< エゼキエル書 36 >
1 人の子よ汝イスラエルの山々に預言して言べしイスラエルの山々よヱホバの言を聽け
Also thou sonne of man, prophesie vnto the mountaines of Israel, and say, Ye mountaines of Israel, heare the word of the Lord.
2 主ヱホバかく言たまふ敵汝等の事につきて言ふ嗚呼是等の舊き高處我儕の所有となると
Thus saith the Lord God, because the enemie hath sayde against you, Aha, euen the hye places of the world are ours in possession,
3 是故に汝預言して言へ主ヱホバかく言ふ彼等汝らを荒し四方より汝らを呑り是をもて汝等は國民の中の殘餘者の所有となり亦人の口齒にかかりて噂せらる
Therefore prophesie, and say, Thus sayth the Lord God, Because that they haue made you desolate, and swallowed you vp on euery side, that ye might be a possession vnto the residue of the heathen, and ye are come vnto the lippes and tongues of men, and vnto the reproch of the people,
4 然ばイスラエルの山々よ主ヱホバの言を聞け主ヱホバ山と岡と窪地と谷と滅びたる荒跡と人の棄たる邑々即ちその周圍に殘れる國民に掠められ嘲けらるる者にかく言たまふ
Therefore ye mountaines of Israel, heare the worde of the Lord God, Thus sayth the Lord God to the mountaines and to the hilles, to the riuers, and to the valleys, and to the waste, and desolate places, and to the cities that are forsaken: which are spoyled and had in derision of the residue of the heathen that are round about.
5 即ち主ヱホバかく言たまふ我まことに吾が嫉妬の火焰をもやして國民の殘餘者とエドム全國の事を言り是等は心に歡樂を極め心に誇りて吾地をおのれの所有となし之を奪ひ掠めし者なり
Therefore thus saith the Lord God, Surely in the fire of mine indignation haue I spoken against the residue of the heathen, and against all Idumea, which haue taken my lande for their possession, with the ioy of all their heart, and with despitefull mindes to cast it out for a pray.
6 然ばイスラエルの國の事を預言し山と岡と窪地と谷とに言ふべし主ヱホバかく言たまふ汝等諸の國民の羞辱を蒙りしに因て我わが嫉妬と忿怒を發して語れり
Prophesie therfore vpon the land of Israel, and say vnto the mountaines, and to the hilles, to the riuers, and to the valleys, Thus sayth the Lord God, Behold, I haue spoken in mine indignation, and in my wrath, because yee haue suffered the shame of the heathen,
7 是をもて主ヱホバかく言たまふ我わが手を擧ぐ汝の周圍の諸の國民は必ず自身羞辱を蒙るべし
Therefore thus saith the Lord God, I haue lifted vp mine hand, surely the heathen that are about you, shall beare their shame.
8 然どイスラエルの山々よ汝等は枝を生じわが民イスラエルのために實を結ばん此事遠からず成ん
But you, O mountaines of Israel, yee shall shoote forth your branches, and bring foorth your fruite to my people of Israel: for they are ready to come.
9 視よ我汝らに臨み汝らを眷みん汝らは耕されて種をまかるべし
For behold, I come vnto you, and I wil turne vnto you, and ye shalbe tilled and sowen.
10 我汝等の上に人を殖さん是皆悉くイスラエルの家の者なるべし邑々には人住み墟址は建直さるべし
And I wil multiply the men vpon you, euen all the house of Israel wholly, and the cities shalbe inhabited, and the desolate places shalbe builded.
11 我なんぢらの上に人と牲畜を殖さん是等は殖て多く子を生ん我汝らの上に昔時のごとくに人を住しめ汝らの初の時よりもまされる恩惠を汝等に施すべし汝等は我がヱホバなるを知にいたらん
And I wil multiply vpon you man and beast, and they shall encrease, and bring fruite, and I will cause you to dwell after your olde estate, and I will bestowe benefites vpon you more then at the first, and ye shall know that I am the Lord.
12 我わが民イスラエルの人を汝らの上に歩ましめん彼等汝を有つべし汝はかれらの產業となり重ねて彼等に子なからしむることあらじ
Yea, I wil cause men to walke vpon you, euen my people Israel, and they shall possesse you, and ye shalbe their inheritance, and ye shall no more henceforth depriue them of men.
13 主ヱホバかく言ひたまふ彼等汝らに向ひ汝は人を食ひなんぢの民をして子なからしめたりと言ふ
Thus sayth the Lord God, because they say vnto you, Thou land deuourest vp men, and hast bene a waster of thy people,
14 是故に主ヱホバ言たまふ汝ふたたび人を食ふべからず再び汝の民を躓かしむべからず
Therefore thou shalt deuoure men no more, neither waste thy people henceforth, sayth the Lord God,
15 我汝をして重ねて國々の民の嘲笑を聞しめじ汝は重ねて國々の民の羞辱を蒙ることあらず汝の民を躓かしむることあらじ主ヱホバこれを言ふ
Neither will I cause men to heare in thee the shame of the heathen any more, neither shalt thou beare the reproche of the people any more, neither shalt cause thy folke to fal any more, saith the Lord God.
Moreouer the word of the Lord came vnto me, saying,
17 人の子よ昔イスラエルの家その國に住み己の途と行爲とをもて之を汚せりその途は月穢ある婦の穢のごとくに我に見えたり
Sonne of man, when the house of Israel dwelt in their owne lande, they defiled it by their owne wayes, and by their deedes: their way was before me as the filthinesse of the menstruous.
