< イザヤ書 26 >
1 その日ユダの國にてこの歌をうたはん われらに堅固なる邑あり 神すくひをもてその垣その藩となしたまふべし
In that day, this song will be sung in the land of Judah: “We have a strong city. God appoints salvation for walls and bulwarks.
2 なんぢら門をひらきて忠信を守るただしき國民をいれよ
Open the gates, that the righteous nation may enter: the one which keeps faith.
3 なんぢは平康にやすきをもて心志かたき者をまもりたまふ 彼はなんぢに依賴めばなり
You will keep whoever’s mind is steadfast in perfect peace, because he trusts in you.
4 なんぢら常盤にヱホバによりたのめ 主ヱホバはとこしへの巌なり
Trust in the LORD forever; for in the LORD, the LORD, is an everlasting Rock.
5 たかきに居るものを仆し そびえたる城をふせしめ 地にふせしめて塵にまじへ給へり
For he has brought down those who dwell on high, the lofty city. He lays it low. He lays it low even to the ground. He brings it even to the dust.
6 かくて足これをふまん 苦しむものは足にて之をふみ 貧しき者はその上をあゆまん
The foot shall tread it down, even the feet of the poor and the steps of the needy.”
7 義きものの道は直からざるなし なんぢ義きものの途を直く平らかにし給ふ
The way of the just is uprightness. You who are upright make the path of the righteous level.
8 ヱホバよ審判をおこなひたまふ道にてわれら汝をまちのぞめり われらの心はなんぢの名となんぢの記念の名とをしたふなり
Yes, in the way of your judgements, LORD, we have waited for you. Your name and your renown are the desire of our soul.
9 わがこころ夜なんぢを慕ひたり わがうちなる靈あしたに汝をもとめん そは汝のさばき地におこなはるるとき世にすめるもの正義をまなぶべし
With my soul I have desired you in the night. Yes, with my spirit within me I will seek you earnestly; for when your judgements are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world learn righteousness.
10 惡者はめぐまるれども公義をまなばず 直き地にありてなほ不義をおこなひヱホバの稜威を見ることをこのまず
Let favour be shown to the wicked, yet he will not learn righteousness. In the land of uprightness he will deal wrongfully, and will not see the LORD’s majesty.
11 ヱホバよなんぢの手たかく擧れどもかれら顧みず 然どなんぢが民をすくひたまふ熱心を見ばはぢをいだかん 火なんぢの敵をやきつくすべし
LORD, your hand is lifted up, yet they don’t see; but they will see your zeal for the people and be disappointed. Yes, fire will consume your adversaries.
12 ヱホバよ汝はわれらのために平和をまうけたまはん 我儕のおこなひしことは皆なんぢの成たまへるなり
LORD, you will ordain peace for us, for you have also done all our work for us.
13 ヱホバわれらの神よなんぢにあらぬ他の主ども曩にわれらを治めたり 然どわれらはただ汝によりて汝の名をかたりつげん
LORD our God, other lords besides you have had dominion over us, but we will only acknowledge your name.
14 かれら死たればまたいきず 亡靈となりたればまた復らず なんぢかれらを糺してこれを滅ぼし その記念の名をさへ悉くうせしめたまへり
The dead shall not live. The departed spirits shall not rise. Therefore you have visited and destroyed them, and caused all memory of them to perish.
15 ヱホバよなんぢこの國民をましたまへり此くにびとを増たまへり なんぢは尊ばれたまふ なんぢ地の界をことごとく擴めたまへり
You have increased the nation, O LORD. You have increased the nation! You are glorified! You have enlarged all the borders of the land.
16 ヱホバよかれら苦難のときに汝をあふぎのぞめり 彼等なんぢの懲罰にあへるとき切になんぢに禱告せり
LORD, in trouble they have visited you. They poured out a prayer when your chastening was on them.
17 ヱホバよわれらは孕める婦のうむとき近づきてくるしみ その痛みによりて叫ぶがごとく汝のまへに然ありき
Just as a woman with child, who draws near the time of her delivery, is in pain and cries out in her pangs, so we have been before you, LORD.
18 われらは孕みまた苦しみたれどその產るところは風ににたり われら救を地にほどこさず世にすむ者うまれいでざりき
We have been with child. We have been in pain. We gave birth, it seems, only to wind. We have not worked any deliverance in the earth; neither have the inhabitants of the world fallen.
19 なんぢの死者はいきわが民の屍はおきん 塵にふすものよ醒てうたうたふべし なんぢの露は草木をうるほす露のごとく地はなきたまをいださん
Your dead shall live. Their dead bodies shall arise. Awake and sing, you who dwell in the dust; for your dew is like the dew of herbs, and the earth will cast out the departed spirits.
20 わが民よゆけ なんぢの室にいり汝のうしろの戸をとぢて忿恚のすぎゆくまで暫時かくるべし
Come, my people, enter into your rooms, and shut your doors behind you. Hide yourself for a little moment, until the indignation is past.
21 視よヱホバはその處をいでて地にすむものの不義をただしたまはん 地はその上なる血をあらはにして殺されたるものをまた掩はざるべし
For, behold, the LORD comes out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity. The earth also will disclose her blood, and will no longer cover her slain.