< イザヤ書 61 >

1 主ヱホバの靈われに臨めり こはヱホバわれに膏をそそぎて貧きものに福音をのべ傳ふることをゆだね 我をつかはして心の傷める者をいやし俘囚にゆるしをつげ 縛められたるものに解放をつげ
The spirit of the Lord Jehovah is upon me, For Jehovah hath anointed me; He hath sent me to publish good tidings to the distressed, To bind up the broken-hearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to them that are bound;
2 ヱホバのめぐみの年とわれらの神の刑罰の日とを告しめ 又すべて哀むものをなぐさめ
To proclaim the year of mercy from Jehovah, And the day of vengeance from our God; To comfort all that mourn;
3 灰にかへ冠をたまひてシオンの中のかなしむ者にあたへ 悲哀にかへて歡喜のあぶらを予へ うれひの心にかへて讃美の衣をかたへしめたまふなり かれらは義の樹 ヱホバの植たまふ者 その榮光をあらはす者ととなへられん
To give gladness to the mourners in Zion; To give them a beautiful crown instead of ashes, The oil of joy for mourning, The garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, So that they shall be called blessed terebinth-trees, The plantation of Jehovah for his glory.
4 彼等はひさしく荒たる處をつくろひ 上古より廢れたる處をおこし 荒たる邑々をかされて新にし世々すたれたる處をふたたび建べし
They shall build up the old ruins; They shall raise up the ancient desolations; They shall repair the cities laid waste, The desolations of many generations.
5 外人はたちてなんぢらの群をかひ 異邦人はなんぢらの畑をたがへす者となり 葡萄をつくる者とならん
Strangers shall stand up and feed your flocks, And the sons of the alien shall be your ploughmen and vine-dressers;
6 然どなんぢらはヱホバの祭司ととなへられ われらの神の役者とよばれ もろもろの國の富をくらひ かれらの榮をえて自らほこるべし
But ye shall be named the priests of Jehovah, Men shall call you the ministers of our God. Ye shall eat the riches of the nations, And in their glory shall ye make your boast.
7 曩にうけし恥にかへ倍して賞賜をうけ凌辱にかへ嗣業をえて樂むべし 而してその地にありて倍したる賞賜をたもち永遠によろこびを得ん
For your shame shall ye have a double reward; And for ignominy ye shall rejoice in your portion; Therefore in your land ye shall possess double; Everlasting joy shall be your portion.
8 われヱホバは公平をこのみ邪曲なるかすめごとをにくみ 眞實をもて彼等にむくいをあたへ 彼等ととこしへの契約をたつべければなり
For I, Jehovah, love justice, I hate rapine and iniquity, I will give them their reward with faithfulness, And an everlasting covenant will I make with them.
9 かれらの裔はもろもろの國のなかに知れ かれらの子輩はもろもろの民のなかに知れん すべてこれを見るものはそのヱホバの祝したまへる裔なるを辨ふべし
Their race shall be illustrious among the nations, And their offspring among the people; All that see them shall acknowledge That they are a race which Jehovah hath blessed.
10 われヱホバを大によろこび わが靈魂はわが神をたのしまん そは我にすくひの衣をきせ義の外服をまとはせて 新郎が冠をいただき新婦が玉こがねの飾をつくるが如くなしたまへばなり
“I will greatly rejoice in Jehovah; My soul shall exult in my God; For he hath clothed me with the garments of salvation; He hath covered me with the mantle of deliverance. As the bridegroom decketh himself with his turban, And as the bride adorneth herself with her jewels.”
11 地は芽をいだし畑はまけるものを生ずるがごとく 主ヱホバは義と譽とをもろもろの國のまへに生ぜしめ給ふべし
For as the earth putteth forth her shoots, And as a garden causeth its plants to spring forth, So shall the Lord Jehovah cause salvation to spring forth; And praise before all the nations.

< イザヤ書 61 >