< エゼキエル書 44 >
1 斯て彼我を引て聖所の東向なる外の門の路にかへるに門は閉てあり
The man took me back to the outside gate of the sanctuary that faced to the east, but it was shut.
2 ヱホバすなはち我に言たまひけるは此門は閉おくべし開くべからず此より誰も入るべからずイスラエルの神ヱホバ此より入たれば是は閉おくべきなり
The Lord told me, “This gate will stay shut. It is not be opened. No one is allowed to come in through it, because the Lord, the God of Israel, has passed through it. So it will stay shut.
3 その君は君たるが故にこの内に坐してヱホバの前に食をなさん彼は門の廊の路より入りまたその路より出ん
The prince himself is permitted to come and sit inside the gateway to eat in the presence of the Lord. He is to come in through the gateway's porch and leave the same way.”
4 彼また我をひきて北の門の路より家の前に至りしが視るにヱホバの榮光ヱホバの家に滿ゐたれば我俯伏けるに
The man took me to the front of the Temple through the north gate. As I looked, I saw the glory of the Lord filling his Temple, and I fell with my face to the ground.
5 ヱホバわれに言たまふ人の子よヱホバの家の諸の則とその諸の法につきて我が汝に告るところの諸の事に心を用ひ目を注ぎ耳を傾け又殿の入口と聖所の諸の出口に心を用ひよ
The Lord told me, “Son of man, concentrate! Keep your eyes open! Listen carefully to everything I tell you about all the regulations and laws of the Lord's Temple. Pay close attention to the Temple entrance and all the exits of the sanctuary.
6 而して悖れる者なるイスラエルの家に言べし主ヱホバ斯いふイスラエルの家よ汝らその行ひし諸の憎むべき事等をもて足りとせよ
Tell those rebels, the people of Israel, that this is what the Lord God says: I've had more than enough of all your disgusting sins, people of Israel!
7 即ち汝等は心にも割禮をうけず肉にも割禮をうけざる外國人をひききたりて吾聖所にあらしめてわが家を汚し又わが食なる脂と血を獻ぐることを爲り斯汝らの諸の憎むべき事の上に彼等また吾契約を破れり
As well as all your other offensive practices, you invited unconverted, pagan foreigners to come into my sanctuary. You made my Temple unclean even while you offered food to me, the fat and the blood. You broke my agreement.
8 汝ら我が聖物を守る職守を怠り彼らをして我が聖所において汝らにかはりて我の職守を守らしめたり
In addition you have not taken care of my sanctuary as you were required to, but instead you employed others to look after my sanctuary for you.
9 主ヱホバかく言たまふイスラエルの子孫の中に居るところの諸の異邦人の中凡て心に割禮をうけず肉に割禮をうけざる異邦人はわが聖所に入るべからず
This is what the Lord God says: No unconverted, pagan foreigners are allowed to enter my sanctuary—not even a foreigner who lives with the Israelites.
10 亦レビ人も迷へるイスラエルがその憎むべき偶像をしたひて我を棄て迷ひし時に我を棄ゆきたる者はその罪を蒙るべし
The Levites who abandoned me when Israel turned from worshiping me and went off to follow their idols will experience the consequences of their sins.
11 即ち彼らは吾が聖所にありて下僕となり家の門を守る者となり家にて下僕の業をなさん又彼ら民のために燔祭および犠牲の牲畜を殺し民のまへに立てこれに事へん
However, they will serve in my sanctuary, supervising the Temple gates and working in the Temple. They will slaughter the burnt offerings and sacrifices brought by the people and be there to serve them.
12 彼等その偶像の前にて民に事ヘイスラエルの家を礙かせて罪におちいらしめたるが故に主ヱホバ言ふ我手をあげて彼らを罰し彼らをしてその罪を蒙らしめたり
But because they served the people in front of their idols and encouraged the people of Israel to sin, I held up my hand to promise on oath that they would experience the consequences of their sin, declares the Lord God.
13 彼らは我に近づきて祭司の職をなすべからず至聖所にきたりわが諸の聖き物に近よるべからずその恥とその行ひし諸の憎むべき事等の報を蒙るべし
They are not allowed to come near me to serve me as priests, and they are not to touch anything I regard as holy or most holy. They will have to experience the shame of the disgusting sins they committed.
14 我かれらをして宮守の職務をおこなはしめ宮の諸の業および其中に行ふべき諸の事を爲しむべし
However, I will put them in charge of all Temple work and everything that needs to be done there.
