< エゼキエル書 34 >
A message from the Lord came to me, saying,
2 人の子よ汝イスラエルの牧者の事を預言せよ預言して彼ら牧者に言ふべし主ヱホバかく言ふ己を牧ふところのイスラエルの牧者は禍なるかな牧者は群を牧ふべき者ならずや
“Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds who lead Israel. Prophesy and tell them that this is what the Lord God says: Disaster is coming to the shepherds of Israel, who only look after themselves, and not the sheep! Shouldn't shepherds make sure their flock is fed?
3 汝らは脂を食ひ毛を纏ひ肥たる物を屠りその群をば牧はざるなり
You eat the cream, you use the wool for clothes, and you slaughter the fattened sheep, but you don't feed the flock.
4 汝ら其弱き者を強くせずその病る者を醫さずその傷ける者を裹まず散されたる者をひきかへらず失たる者を尋ねず手荒に嚴刻く之を治む
You haven't taken care of the weak, healed the sick, bandaged the injured, brought home the strays, or looked for the lost. On the contrary, you ruled them using violence and cruelty.
5 是は牧者なきに因て散り失せ野の諸の獸の餌となりて散失するなり
They were scattered because they didn't have a shepherd. When they scattered they were preyed on by all the wild animals for food.
6 我羊は諸の山々に諸の高丘に迷ふ我羊全地の表に散りをれど之を索す者なく尋ぬる者なし
My sheep strayed, going to all the mountains and high hills. They were scattered everywhere, and there was no one to go and look for them.
So, you shepherds, listen to what the Lord has to say:
8 主ヱホバ言たまふ我は活く我羊掠められわが羊野の諸の獸の餌となる又牧者あらず我牧者わが羊を尋ねず牧者己を牧ふてわが羊を牧はず
As I live, declares the Lord God, because my sheep didn't have a shepherd and were preyed on by all the wild animals for food, and because my shepherds didn't look after my sheep but instead only fed themselves,
so, you shepherds, you listen to what the Lord has to say!
10 主ヱホバ斯言たまふ視よ我牧者等を罰し吾羊を彼らの手に討問め彼等をしてわが群を牧ふことを止しめて再び己を牧ふことなからしめ又わが羊をかれらの口より救とりてかれらの食とならざらしむべし
This is what the Lord God says: Watch out, because I'm condemning the shepherds, and I will take my sheep back and stop them looking after the sheep so they won't be able to feed themselves anymore. I will take away my sheep from them, and I won't let them eat the sheep anymore.
11 主ヱホバかく言たまふ我みづからわが群を索して之を守らん
For this is what the Lord God says: Watch as I myself will go looking for my sheep, searching to find them.
12 牧者がその散たる羊の中にある日にその群を守るごとく我わが群を守り之がその雲深き暗き日に散たる諸の處よりこれを救ひとるべし
Just like a shepherd goes looking for his lost sheep when he is with the flock, so I will look for my sheep. I will rescue them from everywhere they were scattered on a dark and dismal day.
13 我かれらを諸の民の中より導き出し諸の國より集めてその國に携へいりイスラエルの山の上と谷の中および國の凡の住居處にて彼らを養はん
I will take them out from among the other nations. I will gather them from the different countries, and bring them back to their own country. Like a shepherd I will have them feed them on the mountains of Israel, in the valleys and everywhere that people live in the country.
14 善き牧場にて我かれらを牧はんその休息處はイスラエルの高山にあるべし彼處にて彼らは善き休息所に臥しイスラエルの山々の上にて肥たる牧場に草を食はん
I will provide them with good pasture and places to graze in the high mountains of Israel. They will also be able to rest there in the good pasture and in the places to graze in mountains of Israel.
15 主ヱホバいひたまふ我みづから我群を牧ひ之を偃しむべし
I myself will look after my sheep and give them a place to rest, declares the Lord God.
16 亡たる者は我これを尋ね逐はなたれたる者はこれを引返り傷けられたる者はこれを裹み病る者はこれを強くせん然ど肥たる者と強き者は我これを滅さん我公道をもて之を牧ふべし
I will go looking for the lost, bring home the strays, bandage the injured, and strengthen the weak. However, I will destroy those who are fat and strong. Because I do what's right, I will be sure to take care of them.
