< エレミヤ書 16 >
And there is a word of YHWH to me, saying,
“You do not take a wife to yourself, Nor do you have sons and daughters in this place.”
3 此處に生るる子女とこの地に之を生む母と之を生む父とに就てヱホバかくいひたまふ
For thus said YHWH, Of the sons and of the daughters who are born in this place, And of their mothers—those bearing them, And of their fathers—those begetting them in this land:
4 彼らは慘しき病に死し哀まれず葬られずして糞土のごとくに田地の面にあらんまた劍と饑饉に滅されて其屍は天空の鳥と地の獸の食物とならん
“They die painful deaths, They are not lamented, nor are they buried, For they are dung on the face of the ground, And are consumed by sword and by famine, And their carcass has been for food To the bird of the heavens, And to the beast of the earth.”
5 ヱホバかくいひたまへり喪ある家にいる勿れまた往て之を哀み嗟く勿れそはわれ我平安と恩寵と矜恤をこの民より取ばなりとヱホバいひたまへり
For thus said YHWH: “Do not enter the house of a mourning-feast, Nor go to lament nor bemoan for them, For I have removed My peace from this people,” A declaration of YHWH, “The kindness and the mercies.
6 大なる者も小さき者もこの地に死べし彼らは葬られずまた彼らのために哀む者なく自ら傷くる者なく髮をそる者なかるべし
And great and small have died in this land, They are not buried, and none lament for them, Nor does any cut himself, nor become bald for them.
7 またその哀むときパンをさきて其死者のために之を慰むるものなく又父あるひは母のために慰藉の杯を彼らに飮しむる者なかるべし
Nor do they deal out to them for mourning, To comfort him concerning the dead, Nor cause them to drink a cup of consolations For his father and for his mother.
You do not enter a house of banqueting, To sit with them, to eat and to drink,”
9 萬軍のヱホバ、イスラエルの神かくいひたまふ視よ汝の目の前汝の世に在るときにわれ欣喜の聲と歡樂の聲と新娶者の聲と新婦の聲とを此處に絕しめん
For thus said YHWH of Hosts, God of Israel: “Behold, I am causing to cease from this place, Before your eyes, and in your days, The voice of joy, and the voice of rejoicing, The voice of bridegroom and voice of bride.
10 汝このすべての言を斯民に告るとき彼ら汝に問ふてヱホバわれらを責てこの大なる災を示したまふは何故ぞやまたわれらに何の惡事あるやわが神ヱホバに背きてわれらのなせし罪は何ぞやといはば
And it has come to pass, When you declare all these words to this people, And they have said to you, Why has YHWH spoken all this great evil against us? Indeed, what [is] our iniquity, and what [is] our sin, That we have sinned against our God YHWH?
11 汝かれらに答ふべしヱホバいひたまふ是汝らの先祖われを棄て他の神に從ひこれに奉へこれを拜しまた我をすてわが律法を守らざりしによる
Then you have said to them: Because that your fathers have forsaken Me, A declaration of YHWH, And go after other gods, and serve them, And they bow themselves to them, And have forsaken Me, and not kept My law,
12 汝らは汝らの先祖よりも多く惡をなせりみよ汝らはおのおの自己の惡き心の剛愎なるにしたがひて我にきかず
You also have done evil above your fathers, And behold, you are each walking after the stubbornness of his evil heart, So as not to listen to Me.
13 故にわれ汝らを此の地より逐ひて汝らと汝らの先祖の識ざる地にいたらしめん汝らかしこにて晝夜ほかの神に奉へん是わが汝らを憐まざるによるなりと
And I have cast you from off this land, On to a land that you have not known, You and your fathers, And you have served other gods there by day and by night, Where I do not give grace to you.
14 ヱホバいひたまふ然ばみよ此後イスラエルの民をエジプトの地より導きいだせしヱホバは活くといふことなくして
Therefore, behold, days are coming,” A declaration of YHWH, “And it is not said anymore, YHWH lives, who brought up the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt,
15 イスラエルの民を北の地とそのすべて逐やられし地より導出せしヱホバは活くといふ日きたらん我かれらを我その先祖に與へしかれらの地に導きかへるべし
But, YHWH lives, who brought up the sons of Israel out of the land of the north, And out of all the lands to where He drove them, And I have brought them back to their land, That I gave to their fathers.
16 ヱホバいひたまふみよ我おほくの漁者をよび來りて彼らを漁らせまたその後おほくの獵者を呼來りて彼らを諸の山もろもろの岡および岩の穴より獵いださしめん
Behold, I am sending for many fishers,” A declaration of YHWH, “And they have fished them, And after this I send for many hunters, And they have hunted them from off every mountain, And from off every hill, and from holes of the rocks.
17 我目はかれらの諸の途を鑒る皆我にかくるるところなし又その惡は我目に匿れざるなり
For My eyes [are] on all their ways, They have not been hidden from My face, Nor has their iniquity been concealed from before My eyes.
18 われまづ倍して其惡とその罪に報いんそは彼らその汚れたる者の屍をもて我地を汚しその惡むべきものをもて我產業に充せばなり
And I have repaid a first—A second time—their iniquity and their sin, Because of their defiling My land, With the carcass of their detestable things, Indeed, their abominations have filled My inheritance.”
19 ヱホバ我の力 我の城 難の時の逃場よ萬國の民は地の極より汝にきたりわれらの先祖の嗣るところの者は惟謊と虛浮事と益なき物のみなりといはん
O YHWH, my strength, and my fortress, And my refuge in a day of adversity, Nations come to You from the ends of the earth, And say, “Our fathers only inherited falsehood, Vanity, and none among them is profitable.”
20 人豈神にあらざる者をおのれの神となすべけんや
Does man make gods for himself, And they—no gods?
21 故にみよわれ此度かれらに知らしむるところあらん即ち我手と我能をかれらに知らしめん彼らは我名のヱホバなるを知るべし
“Therefore, behold, I am causing them to know at this time, I cause them to know My hand and My might, And they have known that My Name [is] YHWH!”