< 創世記 19 >

1 其二個の天使黄昏にソドムに至るロト時にソドムの門に坐し居たりしがこれを視起て迎へ首を地にさげて
And two of the messengers come toward Sodom at evening, and Lot is sitting at the gate of Sodom, and Lot sees, and rises to meet them, and bows himself—face to the earth,
2 言けるは我主よ請ふ僕の家に臨み足を濯ひて宿りつとに起て途に遄征たまへ彼等言ふ否我等は街衢に宿らんと
and he says, “Now behold, my lords, please turn aside to the house of your servant, and lodge, and wash your feet—then you have risen early and gone on your way”; and they say, “No, but we lodge in the broad place.”
3 然ど固く強ければ遂に彼の所に臨みて其家に入るロト乃ち彼等のために筵を設け酵いれぬパンを炊て食はしめたり
And he presses on them greatly, and they turn aside to him, and come into his house; and he makes a banquet for them, and has baked unleavened things; and they eat.
4 斯て未だ寢ざる前に邑の人々即ちソドムの人老たるも若きも諸共に四方八方より來たれる民皆其家を環み
Before they lie down, the men of the city—men of Sodom—have surrounded the house, from young even to aged, all the people from the extremity;
5 ロトを呼て之に言けるは今夕爾に就たる人は何處にをるや彼等を我等の所に携へ出せ我等之を知らん
and they call to Lot and say to him, “Where [are] the men who have come to you tonight? Bring them out to us, and we know them.”
6 ロト入口に出て其後の戸を閉ぢ彼等の所に至りて
And Lot goes out to them, to the opening, and the door has shut behind him,
7 言けるは請ふ兄弟よ惡き事を爲すなかれ
and says, “Please, my brothers, do not do evil;
8 我に未だ男知ぬ二人の女あり請ふ我之を携へ出ん爾等の目に善と見ゆる如く之になせよ唯此人等は旣に我家の蔭に入たれば何をも之になすなかれ
now behold, I have two daughters who have not known anyone; please let me bring them out to you, and do to them as [is] good in your eyes; only do nothing to these men, for therefore they have come in within the shadow of my roof.”
9 彼等曰ふ爾退け又言けるは此人は來り寓れる身なるに恒に士師とならんとす然ば我等彼等に加ふるよりも多くの害を爾に加へんと遂に彼等酷しく其人ロトに逼り前よりて其戸を破んとせしに
And they say, “Come near here”; they also say, “This one has come to sojourn, and he certainly judges! Now, we do evil to you more than [to] them”; and they press against the man, against Lot greatly, and come near to break the door.
10 彼二人其手を舒しロトを家の内に援いれて其戸を閉ぢ
And the men put forth their hand, and bring in Lot to them, into the house, and have shut the door;
11 家の入口にをる人衆をして大なるも小も倶に目を眩しめければ彼等遂に入口を索ぬるに困憊たり
and the men who [are] at the opening of the house they have struck with blindness, from small even to great, and they weary themselves to find the opening.
12 斯て二人ロトに言けるは外に爾に屬する者ありや汝の婿子女および凡て邑にをりて爾に屬する者を此所より携へ出べし
And the men say to Lot, “Whom have you here still? Son-in-law, your sons also, and your daughters, and all whom you have in the city, bring out from this place;
13 此處の號呼ヱホバの前に大になりたるに因て我等之を滅さんとすヱホバ我等を遣はして之を滅さしめたまふ
for we are destroying this place, for their cry has been great [before] the face of YHWH, and YHWH does send us to destroy it.”
14 ロト出て其女を娶る婿等に告て言けるはヱホバが邑を滅したまふべければ爾等起て此處を出よと然ど婿等は之を戲言と視爲り
And Lot goes out and speaks to his sons-in-law, those taking his daughters, and says, “Rise, go out from this place, for YHWH is destroying the city”; and he is as [one] mocking in the eyes of his sons-in-law.
15 曉に及て天使ロトを促して言けるは起て此なる爾の妻と二人の女を携へよ恐くは爾邑の惡とともに滅されん
And when the dawn has ascended, then the messengers press on Lot, saying, “Rise, take your wife, and your two daughters who are found present, lest you are consumed in the iniquity of the city.”
16 然るに彼遲延ひしかば二人其手と其妻の手と其二人の女の手を執て之を導き出し邑の外に置りヱホバ斯彼に仁慈を加へたまふ
And he lingers, and the men lay hold on his hand, and on the hand of his wife, and on the hand of his two daughters, through the mercy of YHWH to him, and they bring him out, and cause him to rest outside the city.
17 旣に之を導き出して其一人曰けるは逃遁て汝の生命を救へ後を回顧るなかれ低地の中に止るなかれ山に遁れよ否ずば爾滅されん
And it comes to pass, when he has brought them outside, that he says, “Escape for your life; do not look behind you, nor stand in all the circuit; escape to the mountain, lest you are consumed.”