18 彼等國に血を流し且その偶像をもて國を汚したるに因て我わが怒を彼等に斟ぎ
Wherfore I powred my wrath vpon them, for the blood that they had shed in the land, and for their idoles, wherewith they had polluted it.
19 彼らを諸の國の民の中に散したれば則ち諸の國に散ぬ我かれらの道と行爲とにしたがひて彼等を鞫けり
And I scattered them among the heathen, and they were dispersed through the countries for according to their wayes, and according to their deedes, I iudged them.
20 彼等その往ところの國々に至りしが遂にわが聖き名を汚せり即ち人かれらを見てこれはヱホバの民にしてかれの國より出來れる者なりと言り
And when they entred vnto the heathen, whither they went, they polluted mine holy Name, when they sayd of them, These are the people of the Lord, and are gone out of his land.
21 是をもて我イスラエルの家がその至れる國々にて瀆せしわが聖き名を惜めり
But I fauoured mine holy Name which the house of Israel had polluted among the heathen, whither they went.
22 此故に汝イスラエルの家に言べし主ヱホバかく言たまふイスラエルの家よ我汝らのために之をなすにあらず汝らがその至れる國々にて汚せしわが聖き名のためになすなり
Therfore say vnto the house of Israel, Thus saith ye Lord God, I doe not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy Names sake, which yee polluted among the heathen whither ye went.
23 我國々の民の中に汚されたるわが大なる名即ち汝らがかれらの中にありて汚したるところの者を聖くせん國々の民はわが汝らに由て我の聖き事をその目の前にあらはさん時我がヱホバなるを知ん
And I wil sanctifie my great Name, which was polluted among the heathen, among whome you haue polluted it, and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, sayth the Lord God, when I shalbe sanctified in you before their eyes.
24 我汝等を諸の民の中より導き出し諸の國より集めて汝らの國に携いたり
For I will take you from among the heathen, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your owne land.
25 淸き水を汝等に灑ぎて汝等を淸くならしめ汝等の諸の汚穢と諸の偶像を除きて汝らを淸むべし
Then wil I powre cleane water vpon you, and ye shalbe cleane: yea, from all your filthines, and from all your idoles wil I clense you.
26 我新しき心を汝等に賜ひ新しき靈魂を汝らの衷に賦け汝等の肉より石の心を除きて肉の心を汝らに與へ
A newe heart also will I giue you, and a new spirit wil I put within you, and I will take away the stonie heart out of your body, and I will giue you an heart of flesh.
27 吾靈を汝らの衷に置き汝らをして我が法度に歩ましめ吾律を守りて之を行はしむべし
And I will put my spirite within you, and cause you to walke in my statutes, and ye shall keepe my iudgements and do them.
28 汝等はわが汝らの先祖等に與へし地に住て吾民とならん我は汝らの神となるべし
And ye shall dwell in the land, that I gaue to your fathers, and ye shalbe my people, and I will be your God.
29 我汝らを救ひてその諸の汚穢を離れしめ穀物を召て之を増し饑饉を汝らに臨ませず
I will also deliuer you from all your filthinesse, and I will call for corne, and will increase it, and lay no famine vpon you.
30 樹の果と田野の作物を多くせん是をもて汝らは重て饑饉の羞を國々の民の中に蒙ることあらじ
For I will multiplie the fruite of the trees, and the increase of the fielde, that ye shall beare no more the reproch of famine among the heathen.
31 汝らはその惡き途とその善らぬ行爲を憶えてその罪とその憎むべき事のために自ら恨みん
Then shall ye remember your owne wicked wayes, and your deedes that were not good, and shall iudge your selues worthie to haue bene destroyed for your iniquities, and for your abominations.
32 主ヱホバ言たまふ我が之を爲は汝らのためにあらず汝らこれを知れよイスラエルの家よ汝らの途を愧て悔むべし
Be it knowen vnto you that I do not this for your sakes, sayth the Lord God: therefore, O ye house of Israel, be ashamed, and confounded for your owne wayes.
33 主ヱホバかく言たまふ我汝らの諸の罪を淸むる日に邑々に人を住しめ墟址を再興しめん
Thus sayth the Lord God, What time as I shall haue clensed you from all your iniquities, I will cause you to dwel in the cities, and the desolate places shalbe builded.
34 荒たる地は前に往來の人々の目に荒地と見たるに引かへて耕さるるに至るべし
And the desolate land shalbe tilled, whereas it lay waste in the sight of all that passed by.
35 人すなはち言ん此荒たりし地はエデンの園のごとくに成り荒滅び圮れたりし邑々は堅固なりて人の住に至れりと
For they sayd, This waste land was like the garden of Eden, and these waste and desolate and ruinous cities were strong, and were inhabited.
36 汝らの周圍に殘れる國々の民はすなはち我ヱホバが圮れし者を再興し荒たるところに栽植することを知にいたらん我ヱホバこれを言ふ之を爲ん
Then the residue of the heathen that are left round about you, shall know that I the Lord builde the ruinous places, and plant the desolate places: I the Lord haue spoken it, and wil do it.
37 主ヱホバかく言たまふイスラエルの家我が是を彼らのために爲んことをまた我に求むべきなり我群のごとくに彼ら人々を殖さん
Thus saith the Lord God, I will yet for this be sought of ye house of Israel, to performe it vnto them: I wil encrease them with men like a flocke.
38 荒たる邑々には聖き群のごとくヱルサレムの節日の群のごとくに人の群滿ん人々すなはち我がヱホバなるを知べし
As the holy flocke, as the flocke of Ierusalem in their solemne feastes, so shall the desolate cities be filled with flockes of men, and they shall know, that I am the Lord.