< イザヤ書 5 >
1 われわが愛する者のために歌をつくり 我があいするものの葡萄園のことをうたはん わが愛するものは土肥たる山にひとつの葡萄園をもてり
Let me sing now a song respecting my friend, A song respecting my friend touching his vineyard. My friend had a vineyard On a very fruitful hill;
2 彼その園をすきかへし石をのぞきて嘉ぶだうをうゑ そのなかに望樓をたて酒榨をほりて嘉葡萄のむすぶを望みまてり 然るに結びたるものは野葡萄なりき
He digged it, and cleared it of stones, And planted it with the choicest vine, And built a tower in the midst of it, And hewed out a wine-press therein; Then he looked that it should bring forth its grapes, But it brought forth sour grapes.
3 さればヱルサレムに住るものとユダの人よ 請なんぢら我とわがぶだうぞのとの間をさばけ
And now, O inhabitants of Jerusalem, and men of Judah, Judge ye between me and my vineyard!
4 わが葡萄園にわれの作たるほか何のなすべき事ありや 我はよきぶだうの結ぶをのぞみまちしに 何なれば野葡萄をむすびしや
What could have been done for my vineyard That I have not done for it? Why, then, when I looked that it should bring forth its grapes, Brought it forth sour grapes?
5 然ばわれわが葡萄園になさんとすることを汝等につげん 我はぶだうぞのの籬芭をとりさりてその食あらさるるにまかせ その垣をこぼちてその踐あらさるるにまかせん
But come now, and I will tell you What I mean to do with my vineyard. I will take away its hedge, and it shall be eaten up; I will break down its wall, and it shall be trodden down!
6 我これを荒してふたたび剪ことをせず耕すことをせず棘と荊とをはえいでしめん また雲に命せてそのうへに雨ふることなからしめん
And I will make it a waste; It shall not be pruned, nor digged, But shall grow up into thorns and briers; I will also command the clouds That they shed no rain upon it.
7 それ萬軍のヱホバの葡萄園はイスラエルの家なり その喜びたまふところの植物はユダの人なり これに公平をのぞみたまひしに反りて血をながし これに正義をのぞみ給ひしにかへりて號呼あり
The vineyard of Jehovah of hosts is the house of Israel, And the men of Judah the plant of his delight. He looked for justice, and behold, bloodshed! For righteousness, and behold, outcry!
8 禍ひなるかな彼らは家に家をたてつらね 田圃に田圃をましくはへて 餘地をあまさず 己ひとり國のうちに住んとす
Woe to them that join house to house, That add field to field, Till there is no place left, And they dwell alone in the land.
9 萬軍のヱホバ我耳につげて宣はく 實におほくの家はあれすたれ大にして美しき家は人のすむことなきにいたらん
To mine ear hath Jehovah of hosts revealed it: Surely many houses shall become a desolation, The great and the fair ones, without an inhabitant.
10 十段のぶだうぞの僅かに一バテをみのり一ホメルの穀種はわづかに一エパを實るべし
Yea, ten acres of vineyard shall yield a single bath of wine, And a homer of seed shall produce but an ephah.
11 禍ひなるかなかれらは朝つとにおきて濃酒をおひもとめ 夜のふくるまで止まりてのみ 酒にその身をやかるるなり
Woe to them that rise early in the morning to follow strong drink, —Who sit late in the night that wine may inflame them!
12 かれらの酒宴には琴あり 瑟あり 鼓あり 笛あり 葡萄酒あり されどヱホバの作爲をかへりみずその手のなしたまふところに目をとめず
And the lyre and the harp, the tabret and the pipe, and wine, are at their feasts, But they regard not the work of Jehovah, Nor attend to the operation of his hands.
13 斯るが故にわが民は無知にして虜にせられ その貴顯者はうゑ そのもろもろの民は渇によりて疲れはてん
Therefore shall my people be led captive, when they think not of it; Their honorable men shall be famished with hunger, And their rich men parched with thirst.
