< 創世記 25 >
And Abraam again took a wife, whose name was Chettura.
2 彼ジムラン、ヨクシヤン、メダン、ミデアン、イシバク、シユワを生り
And she bore to him Zombran, and Jezan, and Madal, and Madiam, and Jesboc, and Soie.
3 ヨクシヤン、シバとデダンを生むデダンの子はアッシユリ族レトシ族リウミ族なり
And Jezan begot Saba and Dedan. And the sons of Dedan were the Assurians and the Latusians, and Laomim.
4 ミデアンの子はエパ、エペル、ヘノク、アビダ、エルダアなり是等は皆ケトラの子孫なり
And the sons of Madiam [were] Gephar and Aphir, and Enoch, and Abeida, and Eldaga; all these were sons of Chettura.
But Abraam gave all his possessions to Isaac his son.
6 アブラハムの妾等の子にはアブラハム其生る間の物をあたへて之をして其子イサクを離れて東にさりて東の國に至らしむ
But to the sons of his concubines Abraam gave gifts, and he sent them away from his son Isaac, while he was yet living, to the east into the country of the east.
7 アブラハムの生存へたる齡の日は即ち百七十五年なりき
And these [were] the years of the days of the life of Abraam as many as he lived, a hundred and seventy-five years.
8 アブラハム遐齡に及び老人となり年滿て氣たえ死て其民に加る
And Abraam failing died in a good old age, an old man and full of days, and was added to his people.
9 其子イサクとイシマエル之をヘテ人ゾハルの子エフロンの野なるマクペラの洞穴に葬れり是はマムレの前にあり
And Isaac and Ismael his sons buried him in the double cave, in the field of Ephron the son of Saar the Chettite, which is over against Mambre:
10 即ちアブラハムがヘテの子孫より買たる野なり彼處にアブラハムと其妻サラ葬らる
[even] the field and the cave which Abraam bought of the sons of Chet; there they buried Abraam and Sarrha his wife.
11 アブラハムの死たる後神其子イサクを祝みたまふイサクはベエルラハイロイの邊に住り
And it came to pass after Abraam was dead, that God blessed Isaac his son, and Isaac lived by the well of the vision.
12 サラの侍婢なるエジプト人ハガルがアブラハムに生たる子イシマエルの傳は左のごとし
And these [are] the generations of Ismael the son of Abraam, whom Agar the Egyptian the handmaid of Sarrha bore to Abraam.
13 イシマエルの子の名は其名氏と其世代に循ひて言ば是のごとしイシマエルの長子はネバヨテなり其次はケダル、アデビエル、ミブサム
And these [are] the names of the sons of Ismael, according to the names of their generations. The firstborn of Ismael, Nabaioth, and Kedar, and Nabdeel, and Massam,
and Masma, and Duma, and Masse,
and Choddan, and Thaeman, and Jetur, and Naphes, and Kedma.
16 是等はイシマエルの子なり是等は其郷黨を其營にしたがひて言る者にして其國に循ひていへば十二の牧伯なり
These [are] the sons of Ismael, and these are their names in their tents and in their dwellings, twelve princes according to their nations.
17 イシマエルの齡は百三十七歳なりき彼いきたえ死て其民にくははる
And these [are] the years of the life of Ismael, a hundred and thirty-seven years; and he failed and died, and was added to his fathers.
18 イシマエルの子等はハビラよりエジプトの前なるシユルまでの間に居住てアッスリヤまでにおよべりイシマエルは其すべての兄弟等のまへにすめり
And he lived from Evilat to Sur, which is opposite Egypt, until one comes to the Assyrians; he lived in the presence of all his brethren.
19 アブラハムの子イサクの傳は左のごとしアブラハム、イサクを生り
And these [are] the generations of Isaac the son of Abraam.
20 イサク四十歳にしてリベカを妻に娶れりリベカはパダンアラムのスリア人ベトエルの女にしてスリア人ラバンの妹なり
Abraam begot Isaac. And Isaac was forty years old when he took as wife Rebecca, daughter of Bathuel the Syrian, out of Syrian Mesopotamia, sister of Laban the Syrian.
21 イサク其妻の子なきに因て之がためにヱホバに祈願をたてければヱホバ其ねがひを聽たまへり遂に其妻リベカ孕みしが
And Isaac prayed the Lord concerning Rebecca his wife, because she was barren; and the Lord heard him, and his wife Rebecca conceived in her womb.
22 其子胎の内に爭そひければ然らば我いかで斯てあるべきと言て往てヱホバに問に
And the babes leapt within her; and she said, If it will be so with me, why is this to me? And she went to enquire of the Lord.
23 ヱホバ彼に言たまひけるは二の國民汝の胎にあり二の民汝の腹より出て別れん一の民は一の民よりも強かるべし大は小に事へんと
And the Lord said to her, There are two nations in your womb, and two peoples shall be separated from your belly, and one people shall excel the other, and the elder shall serve the younger.
And the days were fulfilled that she should be delivered, and she had twins in her womb.
25 先に出たる者は赤くして躰中裘の如し其名をエサウと名けたり
And the first came out red, hairy all over like a skin; and she called his name Esau.
26 其後に弟出たるが其手にエサウの踵を持り其名をヤコブとなづけたりリベカが彼等を生し時イサクは六十歳なりき
And after this came forth his brother, and his hand took hold of the heel of Esau; and she called his name Jacob. And Isaac was sixty years old when Rebecca bore them.
27 茲に童子人となりしがエサウは巧なる獵人にして野の人となりヤコブは質樸なる人にして天幕に居ものとなれり
And the lads grew, and Esau was a man skilled in hunting, dwelling in the country, and Jacob a simple man, dwelling in a house.
28 イサクは麆を嗜によりてエサウを愛したりしがリベカはヤコブを愛したり
And Isaac loved Esau, because his venison was his food, but Rebecca loved Jacob.
29 茲にヤコブ羹を煮たり時にエサウ野より來りて憊れ居り
And Jacob cooked pottage, and Esau came from the plain, fainting.
30 エサウ、ヤコブにむかひ我憊れたれば請ふ其紅羹其處にある紅羹を我にのませよといふ是をもて彼の名はエドム(紅)と稱らる
And Esau said to Jacob, Let me taste of that red pottage, because I am fainting; therefore his name was called Edom.
And Jacob said to Esau, Sell me this day your birthright.
32 エサウいふ我は死んとして居る此家督の權我に何の益をなさんや
And Esau said, Behold, I am going to die, and for what good does this birthright [belong] to me?
33 ヤコブまた言けるは今日我に誓へと彼すなはち誓て其家督の權をヤコブに鬻ぬ
And Jacob said to him, Swear to me this day; and he swore to him; and Esau sold his birthright to Jacob.
34 是に於てヤコブ、パンと扁豆の羹とをエサウに與へければ食且飮て起て去り斯エサウ家督の權を藐視じたり
And Jacob gave bread to Esau, and pottage of lentiles; and he ate and drank, and he arose and departed; so Esau slighted his birthright.