< エゼキエル書 41 >

1 彼殿に我をひきゆきて柱を量るに此旁の寛六キユビト彼旁の寛六キユビト幕屋の寛なり
[in the vision] the man brought me to into the Holy Place in the temple and measured the walls on each side of the doorway of that room: They were about (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) thick.
2 戸の寛は十キユビト戸の側柱は此旁も五キユビト彼旁も五キユビト彼量るに其長四十キユビト廣二十キユビトあり
The entrance was (17-1/2 feet/5.3 meters) wide, and the walls of each side of it were (8-3/4 feet/2.6 meters) wide. He also measured the Holy Place, it was (70 feet/21.4 meters) long and (35 feet/10.7 meters) wide.
3 内にいりて戸の柱を量るに二キユビトあり戸は六キユビト戸の濶は七キユビト
Then he entered the inner room [of the temple] and measured the walls of the entrance; [each was] (3-1/2 feet/1.1 meter) thick. The doorway was (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) wide, and the walls on each side of the entrance were (12-1/4 feet/3.7 meters) long.
4 彼量るに其長二十キユビト廣二十キユビトにして殿に向ふ彼我に言けるは是至聖所なり
Then he measured the inner room: It was (35 feet/10.7 meters) long and (35 feet/10.7 meters) wide. He said to me, “This is the Very Holy Place.”
5 彼室の壁を量るに六キユビトあり室の周圍の連接屋の寛は四キユビトなり
Then he measured the wall of the temple: It was (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) thick.[There was a row of rooms along the outside wall of the temple]. Each of those rooms was (7 feet/2.1 meters) wide.
6 連接屋は三階にして各三十の間あり室の壁周圍の連接屋の側にありて連接屋は之に連りて堅く立つ然れども室の壁に挿入て堅く立るにあらず
There were three levels of rooms, one above the other. There were thirty rooms on each level. There were ledges all around the wall of the temple that were supports for those side rooms; so those supports were not built into the wall of the temple.
7 連接屋は上にいたるに隨ひて廣くなり行く即ち家の圍牆家の四周に高くのぼれば家は上廣くして下のより上のにのぼる樣は中の割合にしたがふなり
Each of those side rooms was wider than the one below it. The most narrow rooms were built first, at the bottom. Then a wider set of rooms was built over it, and the widest set was at the top. A set of stairs was built from the lowest level through the middle level to the highest level.
8 我室に高き處あるを見る連接屋の基は一竿に足てその連接る處まで六キユビトなり
I saw that there was a terrace (OR, raised platform) around the temple. The terrace was the foundation for those side rooms; it was (10-1/2 feet/3.3 meters) high.
9 連接屋にある外の壁の厚は五キユビト室の連接屋の傍の隙もまた然り
The outer wall of those side rooms was (8-3/4 feet/2.6 meters) thick. All around those side rooms there was an open area that was (35 feet/10.6 meters) wide.
10 室の間にあたりて家の四周に廣二十キユビトの處あり
There was a row of rooms for the priests on each side of the outer wall of the inner courtyard.
11 連接屋の戸は皆かの隙にむかふ一の戸は北にむかひ一の戸は南にむかふ其隙たる處は四周にありて廣五キユビトなり
There were two doors from those side rooms into another open area; one faced north and one faced south. That open area was (8-3/4 feet/2.6 meters) wide.
12 西の方にあたる離處の前の建物は廣七十キユビトその建物の周圍の壁は厚五キユビト長九十キユビト
There was a large building on the west side of the temple area. It was (122-1/2 feet/37.1 meters) wide and (157-1/2 feet/47.7 meters) long. And its walls were [also] (8-3/4 feet/2.6 meters) thick.
13 彼殿をはかるにその長百キユビトあり離處とその建物とその壁は長百キユビト
Then the man measured the temple. It was (175 feet/53 meters) long, and the [temple] courtyard, where the large building was, including its walls was [also] (175 feet/53 meters) wide.
14 殿の面および離處の東面は廣百キユビトなり
The courtyard on the east side of the temple, across the front of the temple, was also (175 feet/53 meters) wide.
15 彼後なる離處の前の建物の長を量れり其此旁彼旁の廊下は百キユビトありまた内殿と庭の廊を量り
Then he measured the building on the west [side]. Including its walls it was also (175 feet/53 meters) wide. The outer walls of the Holy Place, the Very Holy Place, and the entry room,
16 彼の三にある處の閾と閉窓と周圍の廊下を量れり閾の對面に當りて周圍に嵌板あり窓まで地を量りしが窓は皆蔽ふてあり
the inner walls above and below the windows, and the frames of the windows were all covered with [thin] panels of wood.
17 戸の上なる處内室と外の處および内外の周圍の諸の壁まで量ることをなせり
All the walls inside the temple were decorated [carvings of] winged creatures and palm trees: Between each figure of a winged creature was a carving of a palm tree. Each winged creature had two faces:
18 ケルビムと棕櫚と造りてあり二のケルビムの間毎に一本の棕櫚ありケルブには二の面あり
One was a face of a human, and one was the face of a lion. Those figures were carved on the walls all around the inside of the temple.
19 此旁には人の面ありて棕櫚にむかひ彼旁には獅子の面ありて棕櫚にむかふ家の周圍に凡て是のごとく造りてあり
20 地より戸の上までケルビムと棕櫚の設あり殿の壁も然り
They covered all the walls, from the floor to the top of the walls.
21 殿には四角の戸柱あり聖所の前にも同形の者あり
At the entrance to the Holy Place of the temple there were square doorposts. In front of the Very Holy Place there was something that resembled
22 壇は木にして高三キユビト長二キユビトなり是に隅木ありその臺と其周圍も木なり彼われに言けるは是はヱホバの前の壇なり
a wooden altar. It was (5.2 feet/1.6 meters) high and (3-1/2 feet/1.1 meters) wide on all four sides. Its corners and base and sides were [all made] of wood. The man said to me, “This is the table that is in the presence of Yahweh.”
23 殿と聖所とには二の戸あり
The Holy Place and the Very Holy Place had double doors.
24 その戸に二の扉あり是二の開扉なり此戸に二箇彼戸に二箇の扉あり
Each doorway had two doors that [on hinges].
25 殿の戸にケルビムと棕櫚つくりてあり壁におけるがごとし外の廊の前に木の段あり
On the doors of the Holy Place there were carvings of winged creatures and palm trees, like those on the walls of the Holy Place. There was also a wooden roof over the front of the entry room [of the temple].
26 廊の横壁と家の連接屋と段には此旁彼旁に閉窓と棕櫚あり
On the side walls of the entry room were narrow windows with [figures of] palm trees [carved] on the sides of the windows. The side rooms around the temple also had roofs.

< エゼキエル書 41 >