< エレミヤ書 15 >
1 ヱホバ我にいひたまひけるはたとひモーセとサムエルわが前にたつとも我こころは斯民を顧ざるべしかれらを我前より逐ひていでさらしめよ
The Lord told me: Even if Moses and Samuel were standing before me pleading with me on behalf of these people, I wouldn't feel sorry for them. Send them away from me. Have them leave.
2 彼らもし汝にわれら何處にいでさらんやといはば汝彼らにヱホバかくいへりといへ死に定められたる者は死にいたり劍に定められたる者は劍にいたり饑饉に定められたる者は饑饉にいたり虜に定められたる者は虜にいたるべしと
If they ask you, “Where shall we go?” tell them that this is what the Lord says: Those to be killed by the plague, to the plague; those to be killed by the sword, to the sword; those to be killed by famine, to famine; and those to be killed in captivity, to captivity.
3 ヱホバ云たまひけるはわれ四の物をもて彼らを罰せんすなはち劍をもて戮し犬をもて噬せ天空の鳥および地の獸をもて食ひ滅さしめん
I will put four kinds of destroyers in charge of them, declares the Lord: swords to kill, dogs to drag their bodies away, and the birds of prey and wild animals to eat them and destroy them.
4 またユダの王ヒゼキヤの子マナセがヱルサレムになせし事によりわれ彼らをして地のすべての國に艱難をうけしめん
I will make all the kingdoms of the world horrified by them, because of the evil things Manasseh, son of Hezekiah, king of Judah did in Jerusalem.
5 ヱルサレムよ誰か汝を憐まんたれか汝のために嘆かん誰かちかづきて汝の安否を問はん
Who will be sorry for you, Jerusalem? Who will mourn for you? Who will stop to ask you how you are?
6 ヱホバいひたまふ汝われをすてたり汝退けり故にわれ手を汝のうへに伸て汝を滅さんわれ憫に倦り
You have deserted me, declares the Lord. You have turned your back on me. So I will take action against you and destroy you; I am tired of showing you mercy.
7 われ風扇をもて我民をこの地の門に煽がんかれらは其途を離れざるによりて我その子を絕ち彼らを滅すべし
I will scatter you with a winnowing fork from every town in the country. I will destroy my people and take away their children because they refuse to give up their evil ways.
8 彼らの寡婦はわが前に海濱の沙よりも多し晝われほろぼす者を携へきたりて彼らと壯者の母とをせめ驚駭と恐懼を突然にかれの上におこさん
There will be more widows than the sand of the sea. I will bring a destroyer at noon and mothers will lose their young sons. They will suddenly experience agony and shock.
9 七人の子をうみし婦は衰へて氣たえ尚晝なるにその日は早く沒る彼は辱められて面をあからめん其餘れる者はわれ之をその敵の劍に付さんとヱホバいひたまふ
A mother of seven children will collapse; she will gasp for breath. Her sun will set while it's still daytime; she will be ashamed and humiliated. I will let the enemies kill the rest of them, declares the Lord.
10 嗚呼われは禍なるかな我母よ汝なに故に我を生しや全國の人我と爭ひ我を攻むわれ人に貸さず人また我に貸さず皆我を詛ふなり
How sad I am, my mother, that you gave birth to me! I'm a victim of argument and conflict wherever I go in the country. I have never lent anyone anything, or borrowed anything, but still everyone curses me.
11 ヱホバいひたまひけるは我實に汝に益をえせしめんために汝を惱す我まことに敵をして其艱の時と災の時に汝に求むることをなさしめん
But the Lord told me: Don't worry, I'm going to take away your problems so you can do good. I will make your enemies plead with you whenever they're in trouble or suffering.
Can anyone break iron, iron from the north, or bronze?
13 われ汝の資產と汝の資財を擄掠物とならしめ價をうることなからしめん是汝のすべての罪によるなりすべて汝の境のうちにかくなさん
I will give away your wealth and valuable possessions for free. They will become plunder for your enemies because of all the sins you committed throughout your country.
14 われ汝の敵をして汝を汝の識ざる地にとらへ移さしめん夫我怒によりて火燃え汝を焚んとするなり
Then I will have your enemies make you their slaves in an unfamiliar country, because I will so angry it will be like lighting a fire that will burn you up.
15 ヱホバよ汝これを知りたまふ我を憶え我をかへりみたまへ我を迫害るものに仇を復したまへ汝の容忍によりて我をとらへられしむる勿れ我汝の爲に辱を受るを知りたまへ
You know what's happening to me, Lord. Please remember me and look after me. Punish my persecutors! Please be patient—don't let me die! You know I put up with criticism because I want to honor you.
16 われ汝の言を得て之を食へり汝の言はわが心の欣喜快樂なり萬軍の神ヱホバよわれは汝の名をもて稱へらるるなり
When I received your messages, I ate them up! What you said made me really happy—I was delighted. I belong to you, Lord God Almighty!
17 われ嬉笑者の會に坐せずまた喜ばずわれ汝の手によりて獨り坐す汝憤怒をもて我に充したまへり
I didn't join in with a bunch of jokers as they had fun. I stayed by myself because you have called me, and you have filled me with outrage.
18 何故にわが痛は息ずわが傷は重くして愈ざるか汝はわれにおけること水をたもたずして人を欺く溪河のごとくなるや
Why doesn't my pain ever stop? Why is my wound incurable? Why can't it be healed? You've really become like a seasonal stream to me, an unreliable source of water.
19 是をもてヱホバかくいひたまへり汝もし歸らば我また汝をかへらしめて我前に立しめん汝もし賤をすてて貴をいださば我口のごとくならん彼らは汝に歸らんされど汝は彼らにかへる勿れ
So this is what the Lord says: If you come back to me, I will take you back and you will serve me again. If what you talk about are worthwhile subjects and not nonsense, you will be my spokesman, Jeremiah. They must be the ones who follow you; you must not follow them.
20 われ汝をこの民の前に堅き銅の牆となさんかれら汝を攻るとも汝にかたざるべしそはわれ汝と偕にありて汝をたすけ汝を救へばなりとヱホバいひたまへり
Then I will make you a wall to these people, a strong wall of bronze. They will fight against you but they won't defeat you. I am with you to save you and rescue you, declares the Lord.
21 我汝を惡人の手より救ひとり汝を怖るべき者の手より放つべし
I will liberate you from the power of the wicked, and free you from clutches of the cruel.