< エレミヤ書 31 >
1 ヱホバいひたまふ其時われはイスラエルの諸の族の神となり彼らは我民とならん
At that time, saith Jehovah, will I be the God of all the families of Israel, And they shall be my people.
2 ヱホバかくいひたまふ劍をのがれて遺りし民は曠野の中に恩を獲たりわれ往て彼イスラエルに安息をあたへん
Thus saith Jehovah: The people, escaped from the sword, hath found favor in the wilderness; I will go and give rest to Israel.
3 遠方よりヱホバ我に顯れていひたまふ我窮なき愛をもて汝を愛せり故にわれたえず汝をめぐむなり
Jehovah appeared to me from afar, [[saying, ]] With an everlasting love do I love thee, Therefore have I kept mercy for thee.
4 イスラエルの童女よわれ復び汝を建ん汝は建らるべし汝ふたたび鼗をもて身を飾り歡樂者の舞にいでん
Again will I build thee, and thou shalt be built, O virgin of Israel! Again shalt thou adorn thy tabrets, And go forth in the dance of them that make merry.
5 汝また葡萄の樹をサマリヤの山に植ん植る者は植てその果を食ふことをえん
Thou shalt yet plant vines upon the mountains of Samaria; The planters shall plant, and eat the fruit.
6 エフライムの山の上に守望者の立て呼はる日きたらんいはく汝ら起よ我らシオンにのぼりて我儕の神ヱホバにまうでんと
For the day is coming when the watchmen shall cry upon Mount Ephraim, Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion, To Jehovah, our God.
7 ヱホバかくいひたまふ汝らヤコブの爲に歡びて呼はり萬國の首なる者のために叫べ汝ら示し且歌ひて言へヱホバよ願くはイスラエルの遺れる者汝の民を救ひたまへと
For thus saith Jehovah: Sing with gladness for Jacob, And shout for the head of the nations! Publish ye, praise ye, and say: Jehovah, thou hast saved thy people, The remnant of Israel.
8 みよ我彼らを北の地よりひきかへり彼らを地の極より集めん彼らの中には瞽者 跛者 孕める婦 子を產みし婦ともに居る彼らは大なる群をなして此處にかへらん
Behold, I will bring them from the land of the North, And gather them from the extremities of the earth; And with them shall be the blind and the lame, The woman with child, and she that is in travail with child together; A great company shall return thither.
9 彼ら悲泣來らん我かれらをして祈禱をもて來らしめ直くして蹶かざる途より水の流に歩みいたらしめん我はイスラエルの父にしてエフライムは我長子なればなり
They shall come with weeping, And amid supplications will I lead them; I will conduct them to streams of water, In a straight way, in which they shall not stumble. For I have become a father to Israel, And Ephraim is my first-born.
10 萬國の民よ汝らヱホバの言をきき之を遠き諸島に示していえへイスラエルを散せしものこれを聚め牧者のその群を守るが如く之を守らん
Hear the word of Jehovah, O ye nations, And proclaim it in the distant coasts, and say: “He that scattered Israel will gather him, And will guard him, as a shepherd his flock.”
11 すなはちヱホバ、ヤコブを贖ひ彼等よりも強き者の手よりかれを救出したまへり
For Jehovah hath redeemed Jacob, And ransomed him from the hand of him that was stronger than he.
12 彼らは來てシオンの頂によばはりヱホバの賜ひし福なる麥と酒と油および若き羊と牛の爲に寄集はんその靈魂は灌ふ園のごとくならん彼らは重て愁ふること無るべし
And they shall come and sing upon the height of Zion; They shall exult in the bounty of Jehovah, The corn, and the new wine, and the oil, And the young of the flock, and of the herd; And they shall be as a well-watered garden, And they shall languish no more.
13 その時童女は舞てたのしみ壯者と老者もろともに樂しまん我かれらの悲をかへて喜となしかれらの愁をさりてこれを慰さめん
Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance, And the young men and old men together, For I will change their mourning into joy; I will comfort them, and cheer them after their sorrow.
