< 創世記 29 >

1 斯てヤコブ其途にすすみて東の民の地にいたりて
And Jacob lifts up his feet, and goes toward the land of the sons of the east;
2 見るに野に井ありて羊の群三其傍に臥ゐたり此井より群に飮へばなり大なる石井の口にあり
and he looks, and behold, a well in the field, and behold, there [are] three droves of a flock crouching by it, for they water the droves from that well, and the great stone [is] on the mouth of the well.
3 羊の群皆其處に集る時に井の口より石をまろばして羊に水飼ひ復故のごとく井の口に石をのせおくなり
(When all the droves have been gathered there, and they have rolled the stone from off the mouth of the well, and have watered the flock, then they have turned back the stone on the mouth of the well to its place.)
4 ヤコブ人々に言けるは兄弟よ奚よりきたれるや彼等いふ我等はハランより來る
And Jacob says to them, “My brothers, where [are] you from?” And they say, “We [are] from Haran.”
5 ヤコブ彼等にいひけるは汝等ナホルの子ラバンをしるや彼等識といふ
And he says to them, “Have you known Laban, son of Nahor?” And they say, “We have known.”
6 ヤコブ又かれらにいひけるは彼は安きや彼等いふ安し視よ彼の女ラケル羊と偕に來ると
And he says to them, “Does he have peace?” And they say, “Peace; and behold, his daughter Rachel is coming with the flock.”
7 ヤコブ言ふ視よ日尚高し家畜を聚むべき時にあらず羊に飮ひて往て牧せよ
And he says, “Behold, the day [is] still great, [it is] not time for the livestock to be gathered; water the flock, and go, delight yourselves.”
8 彼等いふ我等しかする能はず群の皆聚るに及て井の口より石をまろばして羊に飮ふべきなり
And they say, “We are not able, until all the droves be gathered together, and they have rolled away the stone from the mouth of the well, and we have watered the flock.”
9 ヤコブ尚彼等と語れる時にラケル父の羊とともに來る其は之を牧居たればなり
He is yet speaking with them, and Rachel has come with the flock which her father has, for she [is] shepherdess;
10 ヤコブ其母の兄ラバンの女ラケルおよび其母の兄ラバンの羊を見しかばヤコブ進みよりて井の口より石をまろばし母の兄ラバンの羊に飮ひたり
and it comes to pass, when Jacob has seen Rachel, daughter of his mother’s brother Laban, and the flock of his mother’s brother Laban, that Jacob comes near and rolls the stone from off the mouth of the well, and waters the flock of his mother’s brother Laban.
11 而してヤコブ、ラケルに接吻して聲をあげて啼哭ぬ
And Jacob kisses Rachel, and lifts up his voice, and weeps,
12 即ちヤコブ、ラケルに己はその父の兄弟にしてリベカの子なることを告ければ彼はしりゆきて父に告たり
and Jacob declares to Rachel that he [is] her father’s brother, and that he [is] Rebekah’s son, and she runs and declares [it] to her father.
13 ラバン其妹の子ヤコブの事を聞しかば趨ゆきて之を迎へ之を抱きて接吻し之を家に導きいたれりヤコブすなはち此等の事を悉くラバンに述たり
And it comes to pass, when Laban hears the report of his sister’s son Jacob, that he runs to meet him, and embraces him, and kisses him, and brings him into his house; and he recounts to Laban all these things,
14 ラバン彼にいひけるは汝は誠にわが骨肉なりとヤコブ一月の間彼とともに居る
and Laban says to him, “You [are] surely my bone and my flesh”; and he dwells with him a month of days.
15 茲にラバン、ヤコブにいひけるは汝はわが兄弟なればとて空く我に役事べけんや何の報酬を望むや我に告よ
And Laban says to Jacob, “Is it because you [are] my brother that you have served me for nothing? Declare to me what your hire [is].”
16 ラバン二人の女子を有り姉の名はレアといひ妹の名はラケルといふ
And Laban has two daughters, the name of the older [is] Leah, and the name of the younger Rachel,
17 レアは目弱かりしがラケルは美くして姝し
and the eyes of Leah [are] tender, and Rachel has been beautiful of form and beautiful of appearance.
