< 創世記 44 >

1 茲にヨセフその家宰に命じていふこの人々の嚢にその負うるほど糧食を充せ各人の金をその嚢の口に置れ
And he commanded [the one] who [was] over household his saying fill [the] sacks of the men food just as they are able! to carry and put [the] silver of each man in [the] mouth of sack his.
2 またわが杯すなはち銀の杯を彼の少き者の嚢の口に置てその穀物の金子とともにあらしめよと彼がヨセフがいひし言のごとくなせり
And cup my [the] cup of silver you will put in [the] mouth of [the] sack of the young [brother] and [the] silver of grain his and he did according to [the] word of Joseph which he had spoken.
3 かくて夜のあくるにおよびてその人々と驢馬をかへしけるが
The morning it was light and the men they were sent off they and donkeys their.
4 かれら城邑をいでてなほ程とほからぬにヨセフ家宰にいひけるは起てかの人々の後を追ひおひつきし時之にいふべし汝らなんぞ惡をもて善にむくゆるや
They they came out the city not they had gone far and Joseph he said to [the one] who [was] over household his arise pursue after the men and you will overtake them and you will say to them why? have you repaid evil for good.
5 其はわが主がもちひて飮み又用ひて常に卜ふ者にあらずや汝らかくなすは惡しと
¿ Not [is] this [that] which he drinks master my in it and he indeed he practices divination by it you have done evil [that] which you have done.
6 是に於て家宰かれらにおひつきてこの言をかれらにいひければ
And he overtook them and he spoke to them the words these.
7 かれら之にいふ主なにゆゑに是事をいひたまふや僕等きはめてこの事をなさず
And they said to him why? does he speak master my according to the words these far be it to servants your from doing according to the manner this.
8 視よ我らの嚢の口にありし金はカナンの地より汝の所にもちかへれり然ば我等いかで汝の主の家より金銀をぬすまんや
Here! silver which we found in [the] mouth of sacks our we brought back to you from [the] land of Canaan and how? will we steal from [the] house of master your silver or gold.
9 僕等の中誰の手に見あたるも其者は死べし我等またわが主の奴隸となるべし
[anyone] whom It is found with him of servants your and he will die and also we we will be[long] to lord my to slaves.
10 彼いひけるはさらば汝らの言のごとくせん其の見あたりし者はわが奴隸となるべし汝等は咎なしと
And he said also now according to words your [will be] so it [anyone] whom it is found with him he will be of me slave and you you will be innocent.
11 是において彼等急ぎて各その嚢を地におろし各その嚢をひらきしかば
And they hurried and they brought down each man sack his [the] ground towards and they opened each man sack his.
12 彼すなはち索し長者よりはじめて少者にをはるに杯はベニヤミンの嚢にありき
And he searched with the old [brother] he began and with the young [brother] he finished and it was found the cup in [the] sack of Benjamin.
13 斯有しかば彼等その衣を裂きおのおのその驢馬に荷を負せて邑にかへる
And they tore clothes their and he loaded each man on donkey his and they went back the city towards.
14 しかしてユダとその兄弟等ヨセフの家にいたるにヨセフなほ其處にをりしかばその前に地に伏す
And he came Judah and brothers his [the] house of towards Joseph and he still he [was] there and they fell before him [the] ground towards.
15 ヨセフかれらにいひけるは汝等がなしたるこの事は何ぞや我のごとき人は善く卜ひうる者なるをしらざるや
And he said to them Joseph what? [is] the deed this which you have done ¿ not do you know that indeed he practices divination a man who [is] like me.
16 ユダいひけるは我等主に何をいはんや何をのべんや如何にしてわれらの正直をあらはさんや神僕等の罪を摘發したまへり然ば我等およびこの杯の見あたりし者倶に主の奴隸となるべし
And he said Judah what? will we say to lord my what? will we speak and what? will we justify ourselves God he has found [the] guilt of servants your here we [are] slaves of lord my both we as well as [the one] who it was found the cup in hand his.
17 ヨセフいひけるはきはめて然せじ杯の手に見あたりし人はわが奴隸となるべし汝等は安然に父にかへりのぼるべし
And he said far be it to me from doing this the man whom it was found the cup in hand his he he will be of me slave and you go up to peace to father your.