14 われ膏をもて祭司の心を飫しめ我恩をもて我民に滿しめんとヱホバ言たまふ
And I will satisfy the priests with fatness, And my people shall be satisfied with my bounty, saith Jehovah.
15 ヱホバかくいひたまふ歎き悲みいたく憂ふる聲ラマに聞ゆラケルその兒子のために歎きその兒子のあらずなりしによりて慰をえず
Thus saith Jehovah: A voice hath been heard in Ramah, Lamentation and bitter weeping; Rachel, weeping for her children, Refuseth to be comforted, because they are no more.
16 ヱホバかくいひ給ふ汝の聲を禁て哭こと勿れ汝の目を禁て涙を流すこと勿れ汝の工に報あるべし彼らは其敵の地より歸らんとヱホバいひたまふ
Thus saith Jehovah: Refrain thy voice from weeping, And thine eyes from tears, For thy labor shall be rewarded, saith Jehovah; They shall come again from the land of the enemy.
17 汝の後の日に望あり兒子等その境に歸らんとヱホバいひたまふ
There is hope for thy future days, saith Jehovah; Thy children shall come again to their border.
18 われ固にエフライムのみづから歎くをきけり云く汝は我を懲しめたまふ我は軛に馴ざる犢のごとくに懲治を受たりヱホバよ汝はわが神なれば我を牽轉したまへ然ば我轉るべし
I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself: “Thou hast chastised me, and I was chastised, Like a steer not broken. Turn thou me, and I shall be turned, For thou, O Jehovah, art my God!
19 われ轉りし後に悔い敎を承しのちに我髀を撃つ我幼時の羞を身にもてば恥ぢかつ辱しめらるるなりと
Surely, after I returned, I repented, And after I was instructed, I smote upon my thigh; I was ashamed, yea, I was confounded, Because I bore the reproach of my youth.”
20 ヱホバいひたまふエフライムは我愛するところの子悦ぶところの子ならずや我彼にむかひてかたるごとに彼を念はざるを得ず是をもて我膓かれの爲に痛む我必ず彼を恤むべし
Is Ephraim my dear son? Is he a beloved child? For as often as I speak of him, I do earnestly remember him still. My heart beateth for him; I will have mercy upon him, saith Jehovah.
21 汝のために指路號を置き汝のために柱をたてよ汝のゆける道なる大路に心をとめよイスラエルの童女よ歸れこの汝の邑々にかへれよ
Set thee up waymarks; Raise thee pillars; Have regard to the highway, the way that thou goest! Return, O virgin of Israel, Return to these thy cities!
22 違ける女よ汝いつまで流蕩ふやヱホバ新しき事を地に創造らん女は男を抱くべし
How long wilt thou wander about, O rebellious daughter? Behold, Jehovah createth a new thing in the earth: The woman shall protect the man.
23 萬軍のヱホバ、イスラエルの神かくいひ給ふ我かの俘囚し者を返さん時人々復ユダの地とその邑々に於て此言をいはん義き居所よ聖き山よ願くはヱホバ汝を祝みたまへと
Thus saith Jehovah of hosts, the God of Israel: Again shall they say in the land of Judah, And in the cities thereof, when I bring back their captives, “May Jehovah bless thee, O habitation of justice, O holy mountain!”
24 ユダとその諸の邑々に農夫と群を牧ふもの偕に住はん
And Judah shall dwell in it, and all his cities together, Husbandmen, and they that go forth with their flocks.
25 われ疲れたる靈魂を飫しめすべての憂ふる靈魂をなぐさむるなり
For I will refresh him that is thirsty, And I will satisfy him that languisheth.
Upon this I awoke, and beheld, And my sleep was sweet to me.
27 ヱホバいひたまふ視よ我が人の種と畜の種とをイスラエルの家とユダの家とに播く日いたらん
Behold, the days come, saith Jehovah, That I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah. With the seed of man, and with the seed of beast.