18 ロト彼等に言けるはわが主よ請ふ斯したまふなかれ
And Lot says to them, “Oh not [so], my lord;
19 視よ僕爾の目のまへに恩を得たり爾大なる仁慈を吾に施してわが生命を救たまふ吾山に遁る能はず恐くは災害身に及びて死るにいたらん
now behold, your servant has found grace in your eyes, and you make great your kindness which you have done with me by saving my life, and I am unable to escape to the mountain, lest the evil cleave [to] me and I have died;
20 視よ此邑は遁ゆくに近くして且小し我をして彼處に遁れしめよしからば吾生命全からん是は小き邑なるにあらずや
now behold, this city [is] near to flee there, and it [is] little; please let me escape there (is it not little?) that my soul may live.”
21 天使之にいひけるは視よ我此事に關ても亦爾の願を容たれば爾が言ふところの邑を滅さじ
And he says to him, “Behold, I have also accepted your face for this thing, without overthrowing the city [for] which you have spoken;
22 急ぎて彼處に遁れよ爾が彼處に至るまでは我何事をも爲を得ずと是に因て其邑の名はゾアル(小し)と稱る
hurry, escape there, for I am not able to do anything until your entering there”; therefore he calls the name of the city Zoar.
23 ロト、ゾアルに至れる時日地の上に昇れり
The sun has gone out on the earth, and Lot has entered into Zoar,
24 ヱホバ硫黄と火をヱホバの所より即ち天よりソドムとゴモラに雨しめ
and YHWH has rained on Sodom and on Gomorrah brimstone and fire from YHWH, from the heavens;
25 其邑と低地と其邑の居民および地に生るところの物を盡く滅したまへり
and He overthrows these cities, and all the circuit, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which is shooting up from the ground.
26 ロトの妻は後を回顧たれば鹽の柱となりぬ
And his wife looks from behind him, and she becomes a pillar of salt!
27 アブラハム其朝夙に起て其嘗てヱホバの前に立たる處に至り
And Abraham rises early in the morning to the place where he has stood [before] the face of YHWH;
28 ソドム、ゴモラおよび低地の全面を望み見るに其地の烟燄窰の烟のごとくに騰上れり
and he looks on the face of Sodom and Gomorrah, and on all the face of the land of the circuit, and sees, and behold, the smoke of the land went up as smoke of the furnace.
29 神低地の邑を滅したまふ時即ちロトの住る邑を滅したまふ時に當り神アブラハムを眷念て斯其滅亡の中よりロトを出したまへり
And it comes to pass, in God’s destroying the cities of the circuit, that God remembers Abraham, and sends Lot out of the midst of the overthrow in the overthrowing of the cities in which Lot dwelt.
30 斯てロト、ゾアルに居ることを懼れたれば其二人の女と偕にゾアルを出て上りて山に居り其二人の女子とともに巖穴に住り
And Lot goes up out of Zoar, and dwells in the mountain, and his two daughters with him, for he has been afraid of dwelling in Zoar, and he dwells in a cave, he and his two daughters.
31 茲に長女季女にいひけるは我等の父は老いたり又此地には我等に偶て世の道を成す人あらず
And the firstborn says to the younger, “Our father [is] old, and there is not a man in the earth to come in to us, as [is] the way of all the earth;
32 然ば我等父に酒を飮せて與に寢ね父に由て子を得んと
come, we cause our father to drink wine, and lie with him, and preserve a seed from our father.”
33 遂に其夜父に酒を飮せ長女入て其父と與に寢たり然るにロトは女の起臥を知ざりき
And they cause their father to drink wine on that night; and the firstborn goes in and lies with her father, and he has not known in her lying down or in her rising up.
34 翌日長女季女に言けるは我昨夜わが父と寢たり我等此夜又父に酒をのません爾入て與に寢よわれらの父に由て子を得ることをえんと
And it comes to pass, on the next day, that the firstborn says to the younger, “Behold, I have lain with my father last night: we also cause him to drink wine tonight, then go in, lie with him, and we preserve a seed from our father.”
35 乃ち其夜も亦父に酒をのませ季女起て父と與に寢たりロトまた女の起臥を知ざりき
And they cause their father to drink wine on that night also, and the younger rises and lies with him, and he has not known in her lying down or in her rising up.
36 斯ロトの二人の女其父によりて孕みたり
And the two daughters of Lot conceive from their father,
37 長女子を生み其名をモアブと名く即ち今のモアブ人の先祖なり
and the firstborn bears a son and calls his name Moab: he [is] father of Moab to this day.
38 季女も亦子を生み其名をベニアンミと名く即ち今のアンモニ人の先祖なり
As for the younger, she has also born a son and calls his name Ben-Ammi: he [is] father of the sons of Ammon to this day.

< 創世記 19 >