< 創世記 13 >

1 アブラム其妻および其有る諸の物と偕にエジプトを出て南の地に上れりロト彼と共にありき
and to ascend: rise Abram from Egypt he/she/it and woman: wife his and all which to/for him and Lot with him [the] Negeb [to]
2 アブラム甚家畜と金銀に富り
and Abram heavy much in/on/with livestock in/on/with silver: money and in/on/with gold
3 彼南の地より其旅路に進てベテルに至りベテルとアイの間なる其以前に天幕を張たる處に至れり
and to go: went to/for journey his from Negeb and till Bethel Bethel till [the] place which to be there (tent his *Q(K)*) in/on/with beginning between Bethel Bethel and between [the] Ai
4 即ち彼が初に其處に築きたる壇のある處なり彼處にアブラム、ヱホバの名を龥り
to(wards) place [the] altar which to make there in/on/with first and to call: call to there Abram in/on/with name LORD
5 アブラムと偕に行しロトも羊牛および天幕を有り
and also to/for Lot [the] to go: went with Abram to be flock and cattle and tent
6 其地は彼等を載て倶に居しむること能はざりき彼等は其所有多かりしに縁て倶に居ることを得ざりしなり
and not to lift: aid [obj] them [the] land: country/planet to/for to dwell together for to be property their many and not be able to/for to dwell together
7 斯有かばアブラムの家畜の牧者とロトの家畜の牧者の間に競爭ありきカナン人とペリジ人此時其地に居住り
and to be strife between to pasture livestock Abram and between to pasture livestock Lot and [the] Canaanite and [the] Perizzite then to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet
8 アブラム、ロトに言けるは我等は兄弟の人なれば請ふ我と汝の間およびわが牧者と汝の牧者の間に競爭あらしむる勿れ
and to say Abram to(wards) Lot not please to be provocation between me and between you and between to pasture my and between to pasture your for human brother: male-relative we
9 地は皆爾の前にあるにあらずや請ふ我を離れよ爾若左にゆかば我右にゆかん又爾右にゆかば我左にゆかんと
not all [the] land: country/planet to/for face: before your to separate please from upon me if [the] left and to go right and if [the] right and to go left
10 是に於てロト目を擧てヨルダンの凡ての低地を瞻望みけるにヱホバ、ソドムとゴモラとを滅し給はざりし前なりければゾアルに至るまであまねく善く潤澤ひてヱホバの園の如くエジプトの地の如くなりき
and to lift: look Lot [obj] eye his and to see: see [obj] all talent [the] Jordan for all her irrigation to/for face: before to ruin LORD [obj] Sodom and [obj] Gomorrah like/as garden LORD like/as land: country/planet Egypt to come (in): towards you Zoar
11 ロト乃ちヨルダンの低地を盡く撰とりて東に徙れり斯彼等彼此に別たり
and to choose to/for him Lot [obj] all talent [the] Jordan and to set out Lot from front: east and to separate man: anyone from upon brother: male-sibling his
12 アブラムはカナンの地に住り又ロトは低地の諸邑に住み其天幕を遷してソドムに至れり
Abram to dwell in/on/with land: country/planet Canaan and Lot to dwell in/on/with city [the] talent and to pitch till Sodom
13 ソドムの人は惡くしてヱホバの前に大なる罪人なりき
and human Sodom bad: evil and sinner to/for LORD much
14 ロトのアブラムに別れし後ヱホバ、アブラムに言たまひけるは爾の目を擧て爾の居る處より西東北南を瞻望め
and LORD to say to(wards) Abram after to separate Lot from from with him to lift: look please eye your and to see: see from [the] place which you(m. s.) there north [to] and south [to] and east [to] and sea: west [to]
15 凡そ汝が觀る所の地は我之を永く爾と爾の裔に與べし
for [obj] all [the] land: country/planet which you(m. s.) to see: see to/for you to give: give her and to/for seed: children your till forever: enduring
16 我爾の後裔を地の塵沙の如くなさん若人地の塵沙を數ふることを得ば爾の後裔も數へらるべし
and to set: make [obj] seed: children your like/as dust [the] land: soil which if be able man: anyone to/for to count [obj] dust [the] land: soil also seed: children your to count
17 爾起て縱横に其地を行き巡るべし我之を爾に與へんと
to arise: rise to go: walk in/on/with land: country/planet to/for length her and to/for width her for to/for you to give: give her
18 アブラム遂に天幕を遷して來りヘブロンのマムレの橡林に住み彼處にてヱホバに壇を築けり
and to pitch Abram and to come (in): come and to dwell in/on/with terebinth Mamre which in/on/with Hebron and to build there altar to/for LORD

< 創世記 13 >