14 また陰府はその欲望をひろくし その度られざる口をはる かれらの榮華 かれらの群衆 かれらの饒富 および喜びたのしめる人みなその中におつべし (Sheol )
Therefore doth the under-world enlarge its greedy throat, And stretch open its mouth without measure, And down go her nobility and her wealth, Her busy throng, and all that was joyful within her. (Sheol )
15 賤しき者はかがめられ 貴きものは卑くせられ 目をあげて高ぶる者はひくくせらるべし
The mean man shall be bowed down, And the great man shall be brought low, And the eyes of the haughty shall be humbled;
16 されど萬軍のヱホバは公平によりてあがめられ 聖なる神は正義によりて聖とせられ給ふべし
Jehovah of hosts shall be exalted through judgment; Yea, God, the Holy One, shall be sanctified through righteousness.
17 而して小羊おのが牧場にあるごとくに草をはみ 豐かなるものの田はあれて旅客にくらはれん
Then shall the lambs feed, as in their own pasture, And the deserted fields of the rich shall strangers consume.
18 禍ひなるかな彼等はいつはりを繩となして惡をひき 索にて車をひくごとく罪をひけり
Woe to them that draw calamity with cords of wickedness, And punishment as with wagon-traces, —
19 かれらは云 その成んとする事をいそぎて速かになせ 我儕これを見ん イスラエルの聖者のさだむることを逼來らせよ われらこれを知んと
Who say, Let him make speed, let him hasten his work that we may see it! Let the purpose of the Holy One of Israel draw near and be fulfilled, that we may know it!
20 禍ひなるかな かれらは惡をよびて善とし善をよびて惡とし 暗をもて光とし光をもて暗とし 苦をもて甘とし甘をもて苦とする者なり
Woe to them that call evil good, and good evil, That put darkness for light, and light for darkness, That put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
21 わざはひなる哉 かれらは己をみて智しとし自らかへりみて聰とする者なり
Woe to them that are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own conceit!
22 禍ひなるかな かれらは葡萄酒をのむに丈夫なり 濃酒を和するに勇者なり
Woe to them that are valiant to drink wine, And men of might to mingle strong drink!
23 かれらは賄賂によりて惡きものを義となし 義人よりその義をうばふ
That clear the guilty for a reward, And take away from the righteous his right!
24 此によりて火舌の刈株をくらふがごとく また枯草の火焰のなかにおつるがごとく その根はくちはてその花は塵のごとくに飛さらん かれらは萬軍のヱホバの律法をすててイスラエルの聖者のことばを蔑したればなり
Therefore, as fire devours stubble, And as the withered grass sinks into the flame, So their root shall become rottenness, And their blossom shall fly up like dust. For they have despised the law of Jehovah of hosts, And contemned the word of the Holy One of Israel.
25 この故にヱホバその民にむかひて怒をはなち 手をのべてかれらを撃たまへり 山はふるひうごきかれらの屍は衢のなかにて糞土のごとくなれり 然はあれどヱホバの怒やまずして尚その手を伸したまふ
Therefore is the anger of Jehovah kindled against his people; He stretcheth forth his hand against them, and smiteth them, so that the mountains tremble, And their carcasses are as dung in the midst of the streets; For all this his anger is not turned away, But his hand is stretched out still.
26 かくて旗をたててとほき國々をまねき彼等をよびて地の極より來らしめたまはん 視よかれら趨りて速かにきたるべし
He lifteth up a banner for the nations afar off, He whistleth for them from the ends of the earth, And behold, they haste, and come swiftly.
27 その中には疲れたふるるものなく眠りまたは寢るものなし その腰の帶はとけずその履の紐はきれず
None among them is weary, and none stumbleth; None slumbereth nor sleepeth; The girdle of their loins is not loosed, Nor the latchet of their shoes broken.
28 その矢は鋭その弓はことごとく張り その馬のひづめは石のごとくその車の輪は疾風のごとしと稱へられん
Their arrows are sharp, And all their bows bent; The hoofs of their horses are like flint, And their wheels like a whirlwind.
29 その嘷ること獅のごとく また小獅のごとく嘷うなりつつ獲物をつかみて掠去れども之をすくふ者なし
Their roaring is like the roaring of the lion; They roar like young lions; They roar, and seize the prey; They bear it away, and none can rescue it.
30 その日かれらが嘯響めくこと海のなりどよめくがごとし もし地をのぞまば暗と難とありて光は黑雲のなかにくらくなりたるを見ん
Yea, in that day shall they roar against them like the roaring of the sea; And if one look to the land, behold darkness and sorrow, And the light is darkened by its clouds.