< エレミヤ書 20 >

1 祭司インメルの子ヱホバの室の宰の長なるパシユル、ヱレミヤがこの言を預言するをきけり
Now Paschor the son of Emmer, the priest, who also had been appointed chief of the house of the Lord, heard Jeremias prophesying these words.
2 是に於てパシユル預言者ヱレミヤを打ちヱホバの室にある上のベニヤミンの門の桎梏に繋げり
And he struck him, and cast him into the dungeon which was by the gate of the upper house that was set apart, which was by the house of the Lord.
3 翌日パシユル、ヱレミヤを桎梏より釋はなちしにヱレミヤ彼にいひけるはヱホバ汝の名をパシユルと稱ずしてマゴルミッサビブ(驚懼周圍にあり)と稱び給ふ
And Paschor brought Jeremias out of the dungeon: and Jeremias said to him, [The Lord] has not called your name Paschor, but Exile.
4 即ちヱホバかくいひたまふ視よわれ汝をして汝と汝のすべての友に恐怖をおこさしむる者となさん彼らはその敵の劍に仆れん汝の目はこれを見べし我またユダのすべての民をバビロン王の手に付さん彼は彼らをバビロンに移し劍をもて殺すべし
For thus says the Lord, Behold, I [will] give you up to captivity with all your friends: and they shall fall by the sword of their enemies, and your eyes shall see [it]: and I will give you and all Juda into the hands of the king of Babylon, and they shall carry them captives, and cut them in pieces with swords.
5 我またこの邑のすべての貨財とその得たる諸の物とその諸の珍寶とユダの王等のすべての儲蓄を其敵の手に付さん彼らはこれを掠めまた民を擄へてバビロンに移すべし
And I will give all the strength of this city, and all the labours of it, and all the treasures of the king of Juda, into the hands of his enemies, and they shall bring them to Babylon.
6 パシユルよ汝と汝の家にすめる者は悉く擄へ移されん汝はバビロンにいたりて彼處に死にかしこに葬られん汝も汝が僞りて預言せし言を聽し友もみな然らん
And you and all the dwellers in your house shall go into captivity: and you shall die in Babylon, and there you and all your friends shall be buried, to whom you have prophesied lies.
7 ヱホバよ汝われを勸めたまひてわれ其勸に從へり汝我をとらへて我に勝給へりわれ日々に人の笑となり人皆我を嘲りぬ
You have deceived me, O Lord, and I have been deceived: you have been strong, and has prevailed: I am become a laughing stock, I am continually mocked every day.
8 われ語り呼はるごとに暴逆殘虐の事をいふヱホバの言日々にわが身の恥辱となり嘲弄となるなり
For I will laugh with my bitter speech, I will call upon rebellion and misery: for the word of the Lord is become a reproach to me and a mockery all my days.
9 是をもて我かさねてヱホバの事を宣ず又その名をもてかたらじといへり然どヱホバのことば我心にありて火のわが骨の中に閉こもりて燃るがごとくなれば忍耐につかれて堪難し
Then I said, I will by no means name the name of the Lord, and I will no more at all speak in his name. But it was a burning fire flaming in my bones, and I am utterly weakened on all sides, and can’t bear [up].
10 そは我おほくの人の讒をきく驚懼まはりにあり訴へよ彼を訴へん我親しき者はみな我蹶くことあらんかと窺ひて互にいふ彼誘はるることあらんしからば我儕彼に勝て仇を報ゆることをえんと
For I have heard the reproach of many gathering round, [saying], Conspire you, and let us conspire together against him, [even] all his friends: watch his intentions, if perhaps he shall be deceived, and we shall prevail against him, and we shall be avenged on him.
11 然どヱホバは強き勇士のごとくにして我と偕にいます故に我を攻る者は蹶きて勝ことをえずそのなし遂ざるが爲に大なる恥辱を取ん其羞恥は何時迄も忘られざるべし
But the Lord was with me as a mighty man of war: therefore they persecuted [me], but could not perceive [anything against me]; they were greatly confounded, for they perceived not their disgrace, which shall never be forgotten.
12 義人を試み人の心膓を見たまふ萬軍のヱホバよ我汝に訴を申たれば我をして汝が彼らに仇を報すを見せしめよ
O Lord, that prove just [deeds], understanding the reins and hearts, let me see your vengeance upon them: for to you I have revealed my cause.
13 ヱホバに歌を謠へよヱホバを頌めよそは貧者の生命を惡者の手より救ひ給へばなり
Sing you to the Lord, sing praise to him: for he has rescued the soul of the poor from the hand of evil-doers.
14 ああ我生れし日は詛はれよ我母のわれを生し日は祝せられざれ
Cursed be the day wherein I was born: the day wherein my mother brought me forth, let it not be blessed.
15 わが父に男子汝に生れしと告て父を大に喜ばせし人は詛はれよ
Cursed be the man who brought the glad tidings to my father, saying, A male child is born to you.
16 其人はヱホバの憫まずして滅したまひし邑のごとくなれよ彼をして朝に號呼をきかしめ午間に鬨聲をきかしめよ
Let that man rejoice as the cities which the Lord overthrew in wrath, and repented not: let him hear crying in the morning, and loud lamentation at noon;
17 彼我を胎のうちに殺さず我母を我の墓となさず常にその胎を大ならしめざりしが故なり
because he killed me not in the womb, and my mother became not my tomb, and her womb always great with me.
18 我何なれば胎をいでて艱難と憂患をかうむり恥辱をもて日を送るや
Why is it that I came forth of the womb to see troubles and distresses, and my days are spent in shame?

< エレミヤ書 20 >