18 時にユダかれに近よりていひけるはわが主よ請ふ僕をして主の耳に一言いふをえせしめよ僕にむかひて怒を發したまふなかれ汝はパロのごとくにいますなり
And he drew near to him Judah and he said pardon me O lord my may he speak please servant your a word in [the] ears of lord my and may not it burn anger your on servant your for as you as Pharaoh.
19 昔にわが主僕等に問て汝等は父あるや弟あるやといひたまひしかば
Lord my he asked servants his saying ¿ [does] there [belong] to you a father or a brother.
20 我等主にいへり我等にわが父あり老人なり又その老年子なる少者ありその兄は死てその母の遺せるは只是のみ故に父これを愛すと
And we said to lord my there [belongs] to us a father old and a child of old age young and brother his he died and he was left he to only him to mother his and father his he loves him.
21 汝また僕等にいひたまはく彼を我許につれくだり我をして之に目をつくることをえせしめよと
And you said to servants your bring down him to me so let me set eye my on him.
22 われら主にいへり童子父を離るをえず若父をはなるるならば父死べしと
And we said to lord my not he will be able the young man to leave father his and he will leave father his and he will die.
23 汝また僕等にいひたまはく汝らの季の弟汝等とともに下るにあらざれば汝等ふたたたびわが面を見るべからずと
And you said to servants your if not he will come down brother your young with you not you will repeat! to see face my.
24 我等すなはちなんぢの僕わが父の所にかへりのぼりて主の言をこれに告たり
And it was that we went up to servant your father my and we told to him [the] words of lord my.
25 我らの父再びゆきて少許の糧食を買きたれといひければ
And he said father our go back buy for us a little of food.
26 我らいふ我らくだりゆくことをえずわれらの季の弟われらと共にあらば下りゆくべし其は季の弟われらと共にあるにあらざれば彼人の面をみるをえざればなりと
And we said not we are able to go down if there [is] brother our young with us and we will go down for not we will be able to see [the] face of the man and brother our young not he [is] with us.
27 なんぢの僕わが父われらにいふ汝らのしるごとく吾妻われに二人を生しが
And he said servant your father my to us you you know that two [sons] she bore to me wife my.
28 その一人出てわれをはなれたれば必ず裂ころされしならんと思へり我今にいたるまで彼を見ず
And he went out the one from with me and I said surely certainly he has been torn to pieces and not I have seen him until now.
29 なんぢら是をも我側より取ゆかんに若災害是の身におよぶあらば遂にわが白髮をして悲みて墓にくだらしむるにいたらんと (Sheol h7585)
And you will take also this [one] from with presence my and it will happen to him harm and you will cause to go down gray hair my in calamity Sheol towards. (Sheol h7585)
30 抑父の生命と童子の生命とは相結びてあれば我なんぢの僕わが父に歸りいたらん時に童子もしわれらと共に在ずば如何ぞや
And therefore when come I to servant your father my and the lad not [is] he with us and life his [is] bound up with life his.
31 父童子の在ざるを見ば死るにいたらん然れば僕等なんぢの僕われらの父の白髮をして悲みて墓にくだらしむるなり (Sheol h7585)
And it will be when sees he that there not [is] the young man and he will die and they will bring down servants your [the] gray hair of servant your father our in sorrow Sheol towards. (Sheol h7585)
32 僕わが父に童子の事を保ひて我もし是を汝につれかへらずば永久に罪を父に負んといへり
For servant your he stood surety for the young man from with father my saying if not I will bring him to you and I will be culpable to father my all the days.
33 されば請ふ僕をして童子にかはりをりて主の奴隸とならしめ童子をしてその兄弟とともに歸りのぼらしめたまへ
And therefore let him remain please servant your in place of the young man a slave of lord my and the lad let him go up with brothers his.
34 我いかでか童子を伴はずして父の許に上りゆくべけん恐くは災害の父におよぶを見ん
For how? will I go up to father my and the lad not [is] he with me lest I should look on the calamity which it will find father my.

< 創世記 44 >