17 主ヱホバかく言たまふ汝等わが群よ我羊と羊の間および牡羊と牡山羊の間の審判をなさん
My flock, this is what the Lord God says to you: Watch, because I will judge between one sheep and the next, between the rams and the goats.
18 汝等は善き牧場に草食ひ足をもてその殘れる草を蹈あらし又淸たる水を飮み足をもてその殘餘を濁す是汝等にとりて小き事ならんや
Aren't you satisfied with feeding in good pasture? Do you have to trample down the rest of the pasture with your feet? Aren't you satisfied to drink the clear water? Do you have to muddy the rest of it with your feet?
19 わが群汝等が足にて蹈あらしたる者を食ひ汝等が足にて濁したる者を飮べけんや
Why does my flock have to feed on what your feet have trampled down, and drink the water that your feet have muddied?
20 是をもて主ヱホバ斯かれらに言たまふ視よ我肥たる羊と痩たる羊の間を審判くべし
That's why the Lord God says to them: Watch, because I myself will judge between the fat sheep and the skinny sheep.
21 汝等は脅と肩とをもて擠し角をもて弱き者を盡く衝て遂に之を外に逐散せり
Since you push others around with your sides and your shoulders, and use your horns to attack all the weak ones until you have chased them away,
22 是によりて我わが群を助けて再び掠められざらしめ又羊と羊の間をさばくべし
I will rescue my flock, and they will no longer be your victims. I will judge between one sheep and the next.
23 我かれらの上に一人の牧者をたてん其人かれらを牧ふべし是わが僕ダビデなり彼はかれらを牧ひ彼らの牧者となるべし
I will put one shepherd in charge of them, my servant David, and he will take care of them. He will take care of them and be their shepherd.
24 我ヱホバかれらの神とならん吾僕ダビデかれらの中に君たるべし我ヱホバこれを言ふ
I the Lord will be their God, and my servant David will be their leader. I the Lord have spoken.
25 我かれらと平和の契約を結び國の中より惡き獸を滅し絕つべし彼らすなはち安かに野に住み森に眠らん
I will make an agreement of peace with them, and get rid of the wild animals from the country, so that they can live safely in the wilderness and sleep securely in the forest.
26 我彼らおよび吾山の周圍の處々に福祉を下し時に隨ひて雨を降しめん是すなはち福祉の雨なるべし
I will bless them and everywhere around my hill. I will send rain at the right time. They will be showers of blessing.
27 野の樹はその實を結び地はその產物を出さん彼等は安然にその國にあるべし我がかれらの軛を碎き彼らをその僕となせる人の手より救ひいだす時に彼等は我のヱホバなるを知べし
The trees in the orchards will produce their fruit; the earth will grow its crops; and my flock will be live in safety in their country. Then they will know that I am the Lord, when I break their yokes of slavery, and set them free from those who made them slaves.
28 彼等は重ねて國々の民に掠めらるる事なく野の獸かれらを食ふことなかるべし彼等は安然に住はん彼等を懼れしむる者なかるべし
They won't be the victims of other nations anymore, and wild animals won't eat them. They will live in safety, and no one will terrorize them.
29 我かれらのために一の栽植處を起してその名を聞えしめん彼等は重ねて國の饑饉に滅ぶることなく再び外邦人の凌辱を蒙ることなかるべし
I will make their fields produce remarkable harvests, and they won't suffer famine in their country again or be mocked by others.
30 彼らはその神なる我ヱホバが己と共にあるを知り自己イスラエルの家はわが民なることを知るべし主ヱホバこれを言ふ
Then they will know that I am with them as the Lord their God, and that the people of Israel belong to me, declares the Lord God.
31 汝等はわが羊わが牧場の群なり汝等は人なり我は汝らの神なりと主ヱホバ言たまふ
You are my sheep, the sheep that I feed. You are my people, and I am your God, declares the Lord God.”