28 我彼らを拔き毀ち覆し滅し難さんとうかがひし如くまた彼らを建て植ゑんとうかがふべしとヱホバいひ給ふ
And it shall be that as I have watched over them To pluck up, and to pull down, and to overthrow, And to destroy, and to afflict, So will I watch over them To build, and to plant, saith Jehovah.
29 その時彼らは父が酸き葡萄を食ひしによりて兒子の齒齪くと再びいはざるべし
In those days they shall no more say, “The fathers have eaten sour grapes, And the children's teeth are set on edge.”
30 人はおのおの自己の惡によりて死なん凡そ酸き葡萄をくらふ人はその齒齪く
But every one shall die for his own iniquity; Every man that eateth sour grapes, His teeth shall be set on edge.
31 ヱホバいひたまふみよ我イスラエルの家とユダの家とに新しき契約を立つる日きたらん
Behold, the days come, saith Jehovah, That I will make with the house of Israel, And with the house of Judah, a new covenant;
32 この契約は我彼らの先祖の手をとりてエジプトの地よりこれを導きいだせし日に立しところの如きにあらず我かれらを娶りたれども彼らはその我契約を破れりとヱホバいひたまふ
Not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers, In the day when I took them by the hand To bring them out of the land of Egypt; Which covenant of mine they broke, And I rejected them, saith Jehovah.
33 然どかの日の後に我イスラエルの家に立んところの契約は此なり即ちわれ我律法をかれらの衷におきその心の上に錄さん我は彼らの神となり彼らは我民となるべしとヱホバいひたまふ
But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel: After those days, saith Jehovah, I will put my law into their inward parts, And upon their hearts will I write it; And I will be their God, And they shall be my people.
34 人おのおの其隣とその兄弟に敎へて汝ヱホバを識と復いはじそは小より大にいたるまで悉く我をしるべければなりとヱホバいひたまふ我彼らの不義を赦しその罪をまた思はざるべし
And they shall teach no more, Every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, Saying, “Know ye Jehovah!” For they shall all know me, From the least of them even to the greatest of them, saith Jehovah; For I will forgive their iniquity, And I will remember their sin no more.
35 ヱホバかく言すなはち是日をあたへて晝の光となし月と星をさだめて夜の光となし海を激してその濤を鳴しむる者その名は萬軍のヱホバと言なり
Thus saith Jehovah, Who made the sun for a light by day, And the ordinances of the moon and stars for a light by night, Who stirreth up the sea, so that the waves thereof roar, Jehovah of hosts is his name:
36 ヱホバいひたまふもし此等の規律我前に廢らばイスラエルの子孫も我前に廢りて永遠も民たることを得ざるべし
If these ordinances shall depart from before me, Then shall the race of Israel also cease from being a nation before me forever.
37 ヱホバかくいひたまふ若し上の天量ることを得下の地の基探ることをえば我またイスラエルのすべての子孫を其もろもろの行のために棄べしヱホバこれをいふ
Thus saith Jehovah: If the heavens above can be measured, Or the foundations of the earth beneath searched out, Then will I cast off all the race of Israel For all which they have done, saith Jehovah.
38 ヱホバいひたまふ視よ此邑ハナネルの塔より隅の門までヱホバの爲に建つ日きたらん
Behold, the days come, saith Jehovah, That the city shall be built to Jehovah From the tower of Hananeel to the corner-gate.
39 量繩ふたたび直ちにガレブの岡をこえゴアテの方に轉るべし
And the measuring line shall go forth over against it even to the hill Gareb, And extend itself to Goath.
40 屍と灰の谷またケデロンの溪にいたるまでと東の方の馬の門の隅にいたるまでの諸の田地皆ヱホバの聖き處となり永遠におよぶまで再び拔れまた覆さるる事なかるべし
And the whole valley of the dead bodies and of the ashes, And all the fields to the brook Kidron, Even to the corner of the horsegate toward the East, Shall be holy to Jehovah. No more shall it be plucked up, Or thrown down, forever.