18 ヤコブ、ラケルを愛したれば言ふ我汝の季女ラケルのために七年汝に事ん
And Jacob loves Rachel and says, “I serve you seven years for Rachel your younger daughter”:
19 ラバンいひけるは彼を他の人にあたふるよりも汝にあたふるは善し我と偕に居れ
and Laban says, “It is better for me to give her to you than to give her to another man; dwell with me”;
20 ヤコブ七年の間ラケルのために勤たりしが彼を愛するが爲に此を數日の如く見做り
and Jacob serves for Rachel seven years; and they are in his eyes as some days, because of his loving her.
21 茲にヤコブ、ラバンに言けるはわが期滿たればわが妻をあたへて我をしてかれの處にいることを得せしめよ
And Jacob says to Laban, “Give up my wife, for my days have been fulfilled, and I go in to her”;
22 是に於てラバン處の人を盡く集めて酒宴を設けたりしが
and Laban gathers all the men of the place, and makes a banquet.
23 晩に及びて其女レアを携へて此をヤコブにつれ來れりヤコブ即ち彼の處にいりぬ
And it comes to pass in the evening, that he takes his daughter Leah, and brings her to him, and he goes in to her;
24 ラバンまた其侍婢ジルパを娘レアに與へて侍婢となさしめたり
and Laban gives his maidservant Zilpah to her, to his daughter Leah, [for] a maidservant.
25 朝にいたりて見るにレアなりしかばヤコブ、ラバンに言けるは汝なんぞ此事を我になしたるや我ラケルのために汝に役事しにあらずや汝なんぞ我を欺くや
And it comes to pass in the morning, that behold, it [is] Leah; and he says to Laban, “What [is] this you have done to me? Have I not served with you for Rachel? And why have you deceived me?”
26 ラバンいひけるは姉より先に妹を嫁しむる事は我國にて爲ざるところなり
And Laban says, “It is not done so in our place, to give the younger before the firstborn;
27 其七日を過せ我等是をも汝に與へん然ば汝是がために尚七年我に事へて勤むべし
fulfill the period of seven [for] this one, and we also give to you this one, for the service which you serve with me yet seven other years.”
28 ヤコブ即ち斯なして其七日をすごせしかばラバン其女ラケルをも之にあたへて妻となさしむ
And Jacob does so, and fulfills the period of seven [for] this one, and he gives his daughter Rachel to him for a wife for him;
29 またラバン其侍婢ビルハを女ラケルにあたへて侍婢となさしむ
and Laban gives his maidservant Bilhah to his daughter Rachel for a maidservant for her.
30 ヤコブまたラケルの所にいりぬ彼レアよりもラケルを愛し尚七年ラバンに事たり
And he also goes in to Rachel, and he also loves Rachel more than Leah; and he serves with him yet seven other years.
31 ヱホバ、レアの嫌るるを見て其胎をひらきたまへり然どラケルは姙なきものなりき
And YHWH sees that Leah [is] the hated one, and He opens her womb, and Rachel [is] barren;
32 レア孕みて子を生み其名をルベンと名けていひけるはヱホバ誠にわが艱苦を顧みたまへりされば今夫我を愛せんと
and Leah conceives, and bears a son, and calls his name Reuben, for she said, “Because YHWH has looked on my affliction; because now does my husband love me.”
33 彼ふたたび孕みて子を產みヱホバわが嫌るるを聞たまひしによりて我に是をもたまへりと言て其名をシメオンと名けたり
And she conceives again, and bears a son, and says, “Because YHWH has heard that I [am] the hated one, He also gives to me even this [one]”; and she calls his name Simeon.
34 彼また孕みて子を生み我三人の子を生たれば夫今より我に膠漆んといへり是によりて其名をレビと名けたり
And she conceives again and bears a son, and says, “Now [is] the time, my husband is joined to me, because I have born to him three sons,” therefore has [one] called his name Levi.
35 彼復姙みて子を生み我今ヱホバを讚美んといへり是によりて其名をユダと名けたり是にいたりて產ことやみぬ
And she conceives again and bears a son, and this time says, “I praise YHWH”; therefore has she called his name Judah; and she ceases from bearing.

< 創世記 29 >