tell where to go and what to do.”
4 預言者ヱレミヤ彼らに云けるは我汝らに聽り汝らの言に循ひて汝らの神ヱホバに祈らん凡そヱホバが汝らに應へたまふことはわれ隱す所なく汝らに告べし
“I'll do as you ask,” Jeremiah replied. “I will definitely pray to the Lord your God as you've requested, and I'll tell you everything he says. I won't keep anything back from you.”
5 彼らヱレミヤにいひけるは願くはヱホバ我儕の間にありて眞實なる信ずべき證者となりたまへ我らは汝の神ヱホバの汝を遣して我らに告しめたまふ諸の事に遵ひて行ふべし
Then they said to Jeremiah, “May the Lord be a true and faithful witness against us if we don't do everything that the Lord your God tells you we should.
6 我らは善にまれ惡きにまれ我らが汝を遣すところの我らの神ヱホバの聲に遵はん斯我らの神ヱホバの聲に遵ひてわれら福をうけん
Good or bad, we will obey what the Lord our God says, the one we're asking you to speak to. That way everything will go well with us, because we will be obeying what the Lord our God says.”
Ten days later a message from the Lord came to Jeremiah.
8 ヱレミヤ、カレヤの子ヨハナンおよび彼と偕に在る軍勢の長たち並に民の至微者より至大者までを悉く招きて
He summoned Johanan, all the army commanders, and everyone from the least to the most important.
9 これにいひけるは汝らが我を遣して汝らの祈を献げしめしところのイスラエルの神ヱホバかくいひ給ふ
Jeremiah told them, This what the Lord, the God of Israel, says to those of who you sent to me to present your request:
10 汝らもし信に此地に留らばわれ汝らを建てて倒さず汝らを植て拔じそは我汝らに災を降せしを悔ればなり
If you will stay right here in this country, then I will build you up and I won't tear you down; I will plant you and I won't uproot you; because I'm very sad about the disaster I have brought down on you.
11 ヱホバいひたまふ汝らが畏るるところのバビロンの王を畏るる勿れ彼をおそるる勿れわれ汝らとともにありて汝らを救ひ彼の手より汝らを拯ふべし
I know you fear the king of Babylon, but you don't need to be afraid of him, declares the Lord. I am with you to save you and rescue you from him.
12 われ汝らを恤みまた彼をして汝らを恤ませ汝らを故土に歸らしめん
I will be merciful to you, so that he will be merciful to you and will let you stay in your own country.
13 然ど汝らもし我らはこの地に留らじ汝らの神ヱホバの聲に遵はじと言ひ
But if you say, “We won't stay here in this country,” and by doing so disobey what the Lord your God says;
14 また然りわれらはかの戰爭を見ず箛の聲をきかず食物に乏しからざるエジプトの地にいたりて彼處に住はんといはば
or if you say instead, “No, we're going to Egypt to live there, where we won't experience war or hear trumpets sounding or go hungry;”
15 汝らユダの遺れる者よヱホバの言をきけ萬軍のヱホバ、イスラエルの神かくいひたまふ汝らもし強てエジプトにゆきて彼處に住はば
then listen to what the Lord says, you survivors from Judah! This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: If you're absolutely determined to go to Egypt and live there,
16 汝らが懼るるところの劍エジプトの地にて汝らに臨み汝らが恐るるところの饑饉エジプトにて汝らにおよばん而して汝らは彼處に死べし
then the war you're so frightened of will catch up with you there, and the famine you're so terrified of will chase after you into Egypt, and you will die there.
17 凡そエジプトにおもむき至りて彼處に住はんとする人々は劍と饑饉と疫病に死べしその中には我彼らに降さんところの災を脱れて遺る者無るべし
Everyone who decides to go to Egypt and live there will die by war and famine and disease. Not a single one will survive or escape the disaster I will bring down on them.
18 萬軍のヱホバ、イスラエルの神かくいひたまふ我震怒と憤恨のヱルサレムに住る者に注ぎし如くわが憤恨汝らがエジプトにいらん時に汝らに注がん汝らは呪詛となり詫異となり罵詈となり凌辱とならん汝らは再びこの處を見ざるべしと
This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: In the same way that my furious anger was poured out on the people living in Jerusalem, so will my anger be poured out on you if you go to Egypt. People will be horrified at what happens to you, and you will become a curse word, an insult, an expression of condemnation. You won't ever see your homeland again.
19 ユダの遺れる者よヱホバ汝らにつきていひたまへり汝らエジプトにゆく勿れと汝ら今日わが汝らを警めしことを確に知れ
“The Lord has told you, survivors from Judah, ‘Don't go to Egypt,’” Jeremiah concluded. “Be absolutely clear about this warning I'm giving you today!
20 汝ら我を汝らの神ヱホバに遣して言へり我らの爲に我らの神ヱホバに祈り我らの神ヱホバの汝に示したまふ事をことごとく我らに告よ我ら之を行はんと斯なんぢら自ら欺けり
You've made a big mistake that will cost you your lives by sending me to the Lord your God, asking, ‘Pray to the Lord our God for us, and let us know everything the Lord our God says and we'll do it.’
21 われ今日汝らに告たれど汝らは汝らの神ヱホバの聲に遵はず汝らはヱホバが我を遣して命ぜしめたまひし事には都て遵はざりき
I have told you today what he said, but you have not obeyed everything the Lord your God sent me to tell you.
22 然ば汝らはその往て住んとねがふ處にて劍と饑饉と疫病に死ることを今確に知るべし
So you should know that without question you're going to die by war and famine and disease in Egypt where you want to go and live.”