15 然どザドクの裔なるレビの祭司等すなはちイスラエルの子孫が我を棄て迷謬し時にわが聖所の職守を守りたる者等は我に近づきて事へ我まへに立ち脂と血をわれに獻げん主ヱホバこれを言ふなり
It is the Levitical priests, descended from Zadok and who took care of my sanctuary when the Israelites abandoned me, are the ones to come near to me and minister before me. They will stand in my presence to offer me fat and blood, declares the Lord God.
16 即ち彼等わが聖所にいり吾が臺にちかづきて我に事へわが職守を守るべし
Only they are allowed to enter my sanctuary and approach my table to minister before me. They will do what I say.
17 彼等内庭の門にいる時は麻の衣を衣べし内庭の門および家において職をなす時は毛服を身につくべからず
When they come in through the entrances of the inner courtyard, they shall wear linen garments. They must not wear any woolen clothes when they serve at the entrances of the inner courtyard or inside the Temple.
18 首には麻の冠をいただき腰には麻の袴を穿つべし汗のいづるごとくに身をよそほふべからず
They shall wear linen turbans on their heads and linen underwear. They are not to wear anything that makes them sweat.
19 彼ら外庭にいづる時すなはち外庭にいでて民に就く時はその職をなせるところの衣服を脱てこれを聖き室に置き他の衣服をつくべし是その服をもて民を聖くすること無らんためなり
When they go to the outer court where the people are, they must take off their priestly clothes they wore when they were serving, and leave them in the holy rooms. They are to put on other clothes so that they don't carry holiness to the people with their clothing.
20 彼ら頭を剃べからず又髮を長く長すべからずその頭髮を剪るべし
They are not permitted to shave their heads or let their hair grow long; they must have a proper haircut.
No priest shall drink wine before he enters the inner courtyard.
22 又寡婦および去れたる婦を妻にめとるべからず唯イスラエルの家の出なる處女を娶るべし又は祭司の妻の寡となりし者を娶るべし
They are not to marry a woman who is a widow or divorced; they can only marry a virgin of Israelite descent, or a widow of a priest.
23 彼らわが民を敎へ聖き物と俗の物の區別および汚れたる物と潔き物の區別を之に知しむべし
They are to teach my people the difference between what is holy and what is common, and explain to them how to distinguish between what is clean and what is unclean.
24 爭論ある時は彼ら起ちて判决き吾定例にしたがひて斷决をなさん我が諸の節期において彼らわが法と憲を守るべく又わが安息日を聖くすべし
They are to serve as judges in legal cases, and base their decisions on my laws. They are to follow my instructions and regulations regarding all my regular religious festivals, and they are to keep my Sabbaths holy.
25 死人の許にいたりて身を汚すべからず只父のため母のため息子のため息女のため兄弟のため夫なき姉妹のためには身を汚すも宜し
A priest must not make himself unclean by going near a dead body. However, if it's his father, mother, son, daughter, brother, or a sister that's not married, then he may do so.
26 斯る人にはその潔齋の後なほ七日を數へ加ふべし
Afterwards, once he is purified, he must wait for seven days.
27 彼聖所にいたり内庭にいり聖所にて職を執行ふ日には罪祭を獻ぐべし主ヱホバこれを言ふ
Then when he enters the sanctuary, going into the inner courtyard and ministering there in the sanctuary, he has to present his sin offering, declares the Lord God.
28 彼らの產業は是なり即ち我これが產業たり汝らイスラエルの中にて彼らに所有を與ふべからず我すなはちこれが所有たるなり
Regarding their share of the land, I will take care of them. You are not to give them any property in Israel, because I will provide for them.
29 祭物および罪祭愆祭の物是等を彼等食ふべし凡てイスラエルの中の奉納物は彼らに歸す
They are to eat the grain offerings, sin offerings, and guilt offerings. Everything brought by the people of Israel and dedicated to the Lord will be theirs.
30 諸の物の初實の初および凡て汝らが献ぐる諸の献物みな祭司に歸すべし汝等その諸の麥粉の初を祭司に與ふべし是汝の家に幸福あらしめんためなり
The best of all the firstfruits and all your offerings are for the priests. You shall give the first loaf you bake to the priest, so that your home may be blessed.
31 鳥にもあれ獸にもあれ凡て自ら死にたる者又は裂ころされし者をば祭司たる者食ふべからず
The priests are not permitted to eat any bird or animal found dead or killed by wild beasts.”