< ヘブル人への手紙 4 >

1 然れば我ら懼るべし、その安息に入るべき約束はなほ遺れども、恐らくは汝らの中これに達せざる者あらん。
Let us therefore fear, lest at any time, although there is left behind a promise of entering into his rest, —any one from amongst you should be deemed, to have come short;
2 それは彼らのごとく我らも善き音信を傳へられたり、然れど彼らには聞きし所の言 益なかりき。聞くもの之に信仰をまじへざりしに因る。
For we have had delivered to us the joyful message, just as even, they; but the word which was heard did not profit them, they not having been blended, by faith, with the things heard.
3 われら信じたる者は、かの休に入ることを得るなり。『われ怒をもて「彼らは、わが休に入るべからず」と誓へり』と云ひ給ひしが如し。されど世の創より御業は既に成れるなり。
For we who have believed, are to enter into the rest, according as he hath said—So I sware in mine anger, They shall not enter into my rest; And yet, the works, from the foundation of the world, had been brought into existence,
4 或 篇に七日めに就きて斯く云へり『七日めに神その凡ての業を休みたまへり』と。
For he hath spoken, somewhere, concerning the seventh [day], thus—And God rested, on the seventh day, from all his works;
5 また茲に『かれらは、我が休に入るべからず』と云へり。
And in this again—They shall not enter into my rest.
6 然れば之に入るべき者なほ在り、曩に善き音信を傳へられし者らは、不 從順によりて入ることを得ざりしなれば、
Seeing, therefore, that it is left over for, some, to enter into it, and, they who formerly had delivered to them the joyful message, entered not in by reason of obstinacy, —
7 久しきを經てのち復、日を定めダビデによりて『今日』と言ひ給ふ。曩に記したるが如し。曰く『今日なんじら神の聲を聞かば、こころを頑固にするなかれ』
Again, he marketh out a certain day, To-day, in David, saying—after so long a time as this, —according as it hath been said before: —To-day, if, unto his voice, ye would hearken, do not harden your hearts.
8 若しヨシュア既に休を彼らに得しめしならば、神はその後、ほかの日につきて語り給はざりしならん。
For, if, unto them, Joshua had given rest, it had not in that case, concerning another day, been speaking, after, these things.
9 然れば神の民の爲になほ安息は遺れり。
Hence there is, left over, a Sabbath-keeping, for the people of God.
10 既に神の休に入りたる者は、神のその業を休み給ひしごとく、己が業を休めり。
For, he that hath entered into his rest, He too, hath rested from his works, just as, from his own, God, [rested].
11 されば我等はこの休に入らんことを務むべし、是かの不 從順の例にならひて誰も墮つることなからん爲なり。
Let us, therefore, give diligence to enter into that rest, lest anyone fall into the same example, of obstinacy.
12 神の言は生命あり、能力あり、兩刃の劍よりも利くして、精神と靈魂、關節と骨髓を透して之を割ち、心の念と志望とを驗すなり。
For, living, is the word of God, and, energetic, and more cutting than any knife with two edges, and penetrating as far as a dividing asunder of soul and spirit, of joints also, and marrow, and able to judge the impulses and designs of the heart;
13 また造られたる物に一つとして神の前に顯れぬはなし、萬の物は我らが係れる神の目のまへに裸にて露るるなり。
And there is, no created thing, can be secreted before him, but, all things, are naked and exposed to his eyes: —as to whom is, our discourse.
14 我等には、もろもろの天を通り給ひし偉なる大 祭司、神の子イエスあり。然れば我らが言ひあらはす信仰を堅く保つべし。
Having then a great high-priest who hath passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast the confession;
15 我らの大 祭司は我らの弱を思ひ遣ること能はぬ者にあらず、罪を外にして凡ての事、われらと等しく試みられ給へり。
For we have not a high-priest unable to have fellow-feeling with our weaknesses, but one tested in all respects, by way of likeness, apart from sin.
16 この故に我らは憐憫を受けんが爲、また機に合ふ助となる惠を得んがために、憚らずして惠の御座に來るべし。
Let us, then, be approaching with freedom of speech, unto the throne of favour, that we may receive mercy, and, favour, may find, for seasonable succour.

< ヘブル人への手紙 4 >