< 創世記 38 >

1 當時ユダ兄弟をはなれて下りアドラム人名はヒラといふ者の近邊に天幕をはりしが
And it fortuned at that tyme that Iudas went from his brethren and gatt him to a man called Hira of Odollam
2 ユダかしこにてカナン人名はシュアといふ者の女子を見これを娶りてその所にいる
and there he sawe the doughter of a man called Sua a Canaanyte. And he toke her ad went in vnto her.
3 彼はらみて男子を生みければユダその名をエルとなづく
And she conceaued and bare a sonne and called his name Er.
4 彼ふたたび孕みて男子を生みその名をオナンとなづけ
And she conceaued agayne and bare a sonne and called him Onan.
5 またかさねて孕みて男子を生みてその名をシラとなづく此子をうみける時ユダはクジブにありき
And she conceaued the thyrde tyme and bare a sonne whom she called Scla: and he was at Chesyb when she bare hem.
6 ユダその長子エルのために妻をむかふその名をタマルといふ
And Iudas gaue Er his eldest sonne a wife whose name was Thamar.
7 ユダの長子エル、ヱホバの前に惡をなしたればヱホバこれを死しめたまふ
But this Er Iudas eldest sonne was wicked in the syghte of the LORde wherfore the LORde slewe him.
8 茲にユダ、オナンにいひけるは汝の兄の妻の所にいりて之をめとり汝の兄をして子をえせしめよ
Than sayde Iudas vnto Onan: goo in to thi brothers wyfe and Marie her and styrre vp seed vnto thy brother.
9 オナンその子の己のものとならざるを知たれば兄の妻の所にいりし時兄に子をえせしめざらんために地に洩したり
And when Onan perceaued that the seed shulde not be his: therfore when he went in to his brothers wife he spylled it on the grounde because he wold not geue seed vnto his brother.
10 斯なせし事ヱホバの目に惡かりければヱホバ彼をも死しめたまふ
And the thinge which he dyd displeased the LORde wherfore he slew him also.
11 ユダその媳タマルにいひけるは嫠婦となりて汝の父の家にをりわが子シラの人となるを待てと恐らくはシラも亦その兄弟のごとく死るならんとおもひたればなりタマルすなはち往てその父の家にをる
Than sayde Iudas to Thamar his doughter in lawe: remayne a wydow at thi fathers house tyll Sela my sonne be growne: for he feared lest he shulde haue dyed also as his brethren did. Thus went Thamar and dwelt in hir fathers house.
12 日かさなりて後シュアの女ユダの妻死たりユダ慰をいれてその友アドラム人ヒラとともにテムナにのぼりその羊毛を剪る者の所にいたる
And in processe of tyme the doughter of Sua Iudas wife dyed. Than Iudas when he had left mornynge went vnto his shepe sherers to Thimnath with his frende Hira of Odollam.
13 茲にタマルにつげて視よなんぢの舅はその羊の毛を剪んとてテムナにのぼるといふ者ありしかば
And one told Thamar saynge: beholde thy father in lawe goth vp to Thimnath to shere his shepe.
14 彼その嫠の服を脱すて被衣をもて身をおほひつつみテムナの途の側にあるエナイムの入口に坐す其はシラ人となりたれども己これが妻にせられざるを見たればなり
And she put hyr wydows garmetes of from her and couered her with a clooke and disgyssed herself: And sat her downe at the entrynge of Enaim which is by the hye wayes syde to Thimnath for because she sawe that Sela was growne and she was not geue vnto him to wife.
15 彼その面を蔽ひゐたりしかばユダこれを見て娼妓ならんとおもひ
When Iuda sawe her he thought it had bene an hoore because she had couered hyr face.
16 途の側にて彼に就き請ふ來りて我をして汝の所にいらしめよといふ其はその子の妻なるをしらざればなり彼いひけるは汝何を我にあたへてわが所にいらんとするや
And turned to her vnto the waye and sayde come I praye the let me lye with the for he knewe not that it was his doughter in lawe. And she sayde what wylt thou gyue me for to lye with me?
17 ユダいひけるは我群より山羊の羔をおくらん彼いふ汝其をおくるまで質をあたへんか
Tha sayde he I will sende the a kydd fro the flocke. She answered Than geue me a pledge till thou sende it.
18 ユダ何の質をなんぢに與ふべきやといふに彼汝の印と綬と汝の手の杖をといひければ即ちこれを與へて彼の所にいりぬ彼ユダに由て姙めり
Than sayde he what pledge shall I geue the? And she sayde: they sygnett thy necke lace and thy staffe that is in thy hande. And he gaue it her and lay by her and she was with child by him.
19 彼起て去りその被衣をぬぎすて嫠婦の服をまとふ
And she gatt her vp and went and put her mantell from her ad put on hir widowes rayment agayne.
20 かくてユダ婦の手より質をとらんとてその友アドラム人の手に托して山羊の羔をおくりけるが彼婦を見ざれば
And Iudas sent the kydd by his neybure of Odollam for to fetch out his pledge agayne from the wifes hande. But he fownde her not.
21 その處の人に問て途の側なるエナイムの娼妓は何處にをるやといふに此には娼妓なしといひければ
Than asked he the men of the same place saynge: where is the whoore that satt at Enaim in the waye? And they sayde: there was no whoore here.
22 ユダの許にかへりていふ我彼を見いださず亦その處の人此には娼妓なしといへりと
And he came to Iuda agayne saynge: I can not fynde her and also the men of the place sayde: that there was no whoore there.
23 ユダいひけるは彼にとらせおけ恐くはわれら笑抦とならん我この山羊の羔をおくりたるに汝かれを見ざるなりと
And Iuda sayde: let her take it to her lest we be shamed: for I sente the kydd and thou coudest not fynde her.
24 三月ばかりありて後ユダに告る者ありていふ汝の媳タマル姦淫をなせり亦その姦淫によりて妊めりユダいひけるは彼を曵いだして焚べし
And it came to passe that after. iij. monethes one tolde Iuda saynge: Thamar thy doughter in lawe hath played the whoore and with playnge the whoore is become great with childe. And Iuda sayde: brynge her forth ad let her be brente.
25 彼ひきいだされし時その舅にいひつかはしけるは是をもてる人によりて我は妊りと彼すなはち請ふこの印と綬と杖は誰の所屬なるかを辨別よといふ
And when they brought her forth she sent to her father in lawe saynge: by the ma vnto whome these thinges pertayne am I with childe. And sayd also: loke whose are this seall necklace and staffe.
26 ユダこれを見識ていひけるは彼は我よりも正しわれ彼をわが子わがシラにあたへざりしによりてなりと再びこれを知らざりき
And Iuda knewe them saynge: she is more rightwes tha I because I gaue her not to Sela my sone. But he laye with her nomore.
27 かくて產の時にいたりて見るにその胎に孿あり
When tyme was come that she shulde be delyuered beholde there was. ij. twynnes in hyr wobe.
28 その產時手出しかば產婆是首にいづといひて絳き線をとりてその手にしばりしが
And as she traveled the one put out his hande and the mydwife toke and bownde a reed threde aboute it saynge: this wyll come out fyrst.
29 手を引こむるにあたりて兄弟いでたれば汝なんぞ圻いづるやその圻汝に歸せんといへり故にその名はペレヅ(圻)と稱る
But he plucked his hande backe agayne and his brother came out. And she sayde: wherfore hast thou rent a rent vppon the? and called him Pharez.
30 その兄弟手に絳線のある者後にいづその名はゼラとよばる
And afterward came out his brother that had the reade threde about his hade which was called Zarah.

< 創世記 38 >